10 Most Beautiful Beaches in Indonesia

No wonder if Indonesia has a lot of charm and diverse wealth. Especially in the coast. Because a lot of the beach - the beach that has a view of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Due to the geographical position of Indonesia itself is located in parts of the equator, so do not be surprised if it has some richness is extraordinary beaches.

From many of its beaches, there are 10 beaches that have views of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Among these are the following.

Senggigi Beach (Lombok)
The beach is an archipelago located in Lombok NTB. Senggigi beach itself is also a famous tourist destination to foreign countries. This beach has underwater scenery is very beautiful, and I wonder if snorkelling is a major tourist there. Senggigi beach also has a very beautiful coral reefs, and even some towering in the middle - the middle of the ocean.

Kuta Beach (Bali)
Who does not know the Kuta beach. Kuta Beach is also a very beautiful beach and many visited by tourists every day. Kuta beach itself is located in the south of Denpasar Bali. This beach visitors usually come to enjoy the sunset Beach. And even Kuta Beach has been famous since the 1970s.

Pangandaran Beach (West Java)
The next is the most beautiful beach Pangandaran beach. Pangandaran beach itself is located in the village of Pananjung. In fact, according to some well-known media AsiaRooms one of them, who called Pangandaran beach as the best beach on the island of Java.

Pantai Parai Tenggiri (Bangka Belitung Island)
This beach is famous for granite rocks that have very unique shape. Parai Tenggiri beach is located in Matras region, Sungailiat, Bangka Belitung. In addition to granite rocks, this beach has white sand and blue water and calm.

Parangtritis Beach (Yogyakarta)
The next beautiful beach Parangtritis beach is located on the coast of the Indian Ocean. This beach is famous for having a mountain - the high dunes, so the taste in the desert.

Bunaken Beach (Manado)
The beach is located at Bunaken national park has a beautiful underwater world. A lot of foreign tourists who come for a snorkel or diving. Not only that, the beach Bunaken also has a very beautiful white sand.

Pelabuhan Ratu Beach (West Java)
The beach is located in Sukabumi, which is also a beach located on the coast of the Indian Ocean. For the season - a particular season, a lot of beaches in the world visited by surfers because it has waves with a height of 3-5 meters.

Sanur Beach (Bali)
In addition to Kuta beach, Bali Sanur Beach which also has become one of the tourist destination. This beach is located in the east of the island of Bali. In addition to relaxing on the beach, you can enjoy a panoramic view of Sun Rise.

Dreamland Beach (Bali)
Another one is the most beautiful beach in Bali, Dreamland beach. The beach is located in the southern part of the island of Bali. No wonder if the beach is much surrounded by cliffs - the high cliffs and beautiful views equipped with clean white sand.

Raja Ampat Beach
This beach including beach that has a view of the most exotic of Indonesia. The beach is located in the area of West Papua, and is the largest marine park owned by Indonesia. Because 75% of coral reefs are located in the world, is on the beach Raja Ampat.


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