
Kendang, kendhang, or gendang is an instrument in the Central Javanese gamelan is one of its main functions to set the rhythm. This instrument was rung by hand, without tools bantu.Jenis a small drum called ketipung, a medium called the drum ciblon / Kebar. The couple named ketipung there is one more commonly called drums drums gedhe kalih. Kalih played drums on the song or the piece is characterized by such subtle Ketawang, gendhing kethuk kalih, and rhythm ladrang dadi. Can also be played quickly on the opening track type launch, ladrang rhythm responsibility. For there is one more puppet kendhang a typical kendhang doormat.

Drums mostly played by the gamelan players professionals, who have long dive into Javanese culture. Most played drums in accordance pengendang instincts, so when played by one person then the premises of others will be different nuances.


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