The beauty of Borneo weaving

"Wow, cool!" As an expression of a user's fingers as she watched Mary Judith (24) dancing on rattan vines. The entire body concentrating making wicker "tahing ketore" Dayak people sleeping mats.

Webbing as Judith made it over the last three years have brought together dozens of women Dayak tribe in Kalimantan. Matting also make women self-reliant, able to see the wide world, and feel proud of their own culture.

When found, on Thursday (28/03/2013), Judith is completing silumandah motif in Adi Kriya Anyam Arts Festival in Bentara Culture Jakarta, Jalan Palmerah Selatan, Jakarta. In the other corner there is Veronika Tirah (52), the Dayak women Bahau. Veronika is completing the manufacture cahung, like hats hat of plaited pandanus leaves, Aoheng typical Dayak tribe, tribal Veronika husband.

Previously, the two women did not know each other. Judith from District Lumbis, Nunukan, close to Malaysia, while Veronika from Mahakam Ulu, West Kutai, in the middle of the island of Borneo. Primary school girls and housewife with three kids that are united by a love of webbing, especially after their training is facilitated woven Bhakti Foundation for Total Indonesia Lestari (YBTBIL) along with 30 other women since 2010.

"Last year I come to Paris, France," said Veronika proud. Likewise, Judith. Veronika and Judith together YBTBIL showcasing basket with colleagues other Dayak women.

While in Paris, Veronika surprised by the enthusiastic welcome of French citizens in the webbing. Remarks that makes them more love and pride in Borneo woven intricate but beautiful so requires diligence when making.

Complex and rare

Since the age of 10 years Judith has learned the actual weaving. However, Judith takes 10 years to be proficient to prepare wicker color. Besides elaborate, incidental learning is only done if the family made a new matting for family purposes.

At the age of 10 years, Judith could only master motive for suburban mat: up twice, down twice. At the age of 18, he mastered the central motif, the motif between the edge of the mat with the core motif. At age 20, he can make a mat finish stage.

To prepare for plaiting materials, rattan shaved 1.5 millimeters wide. To produce black, rattan boiled for three hours with black soil and leaf sibangol.

As with Veronika. Previous mother of two absolutely can not weave. Cahung weaving traditions are extinct in the village. He was just starting to learn to make cahung in 2010 when invited activists woven Kalimantan, Theodora Hangin Bang Donggo, training in Aberdeen. However, the results are not perfect.

Upon returning to his village, Veronika seeking parents who are still able to make cahung and it was not there. Finally he found the 80-year-old grandmother from other districts who taught him to make cahung. The grandmother was willing to travel 8 hours down the Mahakam River and stay at home for one week Veronica specifically to teach make cahung, including decorative carvings.

"I do it because I love the webbing. First ancestors who could not write had been able to make, why not now. I wish it was not extinct, "says Veronika.

As a result, Veronika adept at making cahung and able to make the group of women making cahung which now comprises 15 people. However, only three people are still actively producing.

In the village of Judith, now there are three groups of people who make mats with members of about 60 people after training with Judith also Hangin in Balikpapan. There is also a male member. The men are usually in charge of taking cane to the forest, while the women cultivate and menganyamnya into mats.


The groups formed after a request from YBTBIL manufacturing woven and weaving training at Aberdeen. "As long as we do not know how to market it, after our request so excited," said Judith. Similarly with Veronika. "We can produce and have their own income," says Veronika.

One cahung diameter of 40 centimeters could be completed within three days, while the diameter of 60 centimeters cahung completed within one week. The mat is completed within a month.

Moonlighting is very useful when Veronika husband died last year. "Maybe if I was not there for this job, I was late in the dumps," he said. He is now independent and can earn an average of Rp 1 million per month.

Until now, there were 32 women who attended training with Hangin in eight waves of various races including Sand Dayak and Lundayeh that experts make baskets. One wave is usually followed by 4-5 participants from one tribe. One week they were studying in Aberdeen.

To meet the needs of the times, wicker modified products until the women's handbags, purses, pencil cases, to wall hangings. Hangin even make accessories perpanduan wicker and beads as earrings, bracelets, and rings. Modifications done so that products that have thousands of years of living in Borneo is not eroded out of date.  

Tips for Women Traveler

Tourists from Germany became one of the tour participants' Night at Museum "at the Museum of Bank Indonesia, Jakarta, was seen in the museum collection.
You are a woman and want to vacation alone? Why not. However, as the womenfolk especially is traveling alone, must have had extra security self. Because women are particularly vulnerable to becoming targets of crime.

There are several reasons why women so easily become targets of crime by Marybeth Bond, a travel writer, told the Huffington Post. Among other things, they often lack awareness of the state of the surrounding environment, the body language of women who tend to be shy, and often in the wrong place and the wrong time.

To prevent the occurrence of crime in women, especially while on vacation, keep in mind the following things

Applies like being in the city itself
Beware on any events that are around. More sensitive to bad things that might happen at any time. Be careful in crowded environments, because it could be the most dangerous.

If you are alone, do not drive through the dark and empty street especially at night. It's good to insure yourself while on the move.

Follow instinct
If you feel something strange around, tanggaplah quickly. Run faster, run, scream, or do anything quickly invite people to come in to help

Keeping clothes
Note the local culture in dress, Mingle with the local community by using the right clothes. If in doubt, do not use the clothes you bring if not fit with the culture of the local people dressed up, and if you have to go out at night, have a long jacket to cover your body parts.

Body language
Keep outlook and stepped confidently. If your attitude like a confused tourist who became an easy target for fraud. If you are being followed or feel something is threatening, do not hesitate to report to local officials.

Try to sit close to the set of her or other family, as if you are part of them.

Wedding ring
Consider using a wedding ring on the finger to avoid the view of those around about the detail that is in your body.

Bring enough money to pay, do not show it to many people if you bring a lot of money. Be careful also to strangers who offered food or drink.               

Kendari Werk, the legendary Silver Sulawesi

Mata Satipa (46) observed a half squinting tangible silver leaf frame with nail-sized segments of adults. Using tweezers, DI leaders going back strands of silver thread that has been formed into wavy sections that.

Satipa currently working on legendary craft of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra), known as "Kendari Werk". Silver motifs were born at the beginning of the 20th century it had long been famous for its beauty. His name is a guarantee of high quality works.

Kendari Werk, or which means "work Kendari" in Dutch, is one type of silver filigree techniques, methods that are rarely found in other silver centers in the country.

The technique is fine silver threads weave into the frame or frames are also made of silver. Yarn formed according to the desired pattern so as to produce a delicate filigree, detail, and complicated.

One of the privileges Kendari Werk is made with a high silver composition, at least 97 percent. The rest is other materials such as brass or copper are used only for brazing.

Thus was born the accessory products such as brooches, rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, earrings, and other jewelry for women. It could also be the decor items such as miniature boats, custom house, animals, and functional items like a cake tray.

The process of manufacturing, from processing to final polishing silver bullion, is still purely rely on hand-craft skills by simply assisted the equipment manual. There is absolutely no touch automated machine.

Ironically, during the last decades, native crafts capital of Southeast Sulawesi was actually more developed outside the region, especially in Makassar, South Sulawesi. Nevertheless, the name that has been famous Werk Kendari remain girded.

In his native land, the craft has been hard to find. Fortunately there are still routinely produces and markets craft, namely the National Crafts Council Area (Dekranasda) Sultra.

Satipa is one of 15 artisans employed Kendari Werk Dekranasda Sultra. He pursue this work since 22 years ago. "Being silversmiths takes patience, persistence and precision," he said when met at the workshop Dekranasda Sultra some time ago.

Leaf-shaped brooch which he had done, for example, requires all such properties. Silver thread as thin as hair must fit neatly organized within the framework of a small motif. "It must be very careful when filling yarn into the framework. One bit can be uncovered and have to start from scratch again, "said Satipa.

Werk Kendari history stems from an artisan jewelry creations of Chinese descent named Djie A Woi. He created a model inspired jewelry with intricate patterns of threads and details after seeing the spider made a nest. Cobweb shape is then applied to the motif silver jewelry product.

It is not known exactly when Djie start this craft. However, from the history books written by Anwar Hafid Kendari and Misran Jafar (2007), mentioned Kendari Werk developed in 1920.

In 1926, the Dutch send samples of work Djie to Jaarbeurs (fair) in Amsterdam and won awards. From there Werk Kendari reputation as a high quality craft sticking and then are exported to Europe and Australia.

Kamal Tandra (72), one of the students who had a shop Djie gold and silver Diamond in Kendari, said the work Djie even booked the Queen Elizabeth II of England and Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands. "Queen Elizabeth ordered a miniature carriage drawn four horses, while Queen Wilhelmina ordered a tray of cookies," he said.

Thanks to his work, both the queen gives awards to Djie charter. "Unfortunately, when the charter was lost during the bombing of Japan," said Kamal.

Postindependence 1945, which was followed by the departure of the Dutch from the archipelago, stretching Kendari business Werk slowly recede due to the difficulty of marketing. Because, shortly before independence, product marketing Kendari Werk mediated Dutch traders.

Kendari small town at that time could not absorb the product. Many crafters are out of business or change jobs. Some chose to migrate to big cities in search of better markets, including Makassar.

The craftsmen who moved that the continuing production overseas. In Kendari, craft it was leaving a name.

In 1985, try this craft revived. The government was then recruited several people to be trained as artisans with employment status. Instructors come from Makassar or crafters Kendari Werk that still exists in Kendari.

Chairman Nur Alam Dekranasda Sultra Tina said it will continue to preserve the crafts area. It was among other crafters regenerate and improve their skills on a regular basis to train and engage to craft fairs. Training specifically on aspects of the design and development of new models in order to follow market trends.

However, outside Dekranasda, stretching to pursue this craft is almost extinct. Kamal, for example, stop producing Kendari Werk since 2000. In fact, Diamond stores theirs is one of the few places outside Dekranasda Sultra that provide these products.

Head of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and SMEs Kendari Sham Alam said, there are many factors that make it difficult to craft rose as the era of glory first. In addition to marketing constraints, the business value of handmade silver jewelry match different types of jewelry, especially gold.

Currently, in the remaining three groups Kendari artisans who produce Kendari Werk. It was a very limited production and adapted to market demand.

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