Traditional Clothes of West Papua

Traditional clothes of men and women in Papua physically you might conclude that these clothes are similar. They wear clothes and body cover the bottom with the same model. They also both wearing the same ornaments, such as a headdress in the form of birds of paradise, bracelets, necklaces, and belts of beads and fringe at the ankle. Forms of dress depicted here is a new creation. Customarily not forget to spears / arrows and shields held the groom give the impression of indigenous Papuans.

Apparel Wedding Bride

Wedding attire worn by the bride is in white dress, red-brown. Papuans did please the white color in the dress, it is a development that goes hand in hand with time.

Although they still love the vibrant colors and patterns typical of Papua, such as beads or bird of paradise plumes. The combination of colors used symbolized by the color hue birds of paradise feathers.

Indigenous Elders and Religious Clothing

Imposed by traditional elders and religion are different. Indigenous elders typically use traditional Papuan traditional clothing, bird of paradise feathers and ornaments boar tusks. While Elders Religion wore a yellow robe and matching flannel uniform.

Wedding Apparel Society

Local people became groomsman generally wear plain or dress their best. Or failing that, in general, local wear gloves woven with superiors regular clothes or white clothes - which signifies purity.

Unlike the penis sheath. The following explanation of the clothes or the clothes of the indigenous Papuan:

Koteka is a unique skill, which is solely owned by the tribal people in Papua, where the sheath is a custom clothing used at the time unfamiliar pants used to cover (sorry) male genitalia.


Sheath made of leather Labu Air. how made by removing the contents and pumpkin seeds that are old, and the skin in the sun. Koteka words literally, means Apparel, comes from one of the tribes in Paniai. partly Jayawijaya mountain tribe called it hilom or Horim

Many tribes which can be identified by the way they use the sheath, for sheath short use at work and long with attribute decoration, used when carrying out ceremonies, but every tribe has a different shape Koteka, for example Tribe Yali, has the shape of pumpkins long, whereas Tiom people usually wear two pumpkins.

Function and Philosophy Traditional Clothes Papua (Koteka)

In modern times, Koteka increasingly marginalized, will function deserves to remain in the preserve by the way - how to transfer my Koteka functioned without leaving values ​​- values ​​contained therein. Koteka can be used as a medium of painting and souvenirs for tourists, besides, to preserve the same also appreciate art and skills of local residents.

Koteka is a cultural asset of the nation, even in the modern era later Koteka already has other functions, but it remains a part of the culture should not be forgotten, by continuing to preserve their culture, the same has also been maintaining cultural assets that have value - the value of ancestral therein and not lost amid the changing times.


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