Tracing Traces History of establishment of Kraton Surakarta Sultanate & Keraton Jogjakarta

Who would have thought when the internal Chaotic Palace in Surakarta, Central Java could not be separated from the history of the palace Kasunanan which is a series of historical Kingdom of Mataram.

Since the establishment of the kingdom of Mataram before finally moved to Sultan Kartosuro, before ending with a standing Keraton Surakarta, the conflict always enliven the Mataram dynasty.

Even until the end of the Mataram dynasty descendants split into two regions of Solo and Jogjakarta always conflict with it. Including, when Sultan Kasunanan territory again divided with the establishment Mangkunegaran , conflicts are always followed.

Son of former caretaker Kartosuro palace, Suryo early to tell where the palace Kartosuro founded in 1680 by the Amangkurat Sunan II, son of Sunan Amangkurat I.

"The establishment of the Royal Palace Kartosuro caused the first was destroyed and occupied by the enemy who is famous for Trunojoyo uprising," said Suryo, at the site of the former palace Kartosuro, District Kartosuro, Sukoharjo, recently.

Plered palace (Ancient Mataram), said Suryo, built by Sunan Amangkurat I Bantul region. Sunan Amangkurat I want a palace area near the fountain that flows so named Plered. But the age of the Kingdom Plered only one period because Trunojoyo uprising.

In Trunojoyo uprising, Sunan Amangkurat I was able to deal with alone. Until finally Sunan Amangkurat I asked for help on the part of the Company in Batavia to quell the rebellion Trunojoyo very devastating . When Sunan Amangkurat I went to ask for help that the Dutch Company, the kingdom fell into the hands Trunojoyo Plered .

" While on the way to meet Governor General of VOC , Amangkurat I sick and died in the area Tegalarum . Prior died Amangkurat I left word with his son Amangkurat II succeeded his father as king and immediately quell the rebellion Trunojoyo , " he said .

Finally, with the help of the Company, Amangkurat Trunojoyo II successfully put down the revolt in 1680. In return, the Dutch asked to submit a return for several ports in Java. Although it is very detrimental to the Mataram, but because after the death of Sultan Agung of Mataram very close to the Company, then the request is fulfilled .

According Suryo, after the successful uprising in Quench Trunojoyo, Sunan Amangkur II refused to return to the Palace Plered. The reason, the palace had been occupied by the enemy Plered is Trunojoyo. Because according to Javanese belief, Kraton that has occupied the enemy is no longer sacred. So he's authority is gone. So abstinence for Amangkurat II occupy the enemy kingdom that once occupied.

Finally on the way home after uprising eradicate Trunojoyo , Amangkurat II stopped by to see the ruler of VOC in Semarang controlled territory Jacoob Cooper . Actually , Semarang is one of the Mataram dynasty controlled territory . But in 1678 in Semarang has been mortgaged to the Company .

Netherlands welcomes the arrival Amangkurat II with grand meeting is a celebration of success and quell the rebellion Trunojoyo two consultation meetings were essentially Sunan Amangkurat II refused to return to the Palace Pleret and wanted a new palace .

"During the meeting, there are actually three locations offered to set up a new palace . Third place diawarkan royal counselor named Nerang Kusuma, the first Loh Gender (Semarang), Tingkir (Salatiga), and pedestal Wanakarta," he said .

Finally in select Wanakarta with consideration that their ancestors never dreamed that Prince yell that his grandson would become the king of the south . He took the region is still there due to the proximity to the ancestral history of Sunan Amangkurat II on the territory Pleret and Display. Selin was fertile and the region close to the springs and protected from Mount Merapi .

Sunan Amangkurat II wanted a new palace to palace Pleret exact same . Keraton at Wanakerta officially began to be occupied in 1680 by Sunan Amangkurat II and named Kraton Kartasura Sultanate. Kartosura forest named Wanakarto taken Karto and suro suro taken from the name of the month (Muharram) which is a very good month.

Unique phenomenon in the Middle Sea Island Sempu

INDONESIA rich and unique tourism destinations phenomenal . There are islands in the middle of the lake at Lake Toba , there is also a lake inhabited by a jellyfish is not toxic in Derawan . Another Sempu Island , there is the sea in the middle of the island !
Sempu island is not far from Malang , East Java . From the city of Malang , located approximately 80 kilometers and from the capital of East Java , Surabaya distance is approximately 180 kilometers . The island is covered with tropical trees covering an area of ​​877 hectares is nature reserve which is managed by the Natural Resources Conservation Center East Java ( BBKSDA ) and the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry .
On the island there Sempu Laguna Segara Tillers , which is the reason tourists come to the island . Located approximately 2.5 kilometers to the island through the dense forest , the lagoon is a white sandy beach which is very beautiful .
The water in the lagoon is calm Segara Chicks and hence is a perfect place for swimming . With its remote location and the path a bit difficult to access , Segara Chicks presents an intimate and private atmosphere . The lagoon formed by the outer islands of the sea water in through the reef , quoted from , Saturday ( 10/19/2013 ) .
The journey to Sempu is a challenging adventure anyone who wants to touch Laguna Segara Puppies . The adventure begins by crossing the strait from Blue Spring Beach heading to the Gulf of Ants ( Ant Bay ) on the island of Sempu . From here , the journey continues through the lane for approximately two hours of trekking through dense forests and across the steep and rugged road before arriving at the location of the lagoon .
Although the path of a rather difficult and slippery but the effort to see the beauty that is hidden at this beautiful lagoon is worth fighting for . If you need a boat and guide services for Sempu the island , you can look at Blue Spring Beach area .

GULAI IKAN PATIN (Patin fish curry)

No wonder that the province of Riau has a myriad of dishes made ​​from fish because of its proximity to the sea. Let's quickly try one of these delicious cooking results. Definitely fell in love.

Ingredients and spices:
2 tail catfish, cut in 3 parts
2 bay leaves
2 cm lemongrass, take the white, crushed
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
500 ml thin coconut milk, (from freshly squeezed coconut milk)
200 ml thick coconut milk from 1 coconut
3 tablespoons oil for sauteing

Subtle seasoning:
8 red onions
5 cloves of garlic
3 cm turmeric, burned
4 grains of nutmeg, roasted
1/2 teaspoon pepper
2 cm ginger

Processing way:
  1. Sprinkle catfish with 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon lime juice. Let stand 10 minutes.
  2. Heat the oil. Saute ground spices, bay leaves, and lemongrass until fragrant. Enter the thin coconut milk, salt, and sugar. Cook until boiling. 
  3. Add catfish. Cook until done. Pour the coconut milk. Cook until boiling.

Ubud, One of the Most Friendly Cities in the World

Ubud in Gianyar district, Bali, and two cities in Australia, the capital of Tasmania, Hobart, and Margaret River in Western Australia, in the top 10 most friendly city in the world. This option is a survey conducted by travel magazine Conde Nast Traveler, published in the United States.

Ubud area is in ninth place occupies the same position with the city of Kilkenny in Ireland. reported Monday (08/05/2013).

The most friendly city in the world is the city of Florianopolis in Brazil, the city is described as "a beautiful city, the airport is good, and people friendly".

According to reports in the Australian correspondent L Sastra Wijaya, in second place was the capital of Tasmania, Hobart, who also recently declared as one of the best cities in the world that is worth a visit during the year 2013 by Lonely Planet.

Hobart won praise for its unique location, beautiful city, and friendly. "They know how to appreciate visitors," commented one reader on the magazine. Others describe as "one of the best places in the world I have ever visited."Others describe as "one of the best places in the world I have ever visited."
Australia's second city in the top 10 is Margaret River, which is in sixth place parallel to Paro (Butane). Margaret River is known for beautiful beaches and wine estates.

In addition to the friendly city, this magazine also reveals the cities that are considered hostile. Because the majority of the readers of Conde Nast Traveler is a U.S. citizen, it is not surprising if some cities there in the category of the least friendly.

At the top is a Newark in the state of New Jersey. "Many people with abusive behavior there," said one reader. While others say only visited because there's Newark airport where many flights.

Most Friendly City: 1. Florianopolis (Brazil) 2. Hobart (Tasmania) 3. Thimpu (Butane) 4. Queenstown (New Zealand) 5. Charleston (South Carolina, USA) 6. Paro (Butane) 6. Margaret River (Australia) 7. Mandalay (Myanmar) 9. Kilkenny (Ireland) 9. Ubud (Bali) 10. Chiang Mai (Thailand).

Least Friendly City: 1. Newark (New Jersey, USA) 2. Islamabad (Pakistan) 3. Oakland (California, USA) 4. Luanda (Angola) 5. Kuwait City (Kuwait) 6. Lome (Togo) 7. New Haven (Connecticut, USA) 8. Detroit (Michigan, USA) 9. Atlantic City (New Jersey, USA) 10. Tangier (Morocco).       


Exciting, Mentawai Surfing Competition Level Degree Asia

Mentawai Islands has a lot of the best surfing spot in the whole sea area. West Sumatra Governor Irwan Prayitno, in a press conference at the House of Sapta Enchantment, Jakarta, Thursday (04/11/2013), said that there are more than 70 points surfing throughout the Mentawai Islands.

"In Indonesia, probably the best Mentawai surf spot her, if equated with her might be like in Hawaii," said Irwan.

With the best surfing spots, each year in the Mentawai surfing competitions and events held this year held "Mentawai Surf Pro International Competition" organized by the association of surfing in Asia, Asian Surf Competition (ASC).

"The ministry alone there are 7 tours to special interest (special interest), one of which was no sport tourism (sport touring) and surfing including the sports tourism," said Director General of Tourism Marketing Kemenparekraf Esthy Reko Astuty, on the same occasion.

Implementation of these activities will be held on 21 to 29 April 2013 in the southern part of the island of Sipora precisely at Lances Right, Katiet.

"The opening of the event itself in Lanches Right, Katiet. This is one of the regions with the best surfing spots in the world," said Head of Culture Youth and Sport Tourism Desti Seminora.

Operation "Mentawai Surf Pro International Competition 2013" itself will be followed by 43 surfers, followed by the Asia-surfers and surfers from the local Mentawai surfing community.


The beauty of Borneo weaving

"Wow, cool!" As an expression of a user's fingers as she watched Mary Judith (24) dancing on rattan vines. The entire body concentrating making wicker "tahing ketore" Dayak people sleeping mats.

Webbing as Judith made it over the last three years have brought together dozens of women Dayak tribe in Kalimantan. Matting also make women self-reliant, able to see the wide world, and feel proud of their own culture.

When found, on Thursday (28/03/2013), Judith is completing silumandah motif in Adi Kriya Anyam Arts Festival in Bentara Culture Jakarta, Jalan Palmerah Selatan, Jakarta. In the other corner there is Veronika Tirah (52), the Dayak women Bahau. Veronika is completing the manufacture cahung, like hats hat of plaited pandanus leaves, Aoheng typical Dayak tribe, tribal Veronika husband.

Previously, the two women did not know each other. Judith from District Lumbis, Nunukan, close to Malaysia, while Veronika from Mahakam Ulu, West Kutai, in the middle of the island of Borneo. Primary school girls and housewife with three kids that are united by a love of webbing, especially after their training is facilitated woven Bhakti Foundation for Total Indonesia Lestari (YBTBIL) along with 30 other women since 2010.

"Last year I come to Paris, France," said Veronika proud. Likewise, Judith. Veronika and Judith together YBTBIL showcasing basket with colleagues other Dayak women.

While in Paris, Veronika surprised by the enthusiastic welcome of French citizens in the webbing. Remarks that makes them more love and pride in Borneo woven intricate but beautiful so requires diligence when making.

Complex and rare

Since the age of 10 years Judith has learned the actual weaving. However, Judith takes 10 years to be proficient to prepare wicker color. Besides elaborate, incidental learning is only done if the family made a new matting for family purposes.

At the age of 10 years, Judith could only master motive for suburban mat: up twice, down twice. At the age of 18, he mastered the central motif, the motif between the edge of the mat with the core motif. At age 20, he can make a mat finish stage.

To prepare for plaiting materials, rattan shaved 1.5 millimeters wide. To produce black, rattan boiled for three hours with black soil and leaf sibangol.

As with Veronika. Previous mother of two absolutely can not weave. Cahung weaving traditions are extinct in the village. He was just starting to learn to make cahung in 2010 when invited activists woven Kalimantan, Theodora Hangin Bang Donggo, training in Aberdeen. However, the results are not perfect.

Upon returning to his village, Veronika seeking parents who are still able to make cahung and it was not there. Finally he found the 80-year-old grandmother from other districts who taught him to make cahung. The grandmother was willing to travel 8 hours down the Mahakam River and stay at home for one week Veronica specifically to teach make cahung, including decorative carvings.

"I do it because I love the webbing. First ancestors who could not write had been able to make, why not now. I wish it was not extinct, "says Veronika.

As a result, Veronika adept at making cahung and able to make the group of women making cahung which now comprises 15 people. However, only three people are still actively producing.

In the village of Judith, now there are three groups of people who make mats with members of about 60 people after training with Judith also Hangin in Balikpapan. There is also a male member. The men are usually in charge of taking cane to the forest, while the women cultivate and menganyamnya into mats.


The groups formed after a request from YBTBIL manufacturing woven and weaving training at Aberdeen. "As long as we do not know how to market it, after our request so excited," said Judith. Similarly with Veronika. "We can produce and have their own income," says Veronika.

One cahung diameter of 40 centimeters could be completed within three days, while the diameter of 60 centimeters cahung completed within one week. The mat is completed within a month.

Moonlighting is very useful when Veronika husband died last year. "Maybe if I was not there for this job, I was late in the dumps," he said. He is now independent and can earn an average of Rp 1 million per month.

Until now, there were 32 women who attended training with Hangin in eight waves of various races including Sand Dayak and Lundayeh that experts make baskets. One wave is usually followed by 4-5 participants from one tribe. One week they were studying in Aberdeen.

To meet the needs of the times, wicker modified products until the women's handbags, purses, pencil cases, to wall hangings. Hangin even make accessories perpanduan wicker and beads as earrings, bracelets, and rings. Modifications done so that products that have thousands of years of living in Borneo is not eroded out of date.