Chopsticks Borneo International Tournament Held

Singkawang in West Kalimantan is believed to hold the first International Tournament Borneo Chopsticks (IBOST) 2011, at 18 to 21 November next.

This international event, according to Chief Disbudpora Singkawang Indari Lies, followed by approximately 200 athletes from foreign countries, including Malaysia, the Netherlands and the United States.

Sports chopsticks itself a part of everyday society Borneo. In Central Kalimantan chopsticks even included as one of the local content lessons in schools. Since the first, chopsticks are used primarily by traditional Dayak tribe as a weapon for hunting and tembaknya distance can reach 200 meters. "Through this contest international chopsticks, chopsticks, we develop the sports media in addition to hunting," said Hasan Karman, Mayor Singkawang.

Regional Secretary Singkawang, Syech Bandar also explained, Singkawang selection as the venue does not necessarily. Achievement of a nationally organized several events, like Festival Singkawang few moments ago, is seen to factor consideration.

While the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Nirwandar, expressing that the event can also promote local tourism.

"Because this event was first addressed in Singkawang, we will do everything possible," said Lies.

There are several categories that will be contested the championship chopsticks individuals, teams, and children. Interestingly, during the race, participants are required to wear traditional clothes.

Not only that, the tournament chopsticks will also be enlivened by various cultural performing arts, music, folk market, to film screenings, all highlight the uniqueness of Borneo or Kalimantan.

Bandar Lampung City Sightseeing

I arrived at the hotel with soaking wet conditions. The city is quite heavy rain. I immediately entered the room and bathroom. I clean the shower bags and direct check-out. I plan on this afternoon is a tour in the city of Bandar Lampung. The first thing I did was look for lunch. I go to a mall in this city. Located not far from the hotel which I inapi. I chose to eat at fast food restaurant because I think the place is quite comfortable and I already know the price range. After lunch I headed to a supermarket to buy some food typical of Lampung for souvenirs.

Done with the affairs of the stomach and souvenirs I headed to one of Belfast City landmarks, namely the Elephant Monument Adipura. Located just down the road Radin Inten at a major crossroads in the city. The journey to this monument I see a statue of a bride and groom who wore traditional clothing typical of Lampung. Then I continued on toward the Gulf Betung. FYI, the city of Bandar Lampung was a composite of two cities, Cape Coral and Gulf Betung. Betung Gulf as its name is located closer to water than to Cape Coral.

I continued my journey and meet a large mosque. The mosque is named the Great Mosque of Al-Furqaan Bandar Lampung. I spend here before midday prayers. Finished praying, I moved on. My next goal is a monument which is a form of warning Krakatoa eruption of this mountain top. Monuments in located close to the Office of the Governor of Lampung. I use my mobile phone maps and facilities during this trip. I keep going to move my legs to reach it. Quite tired but definitely fun, hehe.

After about walking for 45 minutes finally met also with the Office of the Governor of Lampung. Many people who relax there. The young and old playing together playing with their children. I continued walking towards the Krakatau Monument that is located not far from here. About five minutes, I finally arrived at a park in the middle there is this Krakatau Monument. The atmosphere in the park is quite crowded by young anakn are running around. Menlihat completed this monument, I plan to rest for a while to kill time to wait for the bus Damri tonight. I ride public transportation to the Jalan Radin Inten.

Waiting time is approximately four hours. I decided to go to the bookstore. Leave my bag and read-read books in this bookstore. I think it's been a while I read, but still three hours more time to the pool Damri. I am out of the bookstore to carry out the prayers. Finished praying, I am looking for a nice place to eat. Quite a lot of time staring I do, finally at eight o'clock I took my bag at the bookstore and walked to the Station Cape Coral.

Bandar Lampung pretty quiet at night. On the sides of the road opened nonpermanen stalls that sell a variety of cigarettes and drinks, ranging from energy drinks and liquor. About twenty minutes walk, I arrived at Station Cape Coral. There have been many people there. They have the same goal as me, Damri to climb to Jakarta. Wait a minute, my bus finally arrived at this pool. I went inside and did not wait long. Closed his eyes and relaxes the muscles because really tired of my adventures during the day in this city. Pak bus driver gear and move forward. Experience that is very, very precious to me. Good bye Float, Earth Ruwa Jurai!