700 Local Languages ​​in Indonesia Endangered!

Preservation of local languages ​​in Indonesia is in distress! How not, 700 languages ​​in Indonesia threatened with extinction, even 169 languages ​​of which only have less than 500 speakers.

Indonesia is generally divided into two groups of language family, namely Austronesian and non-Austronesian. Language which belong to the family of non-Austronesian numerous in eastern Indonesia. Based on the research conducted, it is unknown if the family of languages ​​is the most alarming condition.

As many as 169 languages ​​are from eastern Indonesia even have speakers who number fewer than 500 people. Various things suspected to be factors causing the extinction of a language. UNESCO itself issued nine factors that could cause the extinction of a language.

"Ethnic language may be extinct in the absence of successors who use such language, as well as a language lost to 'compete' with other languages ​​or because they keep a very traditional," said RMT Multamia Lauder, a linguist at the University of Indonesia when met LIPI, Jakarta, recently.

Currently, he added, many parents do not teach their children to the local language so that no new generation to preserve it. Connection with an indigenous tribe, for example, occurs in Multamia language, the vocabulary documentation can only be learned by the descendants of the king.

"Yes, how can be preserved only if access is limited. So, when the royal family was exhausted, the language would be extinct, "he added.

"I think maybe we should approach and understanding of how language is important, language is not just a property of the king. In fact, if this language can be preserved, Indonesia will increasingly rich culture and diverse, "said Endang Turmudi, Head of the Research Center for Social and Cultural LIPI, on the same occasion.

It also makes the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) conducted a study of six languages ​​in the three provinces. The study was conducted as an initial effort to preserve the language in the area. Language study focused LIPI, among Gamkonora in West Halmahera, Kao and Capping in North Halmahera, Oirata Kisar Island, and Kui and Kafoa Alor Southwest.

"There are a lot of ethnic minority languages ​​in eastern Indonesia are threatened with extinction, it would require a comprehensive effort to preserve the language, one through family always taught her native language and learning in schools," he added.Even this study attempted to collect vocabulary of any language is almost extinct.

Then, the plan, the vocabulary will be incorporated in a dictionary to be a form of documentation in the future. This long process will last until 2014, in which the vocabulary collected will continue to grow.

In 2014, due to be launched dictionary contains six languages. In the event, even this research report expressed the desire and hope of making a museum as a place to store the language and learn the language documentation.



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