Know More Far Jatiluwih as World Heritage

Jatiluwih name, an area of ​​rice fields in Tabanan, Bali, getting stuck after crowned as world cultural heritage site by UNESCO. Traditional subak irrigation system that does need to be preserved that has been handed down from generation to generation and has attracted many tourists to see the beauty of the panorama.

Not only that, the housing surrounding villagers still retain even barns beautiful plow rice, red rice renowned quality. Jatiluwih in Balinese language means beautiful teak. The location of this stunning rice fields lay in Tabanan, about 40 kilometers from Denpasar, or about 2 hours by car.

One of the interesting places that can be visited is Hamlet Gunungsari located at an altitude of 640 meters above sea level with a cool climate in contrast to the atmosphere of a hot beach. Irrigation water in the rice fields so clear and cool so often immerse visitors in the freshness of her curiosity to the water flow on the stretch of paddy panorama Jatiluwih.

However, unfortunately, this picture is not always beneficial for its citizens promising change. Many problems that arise as a function of conversion of land that will not be in line with its current status. In addition, many people who switched professions to become a good employee in the government or in private. Crops and commodities of Jatiluwih for companies engaged in the tourism sector in Bali becomes crucial.

Then who will continue the legacy Jatiluwih as world cultural heritage sites that require management and irrigated rice fields subaknya ? Nowadays Bali has become a barometer of national tourism and also part of the corridor 5 Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development (MP3EI) which includes Bali, NTB, and NTT. Therefore, it is definitely the program will bring rapid development in various fields.

The accelerated development of wind does not always materialize as an opportunity, because for the people or for the region Jatiluwih Jatiluwih as world cultural heritage could be a threat. This interdependence must be kept in balance, such as the balance of the principle of Tri Hita Karana.

This area needs to be maintained into the area that is not too commercial so spontaneous and sporadic development violate the laws of spatial and tourism can be avoided. Development issues in South Bali can be avoided early in Jatiluwih , generally in the district. Tabanan, with the supervision of law enforcement . Construction of villas and hotel is not something forbidden except when violating the land use designation of statutory pre-defined layout. If that happens as people complained Jatiluwih Gunungsari Hamlet, Tabanan then emphasized that there needs to be a review of a permit that allows construction. In addition to the villas and hotels, Village Tourism is an alternative that should be supported where its presence will further involve local residents.


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