Let's Travel to Cirebon

Some urban communities puzzled spend vacation time vacation time because they have very limited. Try to come to Cirebon. The town is located in the province of West Java, not far from the capital city, just spend some time with railway transportation, you can get to the city nicknamed the City of shrimp.

As expressed by the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sapta Nirwandar, tourists from Jakarta who want to vacation in Cirebon only takes less than 3 hours. "Less than 3 hours we had reached the city of Cirebon using Argojati (rates) 120's one thousand people, with a hotel, well 600 (thousand)'s able to Cirebon," Sapta said during his visit to Sultan Kasepuhan Cirebon, Saturday (2 / 2/2013),

Sapta added, tourist activities that can be done in this city quite a lot. By the Kraton Kasepuhan, Kanoman and Museum Linggarjati could be leading tourist destinations. "Cirebon as a magnet because it is close to Jakarta, and is in the middle between Semarang and Jakarta. Ocean and coast line was pretty good," Sapta said.

Affairs stomach not to worry, there are jerked Genthong as special food and can be found easily from the restaurant to the street vendors. Cirebon batik which also features a batik Trusmi.

Sapta added now many travel agencies offering travel packages to Cirebon, a package of rail transportation, lodging, and travel packages museum. Cirebon is very strategic layout can be reached by land or sea, not only attract local tourists but also foreign tourists.

According to the Head of Tourism Disporabudpar Cirebon, Chairul Anam, on January 5, 2013, the City of Cirebon visited MV Minerva cruise ship carrying some 300 tourists from the UK. The next day the tourists with a rickshaw ride to the palace Kasepuhan Cirebon.


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