Bamboo Raft, Efforts to Introduce Loksado

Initially, bamboo rafts known as the Dayak community transport crops Loksado Amandit River, South River Hulu regency, South Kalimantan. But now, a raft used to travel down the river while enjoying the natural beauty Meratus Mountains. That's what the 53 teams of participants raft of bamboo (bamboo rafting), which follows Tourism Balanting Paring, namely Amandit down the river with a bamboo raft.

In addition to commemorating the 62nd anniversary of the district administration, an event held at the end of December last year to lift Loksado name and image to the outside world.

Loksado an area bermukimnya Meratus Dayak tribe, located on the River Amandit Hulu, Hulu South River, South Kalimantan (South Kalimantan). Meratus Mountains region is known to have a very beautiful nature, beautiful, and natural.

"Lanting Paring"

In the language of Banjar, lanting Paring used to refer to a bamboo raft, which consists of 16-20 bamboo rod with a length of more than 6 meters. Bamboo poles that are lined up and tied together with rope. Bamboo raft ride five passengers plus a jockey, which serves to control the direction and purpose of the bamboo raft,

Jockey who was standing at the front of the raft plays an important role. Holding a long pole about 3 feet, the jockey tried hard to control the pace of the raft in order to cross the rapids safely. Occasionally, the jockey had to jump into the river in order to steer the raft to be maneuvered in between the rocks.

However, so the jockey can not be indiscriminate. It also must be agile. Quite often, when in the middle of the journey, bamboo slats bound with ropes to bring the bamboo is cut off due to friction between the raft and rock. This is where the role of the jockey, who must continue to keep the bamboo scattered and passengers fell into the river. With the depth of the river that reaches 3-4 feet, then the jockey should be able to mend ties with a new rope.

Not many people know the exact distance covered bamboo raft down the river when Amandit. Usually they just memorized by time. For example, close to local Tanuhi Loksado terminal, the distance can be reached within two-three hours. If measured by road distance approximately 8 kilometers.

However, many bamboo raft trip along the beautiful scenery that can be enjoyed. Not only the landscape is hilly and relatively green, but also the Dayak community activities that also attract observed, both in the villages and fields, or the river.

When down the river, tourists can also see a variety of vegetation that grows along the river flow Amandit. If lucky, they could see the orchids, which grow well in the soil and the trees trunk. Meratus Loksado and this is known as a natural orchid habitat in Borneo.

According to the Indonesian Orchid Association of South Kalimantan, from the 4000's orchid plants in Indonesia, 3,000 's of them were in Kalimantan. Of the total 3,000-an orchid, the 1000's which are located in South Kalimantan, especially in the mountains Meratus. Among the types of orchid Phalaenopsis Cornu Cervi (orchids month saws) and Grammatophyllum Speciocum (cane orchids).

Several other types of flora are the wealth Meratus various spices, such as nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves; fruits, and rubber. Loksado himself known as a cinnamon-producing areas in South Kalimantan. Community activities as harvesting cinnamon and rubber are also quite attractive if it can be seen.

Once separated from the Amandit, passengers will enter the area Loksado, which still holds some other interesting wealth. In Tanuhi, for example, there are hot springs that can be enjoyed all the time. In the mountains with elevations of about 800 feet above sea level, there are also a number of waterfalls though not too high. For example, Haratai, Riam Hanai, Rampah Menjangan, and Rapid Fire.

Can be sold

Syriac, Head of Tourism and Culture Hulu South River, said the region also has the potential cultural Loksado form of the Dayak community.

In this area, there are 43 halls adat (traditional house), the largest Stempel Malaris. "Here, tourists can see Aruh (traditional ceremony) if it happens to be right time, such as during harvest," he said.

Aliansyah (30), a resident, said, if there are tourists who are interested in riding a bamboo raft, they can rent out to residents. The rent is Rp 250,000 for one-way.

Interestingly, bamboo raft down the river to be hired for downstream, will not be taken back to the pit. The bamboo will be sold to residents in the downstream. Bamboo is used for bamboo fences and cages chicken. "The selling price of bamboo Rp 20,000-Rp 25,000," added Aliansyah. Tourists visit the region's crowded in August until the end of the year.

Currently, the package is recognized bamboo raft on the rise. Tourism services is mostly no longer managed by the society as a sideline. Most professionally managed.

The rise of a bamboo raft tour packages followed by the growth of other facilities for tourists. Facilities that include lodging facilities for tourists. Currently, there are only three hotels. Sure, it's not enough.

Another problem, the problem of road infrastructure and bridges to Loksado also still need to be addressed. Conditions Tanuhi bridge, for example, is also still a concern. Similarly, for passenger transport vehicles are still minimal.

As a tourist destination, Loksado course development is also expected to bring progress and prosperity of its inhabitants. However, did it all happen?

Indeed, not all the Dayak Loksado enjoy welfare. If anything, it has a handful of people. Of course, not to complain as local community leaders, Sartono Peter, "People just be spectators."



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