Golok Betok Tribe Betawi Heritage

Ethnic and cultural diversity characteristic of the Indonesian nation and its own wealth, as compared with other nations. Uniquely, every ethnicity in Indonesia has a unique weapon that became a symbol of the greatness of a number of these ethnic groups. Ethnic Javanese example, has a dagger as a weapon of their greatness, famous for its kujangnya ethnic Sundanese, Madurese ethnic famous celuritnya, and ethnic Betawi with Machete Betoknya famous 800 years old.

As an heirloom weapons, the existence of an early phase Dagger Betok origins of weapons in the history of the archipelago. In fact, before the typical weapon of West Java, there cleaver, machete Betok existing concept first. However, because the Kingdom of Padjadjaran begged the professor to be made as soon as a weapon named cleaver, making Machete Betok be delayed.

If seen from the shape Dagger Betok not much different with machete machete general. Only this machete terihat fat and a little shorter / bantet. Dagger is made of black steel with black wooden handle, too. It may also be shaped like a fish betok.


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