Lampung Museum : Traces of the Past

Over View
Lampung Museum is the only museum in Lampung Province, the southernmost province on the island of Sumatra, as well as a significant monument amongst the Lampung community. It is strategically located just 15 minutes from the heart of Lampung’s capital city, Bandar Lampung.

With the use of Lampung’s distinct architectural style, the museum is a path to retracing the past through an extensive display of prehistoric artifacts, cultural relics as well as the flora and fauna which are typically found in Lampung. Antique ceramics from other countries such as China and Siam are also among the Lampung Museum’s collection. Based on the inventory from 2011, the museum holds a collection of over 4,700 items. These are divided into 10 groups which are the items related to geography, biology, ethnography, history, numismatics, phylogy, ceramics, fine arts and technology.

The largest part of the collection is dedicated to ethnography, which is the study of culture. So far, there are over 2,000 objects in this category which includes objects that were once used in everyday life and various items characteristic of both the past and present Lampung culture.

The Lampung Museum began its construction in 1975, holding its groundbreaking three years later in 1978. Its grand opening was held many years later on 24 September 1988, where it was inaugurated by the Minister of Education and Culture of the time, Prof Dr. FuadHasan. The inauguration coincided with the commemoration of International Literacy Day which was centered in PKOR Way Halim.

Lampung Museum
Jl .ZainalArifin No.PagarAlam .64 ,
Meneng building , Bandar Lampung
Tel . : 62 - 721-783688
Fax : 62 - 721-701164

To Do
Lampung Museum is a cultural attraction and functions as a destination for education, history, research and recreation.

From your first step onto the museum grounds, a row of cannons line the building’s courtyard, keeping guard over its compounds. These antique cannons are survivors from colonial times and are one of the prime icons of the museum. Replicas of traditional stilted houses also rise from the courtyard, built in such a fashion as a means of protecting the homeowner from wild animals.

Also in the museum’s front square are large iron balls which are synonymous with the historic Lampung transmigration project of 1953-1956, that resettled thousands of people from crowded Java to then uncultivated lands on Sumatra. These huge metal spheres were essential items during the resettlement at East Lampung, North Raman, Purbolinggo, Seputih Banyak and Seputih Raman as they were tools to clear unwanted rubble and shrubbery and flatten the land that would soon become the location for the new communities.

The cultural objects displayed in the museum represent Lampung’s two dominant indigenous ethnic groups; the SaiBathin (Peminggir) and Pepadun. Each of these groups holds their own unique traditions, rituals and customs, as well as utensils used in such customs. The display shows all tools used within the rituals surrounding a person’s life in the Lampung community. It begins with the items used in birth celebrations, on to growing of the first teeth, the transition into adulthood, marriage and finally ceremonies regarding death.

Another hall exhibits elephants and tigers and other fauna native to Sumatra. Nearby, a diorama depicts a miniature scene of the spectacularly devastating eruption of Mount Krakatoa in 1883. Along another hallway lies a display of items taken from various archaeological sites dating back to life in the Neolithic era such as statues and menhirs.

The museum’s collection also includes important historic objects from the ancient kingdom of Sriwijaya. Remains of this kingdom include ancient manuscripts, statues, armor of the royal guards, custom clothing, ceramics, jewelry and the daily currency of that day.

Also stored in the museum are weapons and other significant objects which were used by the Lampung Hero, RadinInten and his descendants.

In summary, the museum contains a wide variety of things to see ranging from relics of prehistoric times, to the Hindu – Buddhist era, to the arrival of Islam, colonialism, and finally, post-independence. In addition to this collection, the museum is also a center for the arts, sometimes hosting events and shows to exhibit the tradition music and dances of Lampung.

Get There
The closest Airport is the Raden Inten II Airport in the city of Bandar Lampung. This is a domestic only airport, serving Jakarta, Bandung and Batam.

The Lampung Museum is located approximately 5 kilometers north of Tandjungkarang, the central area of Bandar Lampung. It is easily accessible by rental car, public transport or motorcycle.

Indonesia Travel


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