Sangiran, Complex Fossil "Eternal"

Sangiran in Central Java, 15 kilometers north of Surakarta and positioned in the valley Solo River, at the foot of Mount Lawu; is the largest open archaeological sites in Indonesia, even in the world. Since 1996, the site is listed in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Number of individual human species Homo erectus found in Sangiran there are 60 fossil, of which fossil Meganthropus palaeojavanicus and Pithecanthropus erectus. Archaeologists are also faculty in the Department of Archaeology Faculty of Humanities University of Indonesia, Ali Akbar said that 50 percent of human fossils on Earth are found in the complex Sangiran.

"Sangiran and surrounding areas as a source of fossils 'eternal'. Since the first discovery by von Koenigswald in 1934, fossils of ancient Sangiran search activities more intense. It has been more than 70 years studied, the fossil has not yet been exhausted," Ali argued. In addition to the human fossils, many findings of archaeological objects, stone tools, weapons, and ancient animals and plants.

Unfortunately on the other hand, the blessings of Sangiran charm is accompanied by a number of things such as cases concerning the illegal fossil sales, conducted by the community itself Sangiran. "The reason the government may not have sufficient budget to provide compensation for people who found fossils of Sangiran. While the collector (private) funds are not unlimited," explained Ali. He added that the fossils are also high-value commodities, much in demand abroad.

Said Ali Akbar, the government through the Preservation Hall Site Sangiran Ancient Humans actually have worked very hard to research, preserve, and overcome the problems experienced by the Sangiran site. "But the obstacles faced by so large and complex enough," he said. Sangiran area is vast and impossible to maintain. Moreover, because of its open land, there may also enclose this place.


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