Turning Tradition Entertaining Guests of Remote Village Belaraghi

Go to Belaraghi, a traditional village that still retains almost all aspects of society Ngada tradition, should be done in addition to his village the morning because the main purpose of authenticity and also all the people who passed on the progress along the road to Aimere so interesting .

Famous for bondage Ngada attractiveness society who choose to maintain a traditional lifestyle. Actually we never know their ability to be able to have a variety of things like other contemporary societies. However, clearly they seem quite happy with what they got. On the cusp of authenticity and is carried away from the popularity of traditional villages, such as museums Belaraghi Ngada people's lives. Life apart from the crowd with a landscape into a natural fortress that once the bridge is not easily traversed.

In one aspect of interest, this remoteness becomes an advantage because of her originality and authenticity of this village will no longer be guaranteed and modern change too fast. On the other hand, the landscape is not easy still require the development of infrastructure and facilities responsible.

Trekking is an adventure visiting Belaraghi opener . You can choose one of two alternative tracks available. If you want to conquer the universe might Flores then track 11 km could be a tribute to all ages. If the time becomes a variable rather expensive then lines 2 or 3 miles was a struggle to be paid accordingly.

For residents Belaraghi , met guests who visit their village like love at first sight. They are welcomed with joy and longing to pour all their guests look forward to providing treats honor. At the guest house, boiled potato, banana, and taro served with coffee or wine. Flores chili sauce not forget to include the simple dishes. Before long, lunch is part of the tradition Ti'i ebunusi ka, which "serves to ancestors", presented at the expense of a wild boar that many people kept Flores.

Meaning for the citizens Belaraghi visitors are guests, not tourists. Therefore, no half-hearted attitude of reverence and performed in a guest house, one sao, one of the most sacred because guests are introduced to the ancestors. Residents Belaraghi committed retain their traditional form, not solely for tourists but there was no desire to change the tradition of thatched roofs and fibers into zinc and parabolic antenna and electric milling fontanel their traditional sacred houses.

Sixteen traditional houses which they maintain are arranged in two row facing each other. Interestingly, in Belaraghi, the courtyard in front of the house is higher than the foundation of the leaf thatch-roofed house. Five of them nicknamed the Pu'u sao, or the origin of which has a small house ornaments at the end of the roof . Five other home is the last house sao lobo or ornament that has a human body on its roof. The rest is called sao kaka, where the word "kaka" means sharing. Sao kaka treated as a child of the original house and the last house.

In Belaraghi there are five clans or families with each ngadhu and bhaga. Ngadhu is an umbrella as the male with its role to protect and provide shade, became a symbol of male ancestors. When carved from a tree trunk in the forest and brought to the village, the women had to enter the house because of all of the ancestral spirits of men coming toward the middle of the stem ngadhu .
Bhaga is a symbol of ancestral women with smaller umbrella shape. However, the male citizens alone will put in place a sacred umbrella bhaga by ngadhu.

As with all communities in Flores, stacked rock formations as strong knit megalithic tradition, is a symbol of the lines of communication between humans and ancestral spirits. In addition ngadhu and bhaga, large altar table called lenggi, used to be stored in each traditional village functions solve the problems between clans in the village.

Lodged when your time a little more flexibility when in Ngada . Residents Belaraghi be very happy to receive you. Bajawa, start the trip from the village near Bajawa Beiposo. The path along the 11 miles to the direction of the only controlled by local guides . When you want to through a short path, via southern seaside village, Aimere , and into the north through the village street with ornate traditional house. Belaraghi Paukate is the nearest village, separated a distance of about 3 miles, but through the hills which reveal vast southern oceans.


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