Please Come to Banda Aceh

Following the tsunami, Banda Aceh, Aceh province back to clean up, especially in the tourism sector. Tourism potential of Banda Aceh is rich in heritage. Look Baiturrahman Mosque and tomb of Sultan Iskandar Muda. The latest is that the Tsunami Museum is a donation from the donor countries to increase the number of attractions in the western end of Indonesia.

The tsunami disaster on December 26, 2004 is an extraordinary misfortune and hard to forget the people of Aceh. However, behind the disaster, saved a lot of relics or remains of which can be seen malignancy tsunami in Banda Aceh.

Call it presence on the boat house in Gampong Lampulo, Kuta Alam district and diesel Floating Village Punge Blang Cut, District of New Jaya thrown about 4 kilometers from the beach. Overall it provides a wealth of new to the city of Banda Aceh for use as a tourist attraction.

Head of Culture and Tourism of Banda Aceh, Reza Fahlevi trying to optimally exploit the potential of Banda Aceh and package them into interesting attractions for tourists.

For Reza, Banda Aceh, which has many historical and cultural heritage is one of the tourist destination country to be reckoned with. Moreover, the typical coffee shop makes its own uniqueness to Aceh Banda Aceh.
According to Reza, until now tourists from Malaysia are the biggest travelers to Banda Aceh. "Heritage and tourism in Banda Aceh natural supports. Besides traveled pilgrimage, tourists Malaysia came to Aceh to shop. They're also the ever Bandung. So know the price is. Prices of goods here slightly exceeds Bandung," Reza said when talking in Solong coffee shop, Banda Aceh, on Friday (30/11/2012).

Reza explained that the average length of stay of tourists in Banda Aceh Malaysia about 2-3 days. Starting hectic domestic and foreign tourists to Banda Aceh was not free from the increasing number of flights from Jakarta to Malaysia and Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport.

Various attempts were made Disbudpar Banda Aceh to attract tourists. "We invite the bike community, photography community," said Reza mention one of the efforts to disseminate the potential of Aceh to the outside world.

Besides Banda Aceh city government is also heavily promoting to Malaysia and European countries. Various festivals are also held to attract tourists such as coffee festival, cultural attractions every weekend, the international kite festival to race boats.

"They (tourists) often ask Aceh where? Aceh safe? We want to pack well Aceh tourism and seeks to change the perception of Aceh over the years," said Reza.

The next task, according to Reza, is a complete range of facilities and provides the comfort of tourists. "Signs and complete the tour's fix for the transportation sector. We also set up a restaurant or culinary Aceh. What is equally important is to prepare human resources in tourism," said Reza.



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