Hidden Paradise in the Heart of the Coral Triangle

Paradise underwater, so under the terms of the beauty of the sea in the Komodo National Park is also identical to the rare Komodo. Komodo National Park underwater park located in East Nusa Tenggara have already been known to the world as one of the world class diving locations with the potential of marine ecosystems extraordinarily rich.

Komodo National Park is located in the heart of the Coral Triangle ( Coral Triangle), an area with a rich and diverse marine biological highest in the land.

There are numerous locations or point dive in Komodo National Park, with the conditions and characteristics that are different. Therefore, the role of the driver or mentor diving and security standards must be observed when dive underwater paradise in the Park. Location diving spread from the seas around Labuan Bajo, Komodo Island and Rinca Island. In Labuan Bajo, some famous diving point is Sebayur Small, Small Sabolon, Sabolon Big, and Small Seraya.

The beauty of Telaga Cebong (tadpoles) As Cloud Top

Ponds arguably Cebong pond above the clouds. How not, this lake is located in a village with an altitude of 2,300 m above sea level, not far from the Dieng Plateau. The village name is Sembungan, located in the District Kejajar, Wonosobo regency, Central Java Province. 

Sembungan village is known as the highest in Java with an area of ​​2.65 km and is inhabited by approximately 1,400 people. Of course, finding the lake at altitude is a blessing. Moreover, if the lake is too watery clear , has panoramic views, as well as abundant fish inhabited. Blue sky and green hills around reflected on the surface of the lake is clear and calm.

Enjoy the beauty of the farm population in the surrounding hills that flank the lake. The green color dominates the landscape with interesting contours. Cool, clean mountain air pollution free would be good for kesehatan.Tak only that, you also can enjoy the beauty of the lake with a boat ride. The boat ride over the mountain course will be a different experience in the history of your trip.

This is one place that may make you give thanks for the beauty of his creation . The water in the lake is very clean and clear Cebong because it is not mixed by the sulfur as it did on the lake color. With a depth of approximately 2-4 meters, the lake offers a Cebong fish are abundant and can be fished. Interestingly, some people fishing in this lake does not use bait. They are quite throw the hook and the capital of luck, they will attract the eye of the hook such that a fish caught on a hook.

Sound impossible ? In fact, this way of fishing activities do exist in the lake tadpole. You can buy the fish the angler at a low price, even negotiable. Usually tourists visit Ponds Cebong after watching the sunrise. When down the hill, it looked beautiful lake from a height as to invite anyone to come.

Do not miss immortalize the beauty of the hiking trail to Mount Sikunir this. Cebong pond so named because it first found a lot of frogs (tadpoles) on the banks of the lake. From the shape was a bit like a tadpole. For the people around, this lake is the source of life. In addition to the fishing area, the lake water is also used for irrigation purposes. Water lake residents irrigating vegetable gardens, such as a potato field, Carica, cabbage, carrots, beans, and others.

Volcano peek Beauty & Marine Park Dazzled

Manado Tua Island with Bunaken Island, Siladen, Mantehage, and Nani is a group of islands that make up the National Park Bunaken - Manado. Approximately 89 065 hectares of the national park is located not far from the city of Manado, capital of North Sulawesi province. Waters in this area has spectacular panoramic underwater so it is not wrong if it hosted the first World Ocean Conference in 2009.

Bunaken - Manado is one spectacular dive sites in the world . Islands close to each other but separated by a deep trench 1,200 meters. The waters of these islands is water that is free from garbage and other waste pollution usually comes from the city. This national park is protected from various types of fishing and reef fishing especially well with the use of explosives, as reported from Indonesia Travel.

Manado Tua Island can be reached by boat approximately one hour from downtown Manado is about 10 miles from the city of Manado. Manado Tua Island different from other islands in Bunaken - Manado. Different because of the volcano covered with green trees and shade. Plains were in the water with a slope of 5 to 30 meters and split a rock wall with a depth of 25 to 50 meters into the sea floor and a large cave. Sambangi directly and see for yourself how the park is truly amazing.

Manado Tua Island in addition to having a perfect sea gardens and rich marine life , also has a history of tribal existence Bowontehu related . According to historical records , the tribe is already on the island of Manado Tua approximately 1623. Formerly the island of Manado Tua Bowontehu inhabited by tribes , the island is known as Manarow and people from ethnic Sangir old .

The island has about 3,200 inhabitants and mostly subsistence farmers and fishermen. Manado Tua has an active community to preserve damaged reefs with the help of the local government. The reefs here can be a shelter small fish from predators. Nusantara Diving Club organized in 1985 aims to urge the Ministry of Environment to undertake the protection and preservation of the variety of marine life in the waters of Manado Tua.

Manado Tua Island has a tropical climate with rainfall ranging between 2000-3000 mm per year . Marine park itself is inhabited variety of rare marine life including dugongs, dolphins and various species of ornamental fish such as Hippocampus sp, giant clams, as well as hawksbill and green turtles . For this type of coral are dominated by Pocilopora sp, sp Seriaattopora, Pachyseris sp, Porites sp, Fungia sp, sp Herpolitha, Holomitra sp, sp Galaxea, Pectinia sp, sp Lobophyllia, Echinopora sp, and Tubastrea sp.

Both on land and under the sea , Manado Tua has outstanding views . In its waters you can find large fish such as napoleon wrasse, giant trevally, eaglerays, snappers, and groupers. Currents in the waters of Manado Tua sometimes quite strong, experienced divers only be allowed to dive here.

On the east coast of Manado Tua is in Cape Coral Coffee precisely in the plains below the sea there is a fish and Blacktail barracuda barracuda, as well as a large number of schools of fish. Tanjung Coffee is also a place where hundreds of turtles laying eggs on the full moon.

For those of you who can not swim can do snorkeling and watch the underwater life which is decorated with various types of marine life by using a glass submarine. In this island there is also a place for jogging, mountain bikes and camping facilities.

Other tourist activities to do in this place, among others enjoying the park with a boat ride around the mirror (catamarans), underwater photography, as well as recreational water sports such as sailing boat ( boating screen ), and jet skis.

For land activities you can enjoy a panoramic view of Manado Tua with touring, camping, jogging, biking, hiking and sunbathing. Manado Tua Island is also famous for its views of the sun rising and setting of the charming.

Time to yourself to get up in the morning to jog while waiting for the sun rises on the eastern horizon. In the afternoon after finished diving , snorkeling and boat around the island, you can relax on the beach waiting for sunset golden brown, looks beautiful when captured with your camera.

Know More Far Jatiluwih as World Heritage

Jatiluwih name, an area of ​​rice fields in Tabanan, Bali, getting stuck after crowned as world cultural heritage site by UNESCO. Traditional subak irrigation system that does need to be preserved that has been handed down from generation to generation and has attracted many tourists to see the beauty of the panorama.

Not only that, the housing surrounding villagers still retain even barns beautiful plow rice, red rice renowned quality. Jatiluwih in Balinese language means beautiful teak. The location of this stunning rice fields lay in Tabanan, about 40 kilometers from Denpasar, or about 2 hours by car.

One of the interesting places that can be visited is Hamlet Gunungsari located at an altitude of 640 meters above sea level with a cool climate in contrast to the atmosphere of a hot beach. Irrigation water in the rice fields so clear and cool so often immerse visitors in the freshness of her curiosity to the water flow on the stretch of paddy panorama Jatiluwih.

However, unfortunately, this picture is not always beneficial for its citizens promising change. Many problems that arise as a function of conversion of land that will not be in line with its current status. In addition, many people who switched professions to become a good employee in the government or in private. Crops and commodities of Jatiluwih for companies engaged in the tourism sector in Bali becomes crucial.

Then who will continue the legacy Jatiluwih as world cultural heritage sites that require management and irrigated rice fields subaknya ? Nowadays Bali has become a barometer of national tourism and also part of the corridor 5 Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development (MP3EI) which includes Bali, NTB, and NTT. Therefore, it is definitely the program will bring rapid development in various fields.

The accelerated development of wind does not always materialize as an opportunity, because for the people or for the region Jatiluwih Jatiluwih as world cultural heritage could be a threat. This interdependence must be kept in balance, such as the balance of the principle of Tri Hita Karana.

This area needs to be maintained into the area that is not too commercial so spontaneous and sporadic development violate the laws of spatial and tourism can be avoided. Development issues in South Bali can be avoided early in Jatiluwih , generally in the district. Tabanan, with the supervision of law enforcement . Construction of villas and hotel is not something forbidden except when violating the land use designation of statutory pre-defined layout. If that happens as people complained Jatiluwih Gunungsari Hamlet, Tabanan then emphasized that there needs to be a review of a permit that allows construction. In addition to the villas and hotels, Village Tourism is an alternative that should be supported where its presence will further involve local residents.

Adventure in Twin Falls Batu Barae in South Sulawesi

A unique tourism assets, interest and foreign tourist archipelago. Natural conditions are quite pleasant with the cool weather, it fits Twin Falls Batu Barae for adventure location.

When the cold air began to envelop, venturing just make more excited with the 'conquered' arrogance coastal cliffs and explore the Batu Barae. Local people call it so, in the native language means "animal enclosures made ​​of stone", in this case a historical place giant buffalo enclosure.

Location Twin Falls Batu Bare supported beautiful nature, located in the village Barambang, Borong Sinjai district. Two waterfalls in one area and side by side, with both only 60 meters distance. With a height of 40-45 meters and a thickness of the upper waterfall of 2-3 meters, water flow both reached approximately 4 meters. 

In the middle between the two waterfalls there are "1,000 stairs" to the location of the washing tub with gazebo and Weir Talud facilities that can sustain tourism assets and ongoing activities in the farm community outside of the area of land irrigated. Not to forget, a tourist villa that has been permanently established with background beauty Twin Falls Batu Barae and natural and artificial arrangements that have been fused into one region. Inevitably, traveled at this location can release fatigue to enjoy its natural attractions.

The waterfall is located at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level with a cool air tends to be even cooler. So in the morning and evening, this area is sometimes covered by a thick fog. Outside the tourist area is surrounded by mountains with agriculture and plantation resources are adequate so that it can be used as agro tourism. Also did not escape the rock cliffs and a row of small cliffs very affordable by the adventurers, is indicated as an alternative travel or camping, as mountneering course and outbound. 

However, the alternative tourism management urgently need a touch of outbound organizers, with the help of, tourism development, as well as natural navigation to the top of Mount Bawakaraeng . On the other hand, the development of agro attraction, passion fruit and tobacco plantations is dominated growth. Passion fruit that has been produced as a society Consumerization Sulawesai, from a traditional process resulted in a passion fruit beverage marketing to motivate the managers of the food and beverage industry to manage these more modern passion fruit drink. Now, travelers who want to bring souvenirs from the waterfall area , the sweetness of the passion fruit juice drinks are still strong, from traditional and modern processing, may be an option.

Not to forget, for tourists staying in tourist vill the twin waterfalls, unique culinary taste is worth lemang or glutinous rice in bamboo. Processing process is very traditional and simple, but it feels very satisfying. Glutinous rice or people often call this lemang Sokko very enjoyable with salted egg or grilled fish, with other dishes such as cobe - style catering cobe'na lappa and dried fish ala Sembilan Island.

It is very satisfying to enjoy the natural treats this tourist area; admire the natural scenery at the same culinary. Cool scenery and cool. Rock cliffs and Twin Falls Batu Barae the development prospects are quite promising, not only waterfall Sahara that makes us stunned by its beauty. To get to the waterfall location, just on four wheels or two wheels with the distance of approximately 35 km from the center of Sinjai, South Sulawesi. 

Ora Island, Honeymoon Paradise

No need to go far away to the Maldives, in the Nusantara is also a beautiful place honeymoon no less with the island nation. Ora precisely located on the island, Central Maluku.

When the honeymoon destination of your choice is a relaxing seaside resort overlooking the clear blue sea, do not need to go far away to Bora - Bora or the Maldives, enough to Ora Island. Beauty island in Central Maluku is so enchanting, making its Indonesian dubbed Maldives.

Ora island located in the village of Saleman, District of North Seram, Central Maluku. The island is so captivating beauty of the sea and beaches, clear turquoise sea water showing marine life in it. 

While visiting the island of Ora, you can stay at a resort named Ora Beach Resort. The resort has six wooden huts standing on the sea. So, when you wake up, you will immediately be greeted Ora fantastic views of the beach.

At night, the view was so beautiful Ora Island, especially when the weather is sunny and the stars scattered in the sky. Quiet atmosphere makes it very suitable island became a destination honeymoon 

To enjoy the beauty of the island of Ora is not easy. It is quite remote so that the journey to the island is quite far and time consuming. First, you have to reach the airport in Ambon Pattimura then use 
public transport to Port Tulehu.

From there, you connect another trip with a fast boat for two hours to Port Amahai. From Amahai, followed again by public transport to the village of Sawai, then later use the boat for 10 minutes to the island of Ora.