Doka Village, Home Fabrics Weave Fighters Flores

From Maumere, a town on the northern edge of the island of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, which is only 20 kilometers separate it from the edge of the south, travel on four-wheeled vehicles heading Doka village overlooks verdant hill gap is very charming. Journey full of twists should be taken along the way up the hill into the realm of trees like petai china, cocoa, copra, pecan, and cashew nuts.

The condition of the road between the north and south in Sikka district known as the district counted a thousand palm trees well. However, since the width of the narrow and winding so the vehicle can not speed more than 40 km per hour. Public transport orange sacks packed loaded on it occasionally drove over the narrow streets of the village towards Maumere Doka.

 Doka Village is a village in the Village balls are known to have a beautiful woven ikat fabric. More awesome again dominated the author of this nature. Doka Village Community since the first has a traditional weaving skills with various shades of colors.

Doka village being one example coaching tourist village in Flores. Initially the help of the tourism initiators Kornelis Java (late), 1997 Doka village began to squirm. Now since 2010, Cletus Lopez, son of Kornelis Java, continued to show an attraction indigenous village of a mountain behind the village. Guests who have come here from different countries and witnessed the beauty of the fabric weave.

Lined with houses overlooking a connecting road between villages, Doka village is not so visible like other traditional villages. Some already diffused and modernity of life in Maumere but people determined to live by maintaining ancestral traditions. 

When guests come, the villagers would play a dance reception, dance traditions, show the process of making ikat cloth, dish up traditional food and drink. Doka hospitality village is an attraction not to be missed when you are in Sikka.

Doka village recently revealed from exploration path on the island of Flores. Appearance gave a new color on your adventure before reap more natural awkwardness charming in Flores, the Lake Kelimutu in Moni, Stone Blue or Green Stone on the beach towards Bajawa, the apparent removal of the seabed in the hills along the southern fault cross-Flores, placement stone altar in the traditional village Boawae, as well as a variety of unique culture that is still alive at this Snake Island.

Cultural attractions are also waiting admirers, ranging from dance reception and party guests to dance Belaraghi caci in Compang To'e. Visits to the west end of Flores can be refined by a visit to the Park in the Park as well Flores baby for Indonesia, even the world.



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