Harau Valley, "Yosemite" by Indonesia

Expanse of rice fields, rock climbing, forest nature reserves and waterfalls become one of the natural charm Harau Valley, West Sumatra (West Sumatra). Valley Harau precisely located in the District, Fifty Kota, West Sumatra.

This place is perfect for rock climbers. In fact, most climbers gave the name "Yosemite" was Indonesia because rock climbing is almost like it. Yosemite National Park is a national park in the United States is famous for its towering rock cliffs.

Location Harau Valley can be reached by car in about an hour from the city of Bukittinggi. Entering Harau Valley region has felt the cool air and amazing scenery.

From the road to the waterfall is visible stones challenging rock climbing rock climbing sports lovers. Rock cliffs with a unique shape.

The cliffs surrounding the valley is lush green with trees and rice fields that extend. There are seven waterfalls that flow in different places in the region.

From a distance many found homes shaped the distinctive Minangkabau roof custom home in West Sumatra. Fields and trees combined with a breathtaking scenery.

Expanse of fields flanked by high cliffs straight up about 150-200 meters. The new tourist mining times there must have amazed especially when the fields are yellow. Really beautiful to see.

Harau Valley as well as nature reserves and wildlife reserves. Here many found long-tailed monkeys and gambier plants producing region that could be used for potions menginang betel, raw materials lipstick, and fabric dyes.

Stream waterfall is quite heavy, cold, and clear. For the bath will feel fresh and the body will quickly freeze. In the rainy season water flows will be more swift decline.

Around the waterfall encountered florist ferns that resemble the head monkey monkeys and orchids. The price is much cheaper than Jakarta.

There are unique at this location, the sound of loud screams we will bounce when screaming at the zero point. There is a special area for the shouting that has been marked local tourism agency.

So, if tourists want to spend a sense of stress can shout loud. His voice will bounce with gaungan louder again.

Harau valley is also a destination for students stage cycling race Tour de Singkarak. So many foreign bicycle riders who have visited this beautiful place. Participants of the cycling is certainly invited to visit this valley.

Harau Valley there is also a swimming pool of the stream flowing waterfall on the rock wall. Water housed in a beautiful natural pool below the waterfall.

Tourists can enjoy bathing water directly from water sources. There is also a community-run homestay if you want to stay with a sport rock climbing.

Pemaje Lombok

Excerpted from the book by the work of Ir. H. Lalu Djelenga entitled "Keris in Lombok" about 340 pages / pemaje. Pemaje "It is a special tool to whittle carpenter. But lately, it stems from the rare kris, developed into part of the completeness of the customary dress of Lombok.".
One maker pemaje L. Hadi Rahman (40) said, pemaje not just a tool or a complement to traditional, but also acts as pemaje kris and kris have such prestige depends on the materials used to make these pemaje. besides pemaje substitute one rib symbolizes man to be taken to be bone air. so, which brings pemaje in Lombok are men with tucked way in front on the left. Another philosophical meaning that can be learned from pemaje is: pemaje use ooze (iron on the handle) derived from the brass, brass in Sasak language kuninge derived from the word meaning "watch yourself", meaning that brings pemaje pulled apart as a symbol of man, can also be used to look after ourselves, not to attack or kill. added L. Rahman Hadi.
A similar explanation obtained from RK. Shamsuddin (50) Eggplant Tawah, said Pemaje is a symbolic cultural unconscious can slowly replace the role of ceremonial dagger-indeed because of scarce and prices are very expensive dagger, he also said-as a male, was duly brought iron the disepilkan, bagged or made into knives and pemaje. iron core is carried or attached to a body or bodies. Pemaje in language comes from two words namely Pe like Mojo that if converted into Sasak language (Epean crew) in the Indonesian language to be "possessed by the Agency", the second last syllable of the phrase is actually a kepedekan Java language that is "Repat Ning Atomojo" which means "meeting of the agency" if interpreted to mean something meaningful meetings with agency-placed can be attached or just sealed it. There are many other philosophical meaning that can be learned from this little thing. old people we earlier created the objects and tools such as pemaje this is not just a tool. but that their offspring take-ibaratan lawyer and think about what is contained in the object, (RK. Shamsuddin)

in this modern-paced start pemaje hardly visible presence among the Sasak tribe people as a means of expression and for everyday purposes, because in terms of function pemaje began largely supplanted by the practical tools such as knives made in the store or manufacturer. Pemaje started switching function, a result of tool-craft that have a high aesthetic value, often have magical value and are considered sacred, because the methods and materials are not haphazard alias specific ways and rituals to complete. pemaje with these categories become more valuable and more expensive also very much in demand by collectors or lovers of art even by his own people who believe in the efficacy of these pemaje.