Enjoy Coolness Wafsarak

Torrid hitting skin. But the determination to get to the North Biak, West Papua, making the body is still growing. The beauty of Biak was no doubt. Group of islands located in Paradise Bay makes Biak has a natural beauty under the sea is not less beautiful with his brother Raja Ampat. Call it Padaido island cluster that offers the beauty of coral reef biodiversity in it.

Biak position directly opposite the Pacific Ocean. So that during World War II, Biak is one area that witnessed just how fierce air and sea battles between the Japanese and the Allies.

No wonder now at least Biak has a historical tourist destination of which is the point dive bomber crash site owned Catalina allies and cave hideouts Binsari 3000 Japanese troops bombed by the Allies.

But this time, the liver can not wait to get up in the village of Amoi, a village located in North Biak. Along the way, the eyes are pampered with beautiful green hills on the left side and the blue sea on the right side. Because access to the village is indeed passed Amoi shore.

Amoi village is one of the villages close to the beach. The sand is white with navy blue featuring landscapes that make eyes at him at home. However, once again this body should be turned and headed for the entrance to the tourist area of ​​Niagara Wafsarak.

The sound of water roaring welcome and make the heart can not wait to see the waterfalls are just a few dozen meters away from the beach.

Log into it to make you forget that behind you there is a white sandy beach with blue sea. You will be fascinated with shade trees and waterfalls items carried by the wind and touch your face.

Wafsarak waterfall is not too high, just 9 yards, but the green color of the water that makes the atmosphere in the region feels right. Times the white rocks combined dark green foliage, with pastel green waterfall guaranteed to make you linger in this place.

Just below the waterfall there is a pool of nature, there is no harm in jumping and feel the coolness of the Falls. Even if you want a bit of adrenaline, you crawl up from the right side of the waterfall and jump down.

Do not be afraid to be a concern to many people. Because Wafsarak waterfall can be said away from the crowds. This condition makes beautiful waterfall Wafsarak kept clean and away from trash.

Blazing sun was covered with clouds, rain soon. The body was then left after a sip of coolness and beauty of one of the masterpieces on earth Papua.



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