Enthusiastic Traveler Watch Lake Toba Festival

The tourists are drawn to the cultural performances and sports competitions are held in order to enliven Lake Toba Festival Free Parapat Beach, Simalungun District, North Sumatra, on Sunday (12/30/2012).

Hundreds of travelers since 09.00 am seen gathered around the outdoor stage to watch the Pagoda Parapat attractions typical regional dances from the seven districts in the surrounding area of ​​Lake Toba.

"The number of tourists who witnessed various cultural attractions and sporting activities in the framework of Lake Toba Festival today if more than yesterday," said John Simbolon, a tour guide at the tourist town Parapat.

However, according to Simbolon, most tourists who packed the arena show Lake Toba Festival is still dominated by domestic tourists coming from different districts / cities in North Sumatra (North Sumatra).

 Simbolon said the annual tourism activities should not only be seen predominantly domestic tourists but also foreign tourists.
To increase the flow of foreign tourists at Lake Toba Festival organization, continued Simbolon, the government should be heavily promoting early tourism activities to a number of countries.

Earlier, the Acting Governor of North Sumatra Gatot Pujo Nugroho opening Lake Toba Festival 2012 on December 28, hoping to contribute to the tourism agenda to make Lake Toba as a tourism icon Global Geopark Network (GGN), which has been proposed to UNESCO.

Wonders of nature the largest lake in Southeast Asia that has been designated as a National Tourism Strategic Areas (KSPN) is also expected to contribute to the success of programs Wonderful Indonesia.

Billy optimistic that it will make the Lake Toba region visited by many tourists, including foreign tourists. Increasing the flow of tourists to Lake Toba, according to Billy, will certainly have a positive impact for the community and the business sector tourism services in the region.

Therefore, the North Sumatra provincial government will continue to encourage the seven districts (local government) of the region around Lake Toba was more active role in order to succeed the Lake Toba Festival. The seven districts are Simalungun, Humbang Hasundutan, Toba Samosir, Samosir, North Tapanuli, Dairi, and Karo.

Lake Toba Festival this year, which lasts until December 31 Simalungun organized local government. While the 2013 Lake Toba Festival planned for sometime in June or July with a host Samosir regency.


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