While in Airplane Choose These Foods

Various health problems that occurred while on the way it can be overcome with the right foods. Call it like this jetlag to get drunk on the way.

Hermann Freidanck, a Chef and Manager of Food & Beverage Singapore Airlines has been responsible for designing the menu in the famous aircraft in the world.

He said travelers can avoid the usual problems faced by the body during air travel. The trick is to choose the right menu will be eaten. Here are tips from Freidanck as quoted by News.com.au.

Jet lag. Choose protein foods, but still keep the portions a little. Food acts as a timer for the body.

According to one study, it is better to eat in small portions while on the plane and get on the ground in a state still a little hungry, instead of eating big time in the air.

Freidanck said the best option is an egg for breakfast. As for the other meals, choose chicken, tuna, or other fish with a color not too bright.

Eating a high protein diet during landing means making your body as active as possible in order to be able to adapt to the different time zones.

Motion sickness. Choose foods and drinks made from ginger. Ginger is able to relieve motion sickness. Freidanck suggest choosing a beverage made from ginger if any. However, almost in some Asian food using spices ginger.

Indigestion. Choose foods made from potatoes, fish, turmeric and pineapple. Air travel may weaken digestion and absorption of nutrients. Potatoes can give the effect of antacids or neutralize stomach acid.

While turmeric is known potent digestive problems. Pineapple is also able to overcome digestive disorders because it contains enzymes that can break down food in the stomach.

Vegetables are a lot of materials and whole grains such as brown rice, to improve the digestive process. Meanwhile, the protein contained in fish are easier to digest than meat.

If you are prone to flatulence and digestive problems, choose foods made from seafood such as fish and spicy saffron. Menu like curry can be an option.

Anxiety. Chewing celery before boarding a plane to reduce anxiety. Celery can provide a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Dehydration can also cause stress, headache, and feeling irritable. So, drink plenty of fluids during the flight. Stay away from alcoholic beverages.

Fatigue. Too long in the plane often makes the body tired easily. Freidank advised to choose protein-rich foods combined with fruits and vegetables.

Foods containing chillies are also a good option. Therefore, the chili can improve sleep quality. The more that you can sleep on the plane, the more energy you will get in the next day.


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