Mystery Founder Ratu Boko

SITE Boko itself is still a mystery about the historical. No one knows who archaeologist who founded the site, as well as who the kings that reigned in Kraton Ratu Boko.

"If the history has not been solved, it is still a mystery," said Didik Tri Ardianto, Boko TWC Operational Staff.

However, there is little enlightenment about Kraton Ratu Boko. Ratu Boko is an archaeological site in the form of relics of the kingdom of Mataram from the 8th century, the forerunner of the founder of Borobudur and Prambanan.

Historically, Kraton Ratu Boko was used during the Sailendra dynasty before the King Samaratungga (founder of Borobudur) and Rakai Pikatan (founder of Prambanan Temple).

Inscriptions found at the site was issued by the Rakai Panangkaran in 746-784 AD . Ratu Boko called Abhayagiri Wiraha. Abhaya means "no danger", giri means "hill", and the monastery means "dormitory or place". Thus, the Abhayagiri Vihara means" dormitory or monastery for Buddhist monks located on a hill filled with peace (no danger )".

The next period, between the years 856-863 AD, Abhayagiri Vihara was renamed the Palace and fortifications Walaing by King vassal (subordinate) named Rakai Walaing Kumbayoni Pu. Siwagrha inscription mentions this place as a fortress consisting of a pile of hundreds of stone by Balaputra.

From the 10th century until the 16th century there was no news related to Walaing palace. The story continues on 90 years later. In 1790, Van Boeckholtz find any archeological ruins site Kraton Ratu Boko. One hundred years later, FDK Bosch conduct research and report the results of his research entitled Van Ratoe Kraton Boko.

Since then, the site was known as Kraton Ratu Boko. Kraton Ratu Boko name itself comes from the word meaning palace of the royal palace, the Queen means king , Boko means stork .

"Who is the King Stork ? Name a ruler or a bird, sleepy Nobody knows," he said .


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