Tinutuan Indonesia planned to become a culinary icon

Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) plan Tinutuan or porridge Manado, North Sulawesi, came as Indonesia's traditional culinary icon.

"We're planning a culinary icon Tinutuan entry. However, for it to go through the accurate analysis of the experts in order to obtain food criteria," said Director General of Tourism Marketing Kemenparekraf, Esthy Reko Astuty in Manado, on Tuesday (02/12/2013).

Esthy said that the typical food of Manado currently logged traditional Indonesian food culinary icons, namely Klappertaart. He also hoped Tinutuan follow.

The advantage with the entry of food or beverage as a traditional Indonesian culinary icon, said Esthy, decent food served at events or meetings on an international scale, such as APEC and others.

"Currently, there are 30 kinds of food and drink that became an icon of traditional Indonesian culinary Indonesia. All food products are constantly featured in major events, including an international meeting attended by leaders from various countries though," said Esthy.

The presence of Indonesian culinary delights in a variety of national and international events, continued Esthy, an attempt by the government to promote the excellent products throughout Indonesia so that they can give added value to the community.

Culinary, Esthy said, is one of seven regional specialties are included in special interest tourism as a strategic plan for the development of the creative industries to 2014 consisting of culinary culinary heritage, tradition, and excellence, from appetizers to desserts.

A total of 30 food and drink that became an icon of traditional Indonesian cuisine, which is a grilled chicken salad seasoning yogyakarta, jakarta gado-gado, nasi goreng kampung, pancake bandung, sarikayo minangkabau and ice dawet ayu Banjarnegara.

Then, ointment yogyakarta vegetables, vegetable jackfruit kapau, lumpia semarang, nagasari Yogyakarta, Jakarta mud pie, chicken soup lamongan, rawon Surabaya, Jakarta pickles, chicken satay madura.

Other foods, which skewers maranggi Purwakarta, klappertaart Manado, tofu egg Surabaya, bali wrap satay, rendang padang, scrambled solo beans, boiled catfish palembang, padeh acid cob fields, rice liwet solo, ice beer pletok jakarta, bandung sweet banana compote , fried chicken galangal bandung, laksa bogor, turmeric, tamarind solo, as well as the rice cone.

All of the 30 culinary icon was set as a traditional Indonesian culinary icon at home and abroad with the criteria should be readily available raw materials, both at home and abroad. Then, the culinary has been recognized by the public, and no professional actors such culinary practitioners.



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