Royal Wedding Procession Preserving Culture Yogya

GKR Bendara peak wedding procession and KPH Yudanegara which took place today, Tuesday (18/10), were considered to undermine the current modernization that has been present in Yogyakarta. Procession Panggih as the culminating event has become a cultural tradition of Yogyakarta Palace evidence preserved until now.

"The procession is very grand Panggih Kraton Yogyakarta and Yogyakarta to be evidence of cultural preservation," said Andi Malarangeng Menpora, after congratulating the bride.

Panggih procession was the procession of the bride and groom meeting, after two days they undergo traditional procession in two different places. The procession is a symbol of the meeting in a sacred bond of marriage for family life someday acquire the best way.

Wedding Procession Coordinator KRT Yudahadiningrat said, the procession begins with a consent granted by the groom at majesties Dalem Penepen Mosque at 7:15 o'clock. Accompanied by his younger brother Sultan HB X, the groom's procession through prayer and the legalization of marriage by Raden Kangjeng prince. Consent granted after this, the procession was held Panggih.

The procession begins with the convergence of the bride and groom from two different places. For the bride the daughter of Sekar Kedaton, while the groom from Ward Kesatrian. Furthermore bride throwing gantal or betel leaf. Then the bride and groom to wash the feet followed by a procession pondhongan. Pondhongan procession is done by the groom and GBPH Suryamentaram that lifts the bride.

The end of the ceremony Panggih marked with the passage of the bride and groom and their parents to the place to receive congratulations. Invited guests including ministers, ambassadors, and other officials seemed swept up in the thick atmosphere of traditional Javanese.

And in the evening, a reception will be held again in Ward Kepatihan Yogyakarta Yogyakarta serving typical dances such as dance and dance Lawung Bedoyo Ageng.

While on this afternoon, the bride and groom will undergo train carnival procession from the Square north to Ward Kepatihan. This carnival will be witnessed by the citizens of Yogyakarta while enlivened with 200 angkringan free.


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