Maluku (Moluccas)

Maluku/Moluccas has underwater park is very beautiful, charming tropical beaches and volcanic mountains surrounded by woods. The island is an island famous rempahyang spices and has attracted many traders from India, China, Arab, and Europe to seek cloves and nutmeg. In 1511, the Portuguese built a fort on the island of Ternate their first, and managed to monopolize the clove trade. The arrival of the Dutch in 1599, is a serious threat to that control natural wealth Pourtugis embarrassment. Armed conflict broke out, they take great customs of the people of Maluku. The Dutch finally emerged as the winner, then they monopolize trade with an iron hand. Entire villages were razed to the ground and thousands peduduk dead island, especially on the island of Banda. The British then occupied Maluku during the Napoleonic Wars, but in 1814 returned and it was not until 1863 the cultivation of spices was abolished in the province.

Currently the fish and other marine products are the main source of income of the people of Maluku. There are also nickel, oil, manganese, and various types of wood as a commodity area.


The main entrance is through the Moluccas to the provincial capital Ambondengan regular flights from most parts of the archipelago. Air and sea transport linking the islands with 79 ports and 25 airports. There is also access to many remote islands are interesting to visit.


The name comes from the Arabic Maluku estimated that 'Jazirat al-Muluk', which means the land of kings. This is possible because Maluku kingdoms such as Ternate, Tidore, Bacan, and others. Kora-kora, is their famous fleet strong, equipped with war canoes were able to explore the Sulawesi Sea and Alaska when their golden years. The king get their wealth of spices, especially cloves. At that time the price of cloves and spices are very expensive because of its ability to preserve food not like now with the refrigerator.

When the spices are also used as a medicine and Europe this plant can not grow. Shipping spices to Europe must pass through these complicated, this is what causes the price becomes very expensive. Then the Europeans think the price of spices would be cheaper if they come directly to the place of origin. From this a kolonialismepun era began.

Portuguese came the first time in 1510 danmereka trying to monopolize trade in the Moluccas. Next came Spain and both had to contend with opposition kingdom of Ternate and Tidore until not long before they give up.

Dutch then came up with the provision of financial and persenjatan more good.They also experienced in the administration of trade and harder against the people of Maluku. Residents who refuse to cooperate in the Banda islands were slaughtered ruthlessly, and partly employed as slaves.

During the fall of VOC, Britain then ruled here for a year but this is problematic because the British smuggled from Maluku seeds to be planted in Malaysia and Ceylon (Sri Lanka). As a result, no longer the center of Maluku spice for search of spices can be found in other places closer.


Many seafood can be found here. Try the grilled or baked fish while you enjoy a beautiful view of the Moluccas.
Fish rice (rice and fish meal) is also worth a try.
If you are interested in trying to concoct a meal in itself, it can buy fresh ingredients at the nearest supermarket and small shops.


Historically Moluccan community is very diverse, consisting of a nation Malay, Indian, Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese, Bugis and Javanese. Ua-ulu community chose not dressed traditionally where men can be identified with a red head cover.
tourist agency

Department of Culture and Tourism Prov. Moluccas
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Batu Merah, Ambon
Tel. (62-911) 312300
Fax. (62-911) 352471

East Kalimantan

As a major producer of oil and timber, East Kalimantan is currently the most advanced industrial provinces in Indonesia. Oil, mining, and timber brought prosperity to the province.

The travelers who have a lot to go places they can find adventure here to be visited various awesome place. If you want comfort then this is where you will feel at home because this area is already developed modern.

East Kalimantan Province is one of four provinces in Kalimantan. The province borders with Malaysia, namely the State of Sabah and Sarawak, East Malaysia.

East Kalimantan has diverse attractions, both natural tourism, ecotourism, cultural tourism. Nature in this area which include the beauty of the sea and the mountains of the sprawling, rivers, dense tropical jungle tours, with flaora species diversity and wild fauna, such as those found in Kutai National Park.

In East Kalimantan grew about 1000-189.000 plant species include the black orchid flowers can reach the price per-Rp500,000 - 1,000,000.


Balikpapan is the entrance to East Kalimantan. Balikpapan can be reached by direct flights from Jakarta, Manado, Surabaya and Tarakan.


Before the entry of the tribes of Sarawak tribes and immigrants from outside the island, the area is very sparsely populated. Before the arrival of the Dutch, there are several kingdoms in East Kalimantan, among which are the Kutai Kingdom (Hindu), Sultanate Kutai ing Martadipura, Sand Sultanate, the Sultanate of Bulungan.

Kutai kingdom is patterned Hindu kingdom of India established since the 4th century. The kingdom was then converted to Islam and became the empire. Mid 19th century, the Dutch managed to colonize East Kalimantan, which followed the uprising and protests from local residents.

Mid 20th century, the Dutch handed over power to the Japanese, and formed a political party. When Japan was defeated in World War II, the Netherlands seeks to create puppet states, one of which is located in East Kalimantan. In 1950, the people managed to repel the Netherlands.

Previous East Kalimantan is one of the residency of Kalimantan. In accordance with the aspirations of the people, since 1956 the region divided into three provinces, namely East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and West Kalimantan.


The seafood is worth to taste when you are here. Because the majority of the population are Muslims so many restaurants here offer halal food.
A variety of Chinese food can be enjoyed at an affordable price.


Native of East Kalimantan consists of three major parts: Dayaks, Kutai and Banjar. In addition there are also ethnic outsiders, such as Bugis, Javanese, and Makassar. Javanese and Bugis language are two of many regional languages ​​used by the people of East Kalimantan. Bugis many inhabit Borneo, Samarinda, Sengata and Bontang. While many tribes inhabiting Java Samarinda and Balikpapan.

Dayak tribe or mountain people, the They want to be known by names such as Iban tribe, Funan and Banuaq. These tribes lived in longhouses in a large family called Lamin or Limaq Daru.

Regional languages ​​in East Kalimantan is an Austronesian language of the Malayo-Polynesian clump. Among these are Tidung language, Bahasa Banjar, Berau English, Bahasa Kutai, and Lun Bawang language.
tourist agency

Jl. Sudirman No 22
No. Phone (0541) 736850.747241
Fax: (0514) 748895, 736 866
Official Website: and


Historically Banten used to be a strong maritime town rival kingdom of Mataram and now this area is a fishing village where you will still get a reflection of his past. The capital of Banten province is Serang. Banten is one of the first famous historic place, is just 10 km from the city of Serang. In this place, you will see a lot of the legacy of empire founded the 16th and 18th centuries.

Banten You will find the traces of the Islamic empire. The most famous being the Great Mosque and the ruins keratonnya. Banten Great Mosque was built the 16th century and still exists to this day that characterizes the early Islamic architecture.

Ujung Kulon National Park is one of the national parks and nature conservation site in Indonesia yan gdapat you kunjingi in Banten. At this location, you can see the beauty of tropical forests and one-horned rhino (Rhino sondaicus) which form the main tourist attraction.

There is also Pulau Umang located in the tourist area of ​​Pandeglang coast, adjacent to the tourist area of ​​Tanjung Lesung. This tourist resort is managed by a private company that provides a variety of recreational and entertainment facilities are attractive. On this island, there is a resort styled with a natural artistic flair, equipped with meeting rooms, cafe, spa, business center, sunset lounge, beach club, swimming pool and so on. In addition, the available water sports and leisure facilities, a jogging track, cross country, tennis courts, karaoke, and others. You can go to this island with relative ease. Because the district management company provides a car rental from Jakarta to the island or can also be reached from Ujung Kulon.

There is also a nature reserve Swamp Lake (Rawadano) located in Serang district within 101 km from Jakarta. This area is an area other than the swamp area there is also a lake. The area is about 2,500 ha are covered by various types of trees. The island became a nesting place for various kinds of animals such as reptiles, such as snakes and crocodiles.

Do not forget also in Banten you can visit Mount Krakatau, located in the waters of the Sunda Strait. Region's beautiful natural attractions easily you kujungi of Anyer-Carita beach about one hour by motor boat. At this location you can camp, hike, fishing, and of course enjoy the beautiful natural scenery and charming sea.

Mount Krakatau is one of the most famous mountains in the world, because of the devastating eruption in 1883. The eruption voice audible to the Australian continent region, even heat clouds blanketed some areas of Europe during the week. A huge explosion of Krakatoa volcano mountain children then formed what is now known as Anak Krakatau, came to the surface in 1928 and has remained active.


Soekarno Hatta International Airport is the main access to Banten. You also reach Banten by car or motorcycle through the Jakarta-Serang. There is also a bus in 4 Pakupatan terminals, Terminal, Terminal Porisplawad, Labuan Terminal and Terminal Merak.


Banten in the illustrious history as a port city that is very crowded with people who open and prosperous. 5th century Banten is part of the Kingdom Tarumanagara.
During the reign of Sultan Agung (1651-1683) Banten experienced its golden period. Unfortunately after Banten decline and then the Dutch took over.

Early 17th century AD, Banten is one of the important commercial centers in the path of international commerce in Asia. His territory includes what is now the province of Lampung. When the Dutch arrived in Banten for the first time, the Portuguese have long entered into Banten. Later the British set up lodges in Banten, and then followed by the Netherlands.

In addition, the people of France and Denmark has ever come in Banten. In the competition between European traders, the Dutch emerged as the winner. The Portuguese fled from Banten (1601) after their fleet was destroyed by the Dutch fleet in the waters of Banten. The English are also excluded from Batavia (1619) and Banten (1684).

After the independence of Banten initially was part of West Java province, but separated since 2000 by the decision of the Law No. 23 of 2000. The headquarters is located in the city of Serang. Banten region has many industries are also some sea port developed in anticipation to capture the excess capacity of sea ports in Jakarta, and is intended also to be an alternative to the port of Singapore.

Sunda Strait makes Banten is one lane of traffic due to strategic sea impassable large vessels connecting Australia and New Zealand with the Southeast Asian region. In addition, Banten is the link between Java and Sumatra.


Try milkfish satay offerings, one of the specialties of Banten. These fish without spines which included meat fish into the fish skin that has been mixed with spices and finally burned. Sate milkfish is resistant beberpa day. It was sweet, savory and delicious. Therefore, you do not miss a bite.


Banten is Sundanese community religious though sometimes still believes in the old traditions and customs.

Among others who still adhere to the tradition is the Bedouins or those Kanekes (Urang Cibeo) that inhabit the foot of the mountains in the village Kendeng Kanekes, Leuwidamar subdistrict, Lebak-Rangkasbitung, located about 40 km from the town of Rangkasbitung. People Kanekes 'in' do not know the culture board, so that the customs, beliefs, and stories of ancestors is only stored in the speech orally.

Kanekes community trust called Sunda Wiwitanyang rooted in the worship of ancestral spirits (animism) which then further influenced by Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam. The core belief is absolute customary provisions adopted in everyday life. Essential content 'pikukuh' (compliance) Kanekes is the concept of "without any change", or change as little as possible. For some people, indigenous beliefs held Kanekes reflect the religious beliefs of the Sundanese people in general before the advent of Islam.

Tourist Agency

Regional Government Center Banten (KP3B)
Syech road Nawawi, PALIMA - Serang
Tel. 0254.267060
Fax. 0254.267070

Traditional Clothes of West Papua

Traditional clothes of men and women in Papua physically you might conclude that these clothes are similar. They wear clothes and body cover the bottom with the same model. They also both wearing the same ornaments, such as a headdress in the form of birds of paradise, bracelets, necklaces, and belts of beads and fringe at the ankle. Forms of dress depicted here is a new creation. Customarily not forget to spears / arrows and shields held the groom give the impression of indigenous Papuans.

Apparel Wedding Bride

Wedding attire worn by the bride is in white dress, red-brown. Papuans did please the white color in the dress, it is a development that goes hand in hand with time.

Although they still love the vibrant colors and patterns typical of Papua, such as beads or bird of paradise plumes. The combination of colors used symbolized by the color hue birds of paradise feathers.

Indigenous Elders and Religious Clothing

Imposed by traditional elders and religion are different. Indigenous elders typically use traditional Papuan traditional clothing, bird of paradise feathers and ornaments boar tusks. While Elders Religion wore a yellow robe and matching flannel uniform.

Wedding Apparel Society

Local people became groomsman generally wear plain or dress their best. Or failing that, in general, local wear gloves woven with superiors regular clothes or white clothes - which signifies purity.

Unlike the penis sheath. The following explanation of the clothes or the clothes of the indigenous Papuan:

Koteka is a unique skill, which is solely owned by the tribal people in Papua, where the sheath is a custom clothing used at the time unfamiliar pants used to cover (sorry) male genitalia.


Sheath made of leather Labu Air. how made by removing the contents and pumpkin seeds that are old, and the skin in the sun. Koteka words literally, means Apparel, comes from one of the tribes in Paniai. partly Jayawijaya mountain tribe called it hilom or Horim

Many tribes which can be identified by the way they use the sheath, for sheath short use at work and long with attribute decoration, used when carrying out ceremonies, but every tribe has a different shape Koteka, for example Tribe Yali, has the shape of pumpkins long, whereas Tiom people usually wear two pumpkins.

Function and Philosophy Traditional Clothes Papua (Koteka)

In modern times, Koteka increasingly marginalized, will function deserves to remain in the preserve by the way - how to transfer my Koteka functioned without leaving values ​​- values ​​contained therein. Koteka can be used as a medium of painting and souvenirs for tourists, besides, to preserve the same also appreciate art and skills of local residents.

Koteka is a cultural asset of the nation, even in the modern era later Koteka already has other functions, but it remains a part of the culture should not be forgotten, by continuing to preserve their culture, the same has also been maintaining cultural assets that have value - the value of ancestral therein and not lost amid the changing times.