It appears from the working techniques of tool making and variation of types of tools. From the findings of existing dwelling caves in Java generally only have a simple reply workmanship techniques, in the form of a crescent-shaped drawstring. "However, the findings of the Cave deer showed a much more complicated techniques and produce tools and jewelry are more varied," said Asikin Nurani Indah, an archaeologist involved in the study. He also confirmed that the technology is fairly high for the equipment are made of shells and bones.
In addition to tech tools that are higher than the other cave, Cave dwellers deer, thought to have lived more than 10 thousand years ago, is also known to have treated the corpses in the ritual, as sowing mussel-shell clams, red limestone, and the grave which is always facing southeast.
Cave Dwellers roe also recognize the grave with the provision he found fragments of animal bones near human bones.
The discovery of the Cave deer shows that the cave in the village of Tinapan, kecapatam Todanan, Blora was a cave inhabited by intensively for a long time in the prehistoric period. "Activity in the Cave of deer include the manufacture of everyday appliances from shells, bones, and some tools from stone red Rija," wrote Beautiful Asikin Conscience on the website.
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