Tracing Traces History of establishment of Kraton Surakarta Sultanate & Keraton Jogjakarta

Who would have thought when the internal Chaotic Palace in Surakarta, Central Java could not be separated from the history of the palace Kasunanan which is a series of historical Kingdom of Mataram.

Since the establishment of the kingdom of Mataram before finally moved to Sultan Kartosuro, before ending with a standing Keraton Surakarta, the conflict always enliven the Mataram dynasty.

Even until the end of the Mataram dynasty descendants split into two regions of Solo and Jogjakarta always conflict with it. Including, when Sultan Kasunanan territory again divided with the establishment Mangkunegaran , conflicts are always followed.

Son of former caretaker Kartosuro palace, Suryo early to tell where the palace Kartosuro founded in 1680 by the Amangkurat Sunan II, son of Sunan Amangkurat I.

"The establishment of the Royal Palace Kartosuro caused the first was destroyed and occupied by the enemy who is famous for Trunojoyo uprising," said Suryo, at the site of the former palace Kartosuro, District Kartosuro, Sukoharjo, recently.

Plered palace (Ancient Mataram), said Suryo, built by Sunan Amangkurat I Bantul region. Sunan Amangkurat I want a palace area near the fountain that flows so named Plered. But the age of the Kingdom Plered only one period because Trunojoyo uprising.

In Trunojoyo uprising, Sunan Amangkurat I was able to deal with alone. Until finally Sunan Amangkurat I asked for help on the part of the Company in Batavia to quell the rebellion Trunojoyo very devastating . When Sunan Amangkurat I went to ask for help that the Dutch Company, the kingdom fell into the hands Trunojoyo Plered .

" While on the way to meet Governor General of VOC , Amangkurat I sick and died in the area Tegalarum . Prior died Amangkurat I left word with his son Amangkurat II succeeded his father as king and immediately quell the rebellion Trunojoyo , " he said .

Finally, with the help of the Company, Amangkurat Trunojoyo II successfully put down the revolt in 1680. In return, the Dutch asked to submit a return for several ports in Java. Although it is very detrimental to the Mataram, but because after the death of Sultan Agung of Mataram very close to the Company, then the request is fulfilled .

According Suryo, after the successful uprising in Quench Trunojoyo, Sunan Amangkur II refused to return to the Palace Plered. The reason, the palace had been occupied by the enemy Plered is Trunojoyo. Because according to Javanese belief, Kraton that has occupied the enemy is no longer sacred. So he's authority is gone. So abstinence for Amangkurat II occupy the enemy kingdom that once occupied.

Finally on the way home after uprising eradicate Trunojoyo , Amangkurat II stopped by to see the ruler of VOC in Semarang controlled territory Jacoob Cooper . Actually , Semarang is one of the Mataram dynasty controlled territory . But in 1678 in Semarang has been mortgaged to the Company .

Netherlands welcomes the arrival Amangkurat II with grand meeting is a celebration of success and quell the rebellion Trunojoyo two consultation meetings were essentially Sunan Amangkurat II refused to return to the Palace Pleret and wanted a new palace .

"During the meeting, there are actually three locations offered to set up a new palace . Third place diawarkan royal counselor named Nerang Kusuma, the first Loh Gender (Semarang), Tingkir (Salatiga), and pedestal Wanakarta," he said .

Finally in select Wanakarta with consideration that their ancestors never dreamed that Prince yell that his grandson would become the king of the south . He took the region is still there due to the proximity to the ancestral history of Sunan Amangkurat II on the territory Pleret and Display. Selin was fertile and the region close to the springs and protected from Mount Merapi .

Sunan Amangkurat II wanted a new palace to palace Pleret exact same . Keraton at Wanakerta officially began to be occupied in 1680 by Sunan Amangkurat II and named Kraton Kartasura Sultanate. Kartosura forest named Wanakarto taken Karto and suro suro taken from the name of the month (Muharram) which is a very good month.