Biak Has Diverse Attraction

Various potential natural attractions such as the beauty of the marine park islands Padaido distinctive cultural and artistic diversity of Biak, Papua, is expected to increase the flow of tourists and foreign tourists to Biak.

Head of the Department of Tourism and Culture Destinations Biak, Mecky Kapitarrauw in Biak, Tuesday (01/08/2013), said the island Biak as the area is known to have the potential for a variety of nautical tourism, in which typical cultural arts and historical objects remnants of World War II, which still attract tourists.

"The destination of foreign tourists and among caves of Biak Binsari Japan, World War II monument at Paray / Anggraidi, Padaido sea islands, beach Wari, Bosnik Beach and several other historic Biak," he said.

Alluding to the detailed data of tourist visits to Biak, according Mecky, until the beginning of 2012 is still in the process of preparing the annual report.

He said there were a number of hotel managers until the end of the end of 2012 has not been handed a list of shelter guests to the Department of Tourism and Culture.

The Department of Tourism and Culture Biak each time to record the many attractions to be included in the data Biak tourist destinations Biak. With the natural beauty of Biak expected to encourage the flow of foreign and domestic tourists visit to Biak.



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