Jogja Java Carnival 2011 confirms Yogya As a City of Culture

Jogja Java Carnival (JJC) in order HUT-255 to the city of Yogyakarta on Saturday (22/10), confirming the existence of the more valued as a cultural city of Yogyakarta. Conceptually, JJC this year raised the power of tradition that is embedded in the old city of Yogyakarta.

Similarly, the Governor of Yogyakarta, Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, expressed as JJC opened in the plaza north of Yogyakarta. "The hope JJC can confirm the character of the city of Yogyakarta as a condition characterized by cultural values​​," said Sultan.

Sultan said the event was JJC add more cultural harmony and tolerance between communities. Multiculturalism was, he added, should continue to be upheld for the harmony for all parties.

He also added, in order to be more colorful and Yogya become livable cities, the arrangement must always involve the community.

Meanwhile, Mayor Herry Zudianto said also that the JJC into a creative arts event that demonstrated the potential of Yogyakarta culture to the world. 2000 both local and foreign artists involved in the JJC. "This is evidence of art and culture are universal to language and communication without borders," he said. In accordance with the theme this time is taken JJC, Magniworld (Magnificent World) or the wonders of the world.

(Read: Wonders of the World Present at Jogja Java Carnival)

Herry explained, packaging carnival this year did not exist in the previous administration. The presence of technology, the composition of shapes, colors, light fused together in an artistic manjadi interesting.

JJC is a carnival activity vehicle that had been held for the fourth time that each peak of Yogyakarta Anniversary celebration in October.

Royal Wedding Procession Preserving Culture Yogya

GKR Bendara peak wedding procession and KPH Yudanegara which took place today, Tuesday (18/10), were considered to undermine the current modernization that has been present in Yogyakarta. Procession Panggih as the culminating event has become a cultural tradition of Yogyakarta Palace evidence preserved until now.

"The procession is very grand Panggih Kraton Yogyakarta and Yogyakarta to be evidence of cultural preservation," said Andi Malarangeng Menpora, after congratulating the bride.

Panggih procession was the procession of the bride and groom meeting, after two days they undergo traditional procession in two different places. The procession is a symbol of the meeting in a sacred bond of marriage for family life someday acquire the best way.

Wedding Procession Coordinator KRT Yudahadiningrat said, the procession begins with a consent granted by the groom at majesties Dalem Penepen Mosque at 7:15 o'clock. Accompanied by his younger brother Sultan HB X, the groom's procession through prayer and the legalization of marriage by Raden Kangjeng prince. Consent granted after this, the procession was held Panggih.

The procession begins with the convergence of the bride and groom from two different places. For the bride the daughter of Sekar Kedaton, while the groom from Ward Kesatrian. Furthermore bride throwing gantal or betel leaf. Then the bride and groom to wash the feet followed by a procession pondhongan. Pondhongan procession is done by the groom and GBPH Suryamentaram that lifts the bride.

The end of the ceremony Panggih marked with the passage of the bride and groom and their parents to the place to receive congratulations. Invited guests including ministers, ambassadors, and other officials seemed swept up in the thick atmosphere of traditional Javanese.

And in the evening, a reception will be held again in Ward Kepatihan Yogyakarta Yogyakarta serving typical dances such as dance and dance Lawung Bedoyo Ageng.

While on this afternoon, the bride and groom will undergo train carnival procession from the Square north to Ward Kepatihan. This carnival will be witnessed by the citizens of Yogyakarta while enlivened with 200 angkringan free.

TIME 2011 puts Lampung on the Tourism Map

With hosting the 17th TIME (or Tourism Indonesia Mart & Expo) 2011 at Bandar Lampung, attended by 76 international buyers from 27 countries, the province of Lampung at the southern-most tip of the island of Sumatra, hopes to have placed Lampung on the international tourism map.

Opening the 17th TIME and the Krakatau Festival at Bandar Lampung on Wednesday 12 October, Governor Sjahroedin said that he hoped TIME will serve as the momentum to boost tourist arrivals to Lampung, making tourism as the primary means in developing the province to benefit the people.” "I believe the event will serve as an eye-opener for the international community on what Lampung has to offer”, he said. TIME is the perfect platform to showcase this new destination’s potentials.

Director General for Tourism Marketing, Sapta Nirwandar agreed that Lampung has plenty of potentials, possessing icons like the Krakatau volcano, the Way Kambas elephant conservation park, the Tanjung Setia world-class surf, although many of its products, Sapta conceded, still need to be developed.

Major infrastructure development that will facilitate access to the province, Governor Sjahroedin said are the planned Sunda Straits bridge linking the islands of Java with Sumatra, as well as the extension of the Raden Inten airport at Bandar Lampung whose runway will be extended to 2500 metres, and further planned in future to be extended to 3,000 metres to become an international airport."

The 17th Tourism Indonesia Mart & Expo (TIME) 2011 was officially opened, held at the Korpri Field, Bandar Lampung on Wednesday evening October 12th, 2011. The official opening ceremony was attended by Marketing Director General of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Sapta Nirwandar, and the Governor of Lampung province, Sjachroedin ZP. The ceremony also marked the grand opening of the Festival Krakatau XXI which is jointly held from 12 to 16 October 2011.

The opening ceremony featured art and cultural presentations of Lampung. The Pan Ensemble Music Sumatera commenced the evening, followed by the contemporary gambus Lunik musical art. Lampung Orchestra Ekhamku presented an elegant sound- harmonization and the Sigeh Penguten gave the welcome dance that absorbed the audience into the beauty of Lampung traditional values, as did the Melinting dance, featuring the graceful movements of a couple of youths.

The 76 Buyers attending TIME 2011 included those from the U.S.A, Australia, Germany and the Netherlands. This year the event was also attended by buyers from new markets such as Slovenia, Slovakia, Greece, the Cezch Republic and Mexico. For this 17th edition, the organizing committee targeted an increase of 15-18% increase over total transactions last year, to reach around US$ 20 million.

TIME 2011 is organized by the Indonesia Tourism Society (Masyarakat Pariwisata Indonesia) and is supported by the entire tourism stakeholders of the country, including the Minsitry of Culture and Tourism, the Provincial Government of Lampung, the Asociation of Indonesia’s Travel Agent (ASITA) the Asociation of Indonesia’s Tour Guide, and the Asociation of Indonesia’s Hotels and Restaurants (PHRI).

Century Buddhist temple-10 Found in Sleman

Four Buddhist temples around the 10th century found in Palgading, Sinduharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This is the result of findings from the excavations conducted in 2006. The structure of the three temples have been found complete, and one other temple is not complete.

Building area of the temple which has been found is a temple on the south side area of ​​13.23 x 17 meters, the temple in the middle of an area of ​​8.6 x 6.35 meters, and the temple on the north side area of ​​8.85 x 8.85 meters. To the north of the temple, while it is still in the research.

Chairman of the Preservation Hall Excavation and Archaeological Heritage (BP3) DIY, Revelation describes Astuti, excavation of temple has actually been done since 2006. But was stopped in 2010, and only continued again in July 2011.

Early excavations carried out since there are reports of a citizen who found the statue is a symbol Buddhisatwa Awalokiteshwara in the worship of Buddha.

The belief that the temple at the Buddhist temple Palgading is finally strengthened after the discovery of one of the stupa at the temple. Not only that, in the excavation of 2011 is also found punden terraces as well as fragments of pottery that looks are no longer intact.

"Until the end of September, we will continue to conduct excavations. There's more possibility of new discoveries," he added.