Badik Tumbuk Lado

Tumbuk Lado a traditional dagger weapon derived from the Riau Islands. Dagger itself is a term for a traditional weapon known in the community Bugis and some areas in Sumatra. Meanwhile, TumbukLada or Tumbuk Lado (Riau) is a traditional weapon Malay and Malay Peninsula communities. No wonder if Badik Tumbuk Lado has similarities with weapons from other regions of the Malay peninsula even with neighboring Malaysia. Riau Islands inhabited by various races and ethnicities. However, the majority of the nation's indigenous population is Malay. Therefore, the culture of the Riau area, many have in common with the original population of the territory of other wither.

Tumbuk Lado dagger stabbing weapon is a type of size 27 to 29cm and a width of about 3.5 to 4cm. This weapon is not only used by the people of Jambi, and also has similarities with the dagger Bugis differ only in form and motifs badiknya gloves only. Not only in the country, Malaysia also has the same tardisional weapons, both in name and form. It is not separated from the background scattered Malay community in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam and along the Malay peninsula. Similarly, dagger, dagger also one that characterizes the identity of the Malays.

It is not known when exactly the beginning Badik TumbukLado used as a weapon by the Malays. However, since the first of the Malays especially the Malay archipelago Badik TumbukLado Riau use to hunt and defend themselves from enemy attack. Additionally, Badik TumbukLado also has an aesthetic function that is usually used as a complementary dagger traditional dresses Malay men especially when the wedding. Not only serves as a complement to traditional clothing alone, the dagger tumbuklado also symbolizes courage and valor of a man. Actually, philosophy Badik TumbukLado not much different if kris kris is often mentioned as a unifying symbol of the Malays. Dagger was so, because in essence made weapons as a tool that allows humans as well as a symbol of courage rather than as a symbol of hostility.

Until now Badik TumbukLado still used by the people of Riau archipelago to perform production work such as farming or hunting. Some local customs are also still retain the dagger as a complement to traditional men's clothing. Only, this time the dagger is no longer functioning as a sharp weapon in the fight. Now, the Malay community has been functioning Badik for other functions. In addition because it's much more modern weapons, Badik TumbukLado also considered impractical longer the luggage.


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