Unique phenomenon in the Middle Sea Island Sempu

INDONESIA rich and unique tourism destinations phenomenal . There are islands in the middle of the lake at Lake Toba , there is also a lake inhabited by a jellyfish is not toxic in Derawan . Another Sempu Island , there is the sea in the middle of the island !
Sempu island is not far from Malang , East Java . From the city of Malang , located approximately 80 kilometers and from the capital of East Java , Surabaya distance is approximately 180 kilometers . The island is covered with tropical trees covering an area of ​​877 hectares is nature reserve which is managed by the Natural Resources Conservation Center East Java ( BBKSDA ) and the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry .
On the island there Sempu Laguna Segara Tillers , which is the reason tourists come to the island . Located approximately 2.5 kilometers to the island through the dense forest , the lagoon is a white sandy beach which is very beautiful .
The water in the lagoon is calm Segara Chicks and hence is a perfect place for swimming . With its remote location and the path a bit difficult to access , Segara Chicks presents an intimate and private atmosphere . The lagoon formed by the outer islands of the sea water in through the reef , quoted from Indonesia.travel , Saturday ( 10/19/2013 ) .
The journey to Sempu is a challenging adventure anyone who wants to touch Laguna Segara Puppies . The adventure begins by crossing the strait from Blue Spring Beach heading to the Gulf of Ants ( Ant Bay ) on the island of Sempu . From here , the journey continues through the lane for approximately two hours of trekking through dense forests and across the steep and rugged road before arriving at the location of the lagoon .
Although the path of a rather difficult and slippery but the effort to see the beauty that is hidden at this beautiful lagoon is worth fighting for . If you need a boat and guide services for Sempu the island , you can look at Blue Spring Beach area .


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