The beauty of Telaga Cebong (tadpoles) As Cloud Top

Ponds arguably Cebong pond above the clouds. How not, this lake is located in a village with an altitude of 2,300 m above sea level, not far from the Dieng Plateau. The village name is Sembungan, located in the District Kejajar, Wonosobo regency, Central Java Province. 

Sembungan village is known as the highest in Java with an area of ​​2.65 km and is inhabited by approximately 1,400 people. Of course, finding the lake at altitude is a blessing. Moreover, if the lake is too watery clear , has panoramic views, as well as abundant fish inhabited. Blue sky and green hills around reflected on the surface of the lake is clear and calm.

Enjoy the beauty of the farm population in the surrounding hills that flank the lake. The green color dominates the landscape with interesting contours. Cool, clean mountain air pollution free would be good for kesehatan.Tak only that, you also can enjoy the beauty of the lake with a boat ride. The boat ride over the mountain course will be a different experience in the history of your trip.

This is one place that may make you give thanks for the beauty of his creation . The water in the lake is very clean and clear Cebong because it is not mixed by the sulfur as it did on the lake color. With a depth of approximately 2-4 meters, the lake offers a Cebong fish are abundant and can be fished. Interestingly, some people fishing in this lake does not use bait. They are quite throw the hook and the capital of luck, they will attract the eye of the hook such that a fish caught on a hook.

Sound impossible ? In fact, this way of fishing activities do exist in the lake tadpole. You can buy the fish the angler at a low price, even negotiable. Usually tourists visit Ponds Cebong after watching the sunrise. When down the hill, it looked beautiful lake from a height as to invite anyone to come.

Do not miss immortalize the beauty of the hiking trail to Mount Sikunir this. Cebong pond so named because it first found a lot of frogs (tadpoles) on the banks of the lake. From the shape was a bit like a tadpole. For the people around, this lake is the source of life. In addition to the fishing area, the lake water is also used for irrigation purposes. Water lake residents irrigating vegetable gardens, such as a potato field, Carica, cabbage, carrots, beans, and others.


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