Enthusiastic Traveler Watch Lake Toba Festival

The tourists are drawn to the cultural performances and sports competitions are held in order to enliven Lake Toba Festival Free Parapat Beach, Simalungun District, North Sumatra, on Sunday (12/30/2012).

Hundreds of travelers since 09.00 am seen gathered around the outdoor stage to watch the Pagoda Parapat attractions typical regional dances from the seven districts in the surrounding area of ​​Lake Toba.

"The number of tourists who witnessed various cultural attractions and sporting activities in the framework of Lake Toba Festival today if more than yesterday," said John Simbolon, a tour guide at the tourist town Parapat.

However, according to Simbolon, most tourists who packed the arena show Lake Toba Festival is still dominated by domestic tourists coming from different districts / cities in North Sumatra (North Sumatra).

 Simbolon said the annual tourism activities should not only be seen predominantly domestic tourists but also foreign tourists.
To increase the flow of foreign tourists at Lake Toba Festival organization, continued Simbolon, the government should be heavily promoting early tourism activities to a number of countries.

Earlier, the Acting Governor of North Sumatra Gatot Pujo Nugroho opening Lake Toba Festival 2012 on December 28, hoping to contribute to the tourism agenda to make Lake Toba as a tourism icon Global Geopark Network (GGN), which has been proposed to UNESCO.

Wonders of nature the largest lake in Southeast Asia that has been designated as a National Tourism Strategic Areas (KSPN) is also expected to contribute to the success of programs Wonderful Indonesia.

Billy optimistic that it will make the Lake Toba region visited by many tourists, including foreign tourists. Increasing the flow of tourists to Lake Toba, according to Billy, will certainly have a positive impact for the community and the business sector tourism services in the region.

Therefore, the North Sumatra provincial government will continue to encourage the seven districts (local government) of the region around Lake Toba was more active role in order to succeed the Lake Toba Festival. The seven districts are Simalungun, Humbang Hasundutan, Toba Samosir, Samosir, North Tapanuli, Dairi, and Karo.

Lake Toba Festival this year, which lasts until December 31 Simalungun organized local government. While the 2013 Lake Toba Festival planned for sometime in June or July with a host Samosir regency.

Tinutuan Indonesia planned to become a culinary icon

Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) plan Tinutuan or porridge Manado, North Sulawesi, came as Indonesia's traditional culinary icon.

"We're planning a culinary icon Tinutuan entry. However, for it to go through the accurate analysis of the experts in order to obtain food criteria," said Director General of Tourism Marketing Kemenparekraf, Esthy Reko Astuty in Manado, on Tuesday (02/12/2013).

Esthy said that the typical food of Manado currently logged traditional Indonesian food culinary icons, namely Klappertaart. He also hoped Tinutuan follow.

The advantage with the entry of food or beverage as a traditional Indonesian culinary icon, said Esthy, decent food served at events or meetings on an international scale, such as APEC and others.

"Currently, there are 30 kinds of food and drink that became an icon of traditional Indonesian culinary Indonesia. All food products are constantly featured in major events, including an international meeting attended by leaders from various countries though," said Esthy.

The presence of Indonesian culinary delights in a variety of national and international events, continued Esthy, an attempt by the government to promote the excellent products throughout Indonesia so that they can give added value to the community.

Culinary, Esthy said, is one of seven regional specialties are included in special interest tourism as a strategic plan for the development of the creative industries to 2014 consisting of culinary culinary heritage, tradition, and excellence, from appetizers to desserts.

A total of 30 food and drink that became an icon of traditional Indonesian cuisine, which is a grilled chicken salad seasoning yogyakarta, jakarta gado-gado, nasi goreng kampung, pancake bandung, sarikayo minangkabau and ice dawet ayu Banjarnegara.

Then, ointment yogyakarta vegetables, vegetable jackfruit kapau, lumpia semarang, nagasari Yogyakarta, Jakarta mud pie, chicken soup lamongan, rawon Surabaya, Jakarta pickles, chicken satay madura.

Other foods, which skewers maranggi Purwakarta, klappertaart Manado, tofu egg Surabaya, bali wrap satay, rendang padang, scrambled solo beans, boiled catfish palembang, padeh acid cob fields, rice liwet solo, ice beer pletok jakarta, bandung sweet banana compote , fried chicken galangal bandung, laksa bogor, turmeric, tamarind solo, as well as the rice cone.

All of the 30 culinary icon was set as a traditional Indonesian culinary icon at home and abroad with the criteria should be readily available raw materials, both at home and abroad. Then, the culinary has been recognized by the public, and no professional actors such culinary practitioners.


Derawan Festival in Berau

Failed to host Sail Derawan 2013, Berau, East Kalimantan, held Derawan Festival is expected to be a companion Sail Komodo 2013. Festival Derawan be an opportunity to showcase the potential of East Kalimantan to be elected as the organizers sail next year.

According to the Head of Public Relations District Government Mapasikra Mapaselleng, Derawan Festival series began in July and peak in September 2013. "Our target, Sail Komodo participants were interested in coming to Derawan," he said, Sunday (02/03/2013), in Berau.

Derawan could be the venue for the competitions and events themed sail (sailing), such as boat races, seminars, and other maritime events. However, what are the events which will be held also depends on inputs from the central government.

In preparation Derawan Festival, a number of physical projects done. For example, a mid-December opening made ​​in Cape Redeb Kalimarau airport. The new terminal consists of two floors can accommodate 500 passengers, or four times the capacity of the old terminal. Airport development was funded by Berau budget worth Rp 450 billion.

The development of the airport, said Mapasikra, will be done by widening the runway. Berau regency also request funds from the central government to repair the road from Cape Redeb to Tanjung Batu, the entrance to the island Derawan.

Construction of the airport on the island of Maratua also worked. Maratua are the outer islands in Berau, which is about 30 minutes using a speedboat to the Derawan. "The construction of an airport for small planes require Maratua estimated Rp 46 billion. We expect no support from the regional Government and the state budget, "said Mapasikra.

East Kalimantan Governor Awang Faroek Isaac MASwings the opening of the new route, the airline subsidiary of Malaysia Airlines, in Aberdeen, last week, promoting the Festival Derawan anyway. Kaltim really prepare Derawan Festival.   

Diving in Raja Ampat

Over the past seven days with a total of 12 dives in 11 point spread in the waters of Raja Ampat, the Black Trailers wade islands west of the island of Papua. Black Trailers is a term for the winner of the Black Trail held L'Oreal Paris Men Expert.

Each dive site characteristics and diverse marine life. Not just schools of fish and colorful coral, the Black Trailers also managed to witness the charm of giant Manta measuring 4-5 meters and Wobbegong Shark or carpet shark.

In addition to dive underwater paradise, Black Trailers also visited the iconic archipelago of Raja Ampat is Wayag. Its location is far from the centers of progress Raja Ampat makes it difficult to access and is becoming a challenge for the Black Trailers.

The main beauty of Wayag invisible from the surface of the land. The Black Trailers had to climb to the highest peak in Wayag to then enjoy the natural grain of the main, 360-degree view of the vast archipelago Wayag.

"Being part of the Black Trail for me was an amazing experience, I will teach another meaning and importance of an exploration of eco tourism. Additionally, successfully certified as a National Geographic Diver, is precious to us, "said Husni, one Black Trailers.

Next adventure

Before adventuring in Raja Ampat, they have explored the island of Flores as the first destination of the adventure Black Trail. Five people Black Traillers, Nicholas Saputra (Brand Ambassador of L'Oreal Paris Men Expert), an expert of the team Men Expert, Geograhic Indonesian National team and senior traveler Cahyo Alkantana continue their adventures.

They had climbed Mount Rinjani in Lombok. Then explore the woods Tangkahan in North Sumatra. Then live with the Dayak Iban in West Kalimantan.

An adventure not only generate but also learning experiences. Therefore every Black Trailers equipped with the concept of geo tour so they always responsible for the preservation of nature in each destination. The Black Trailers are also trained to be able to adapt to the customs, culture and the local community.

Raja Ampat is itself a final destination Black Trail 2012. The plan, Black Trail will be re-started in mid 2013 and promising destinations more challenging.

Let's Travel to Cirebon

Some urban communities puzzled spend vacation time vacation time because they have very limited. Try to come to Cirebon. The town is located in the province of West Java, not far from the capital city, just spend some time with railway transportation, you can get to the city nicknamed the City of shrimp.

As expressed by the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sapta Nirwandar, tourists from Jakarta who want to vacation in Cirebon only takes less than 3 hours. "Less than 3 hours we had reached the city of Cirebon using Argojati (rates) 120's one thousand people, with a hotel, well 600 (thousand)'s able to Cirebon," Sapta said during his visit to Sultan Kasepuhan Cirebon, Saturday (2 / 2/2013),

Sapta added, tourist activities that can be done in this city quite a lot. By the Kraton Kasepuhan, Kanoman and Museum Linggarjati could be leading tourist destinations. "Cirebon as a magnet because it is close to Jakarta, and is in the middle between Semarang and Jakarta. Ocean and coast line was pretty good," Sapta said.

Affairs stomach not to worry, there are jerked Genthong as special food and can be found easily from the restaurant to the street vendors. Cirebon batik which also features a batik Trusmi.

Sapta added now many travel agencies offering travel packages to Cirebon, a package of rail transportation, lodging, and travel packages museum. Cirebon is very strategic layout can be reached by land or sea, not only attract local tourists but also foreign tourists.

According to the Head of Tourism Disporabudpar Cirebon, Chairul Anam, on January 5, 2013, the City of Cirebon visited MV Minerva cruise ship carrying some 300 tourists from the UK. The next day the tourists with a rickshaw ride to the palace Kasepuhan Cirebon.