Beauty at the End of Bali

The word "beautiful" is the only word that can describe this. The beauty of the pond with swans swimming back and forth full of elegance.

Then combined with carved Balinese architecture building, but with ornaments here and there that impressed the Dutch colonial art deco influence. Let's look at the glass mosaic tiles are reminiscent of the old buildings from the Dutch.

Or, pretty lights hanging bridge full detail carving feel of Bali. Visitors who could not seem to come too hasty when walking to explore this place. This area is blend of traditional Balinese architecture with European style architecture.

Yes, steps must often stopped, looked in amazement and take pictures narcissistic. This new atmosphere below. Try walking up a fairly steep climb stairs. Not only the whole area of ​​the park, the pool, and enjoyed building the eye.

However, panoramic sea and mountain in the distance ready to refresh the eyes. This park is located at the other end Soekasada Karangasem, Bali. So beautiful, this place is often a place prewedding photo.

The park is more commonly referred to as a water palace. Yes, once the king of Karangasem make this area as a resting area and meditation. Precisely that was the last king of Karangasem Anglurah Ida Anak Agung Ketut Agung Karangasem who built this place.

According to the Head of the Cultural Heritage Park Soekasada business end, I Nyoman Matal, Taman Ujung built in the 19th century BC. This area was abandoned until the renovations done in 2002 at a cost of up to USD 19 billion

"As built by the Kingdom of Karangasem in 1919. Then inauguration in 1937, "said Matal.

Well, you might be wondering why it is called "Edge". It is in the village of Ujung Beach. If you look at the map of Bali, consider the form juts out on the east side adjacent to the Lombok Strait.

As the name implies, Garden Soekasada really at the eastern tip of Bali. From here, you can see the clear sea of ​​Lombok Strait. The garden areas are divided several parts. At the pool, there Gili Hall and Hall Kambang.

Balai Gili like a small island in the middle of the pond. Two bridges connect the building. First, Balai Gili is a resting place of the royal family. Today, visitors can see the king bed and photographs Karangasem kingdom in his prime.

While Kambang Hall building in the middle of the pond is located in the south. The difference is only one bridge connecting the building. Formerly Kambang Center is a meeting place for guests and royal banquets.

While at the top of the index finger Hall and Ship Hall. Hall index finger is made in the area of ​​rice terraces in the northwest. Being in height, this is where the king gave instructions to the servants of the empire.

The ship is a true Hall main entrance Soekasada Parks Edge. King who comes, will go through the Ship Hall. From here, the king could see the ships passing through the Straits of Lombok while taking a break.

To enjoy the beauty of the park Soekasada end, you do not need to spend in deeply. Domestic visitors only charged ticket is Rp 5,000 for adults and Rp 2,500 for children. As for the boat ride charged Rp 5,000 and visitors are invited twice a lap pool.

Access and Accommodation

Taman Ujung Jalan Raya himself was Seraiah, Banjar Middle Ujung, Karangasem district, Karangasem regency, Bali. Karangasem regency in the eastern side of the island of Bali.

From Ngurah Rai Airport in Tuban, Badung, either through a bypass road that connects Ida Bagus Mantra Badung with Karangasem. It takes about two hours from Ngurah Rai towards Karangasem.

As for accommodation, visitors can choose to stay in the area Candidasa Beach which is one of the central tourist crowds Karangasem. Long journey from Candidasa towards Taman Ujung about an hour.

Central Tapanuli Promote beauty of the island Mursala

Central Tapanuli regent, King Bonaran Situmeang heavily promoting the beauty of a waterfall sights Mursala Island to neighboring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore.

"It is expected that travelers from overseas to visit the island Mursala which has a variety of ornamental fish and coral reefs under the sea is really fascinating and rare in this country," he said in Pandan, Tuesday (29/01/2013).

Mursala island has an area of ​​approximately 8000 hectares, according Bonaran, an area of ​​hills and its nature, as well as save a million charm of the landscape.

"However, unfortunately many sights available natural phenomena on the island of Sumatra Mursala next to the ocean in the waters of Indonesia, has not been fully explored by the Government Central Tapanuli (Tapteng)," said Bonaran.

Therefore Central Tapanuli regency and the Department of Tourism in the local area continues to become more frequent selling or promoting the natural wealth and beauty of marine tourism existing island.

Promotion of tourism in the island Mursala waterfall which has a height of approximately 35 meters is not only done through the mass media, but also by bringing a number of artists from Jakarta.

In fact, it is clear Bonaran, the artist is not only a direct view of waterfalls, but they also want to swim in Peraian Tapteng.

In addition, members Wantimpres Prof Dr Vanessa Hudgens have also seen falls Mursala Island in November 2011. Meutia was amazed watching the waterfall from the cliff on an island that falls directly into the sea overlooking the Indian Ocean.

"It is an honor for the local government who has a wealth of natural Tapteng very beautiful and fascinating. Things like this very popular guests from abroad, and the Regency Tapteng expected to keep and maintain the proficiency level waterfall," he said.

Furthermore Bonaran say, through the natural beauty of the waterfall, it was working hard to bring in investors who want to build the facilities and infrastructure of the hotel or inn on the island.

Thus Mursala island's tourism industry could be generating revenue for the district and community. Bonaran emphasized economic progress and improve the welfare of the community is a commitment and ideals since Tapteng entrusted with the regency.

Around the island Mursala, there are several small islands, such as Island Silabu-pumpkin Nagodang, Namenek Kalimantung Island, Jambe Island, and Puti Island, a uniqueness that adds to the beauty of the marine tourism Mursala Island.

Location of Mursala Island takes only about two hours away by boat from the dock Pandan Beach. Boat rental rates approximately USD 1.2 million. A few hundred meters to the coast Mursala Beach, tourists can see the beauty of the underwater scenery is quite breathtaking.

Central Tapanuli administratively composed of 20 districts with 147 villages and 30 urban villages. Central Tapanuli total area is 6194.98 square kilometers (km2), land and sea 2194.98 km2 4000 km2. The population in 2011 as many as 314,142 lives consist of 157,881 men and 156,261 women.

Central Tapanuli also has 31 islands and some three mountains / hills, 48 ​​beaches, 22 waterfalls, two lakes, two artificial attractions and 19 historic sites. The main tourist attraction is the bay area Tapian Nauli, charm and natural beauty of the coast under the sea, cultural heritage and cultural attractions.


While in Airplane Choose These Foods

Various health problems that occurred while on the way it can be overcome with the right foods. Call it like this jetlag to get drunk on the way.

Hermann Freidanck, a Chef and Manager of Food & Beverage Singapore Airlines has been responsible for designing the menu in the famous aircraft in the world.

He said travelers can avoid the usual problems faced by the body during air travel. The trick is to choose the right menu will be eaten. Here are tips from Freidanck as quoted by

Jet lag. Choose protein foods, but still keep the portions a little. Food acts as a timer for the body.

According to one study, it is better to eat in small portions while on the plane and get on the ground in a state still a little hungry, instead of eating big time in the air.

Freidanck said the best option is an egg for breakfast. As for the other meals, choose chicken, tuna, or other fish with a color not too bright.

Eating a high protein diet during landing means making your body as active as possible in order to be able to adapt to the different time zones.

Motion sickness. Choose foods and drinks made from ginger. Ginger is able to relieve motion sickness. Freidanck suggest choosing a beverage made from ginger if any. However, almost in some Asian food using spices ginger.

Indigestion. Choose foods made from potatoes, fish, turmeric and pineapple. Air travel may weaken digestion and absorption of nutrients. Potatoes can give the effect of antacids or neutralize stomach acid.

While turmeric is known potent digestive problems. Pineapple is also able to overcome digestive disorders because it contains enzymes that can break down food in the stomach.

Vegetables are a lot of materials and whole grains such as brown rice, to improve the digestive process. Meanwhile, the protein contained in fish are easier to digest than meat.

If you are prone to flatulence and digestive problems, choose foods made from seafood such as fish and spicy saffron. Menu like curry can be an option.

Anxiety. Chewing celery before boarding a plane to reduce anxiety. Celery can provide a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Dehydration can also cause stress, headache, and feeling irritable. So, drink plenty of fluids during the flight. Stay away from alcoholic beverages.

Fatigue. Too long in the plane often makes the body tired easily. Freidank advised to choose protein-rich foods combined with fruits and vegetables.

Foods containing chillies are also a good option. Therefore, the chili can improve sleep quality. The more that you can sleep on the plane, the more energy you will get in the next day.

Bamboo Raft, Efforts to Introduce Loksado

Initially, bamboo rafts known as the Dayak community transport crops Loksado Amandit River, South River Hulu regency, South Kalimantan. But now, a raft used to travel down the river while enjoying the natural beauty Meratus Mountains. That's what the 53 teams of participants raft of bamboo (bamboo rafting), which follows Tourism Balanting Paring, namely Amandit down the river with a bamboo raft.

In addition to commemorating the 62nd anniversary of the district administration, an event held at the end of December last year to lift Loksado name and image to the outside world.

Loksado an area bermukimnya Meratus Dayak tribe, located on the River Amandit Hulu, Hulu South River, South Kalimantan (South Kalimantan). Meratus Mountains region is known to have a very beautiful nature, beautiful, and natural.

"Lanting Paring"

In the language of Banjar, lanting Paring used to refer to a bamboo raft, which consists of 16-20 bamboo rod with a length of more than 6 meters. Bamboo poles that are lined up and tied together with rope. Bamboo raft ride five passengers plus a jockey, which serves to control the direction and purpose of the bamboo raft,

Jockey who was standing at the front of the raft plays an important role. Holding a long pole about 3 feet, the jockey tried hard to control the pace of the raft in order to cross the rapids safely. Occasionally, the jockey had to jump into the river in order to steer the raft to be maneuvered in between the rocks.

However, so the jockey can not be indiscriminate. It also must be agile. Quite often, when in the middle of the journey, bamboo slats bound with ropes to bring the bamboo is cut off due to friction between the raft and rock. This is where the role of the jockey, who must continue to keep the bamboo scattered and passengers fell into the river. With the depth of the river that reaches 3-4 feet, then the jockey should be able to mend ties with a new rope.

Not many people know the exact distance covered bamboo raft down the river when Amandit. Usually they just memorized by time. For example, close to local Tanuhi Loksado terminal, the distance can be reached within two-three hours. If measured by road distance approximately 8 kilometers.

However, many bamboo raft trip along the beautiful scenery that can be enjoyed. Not only the landscape is hilly and relatively green, but also the Dayak community activities that also attract observed, both in the villages and fields, or the river.

When down the river, tourists can also see a variety of vegetation that grows along the river flow Amandit. If lucky, they could see the orchids, which grow well in the soil and the trees trunk. Meratus Loksado and this is known as a natural orchid habitat in Borneo.

According to the Indonesian Orchid Association of South Kalimantan, from the 4000's orchid plants in Indonesia, 3,000 's of them were in Kalimantan. Of the total 3,000-an orchid, the 1000's which are located in South Kalimantan, especially in the mountains Meratus. Among the types of orchid Phalaenopsis Cornu Cervi (orchids month saws) and Grammatophyllum Speciocum (cane orchids).

Several other types of flora are the wealth Meratus various spices, such as nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves; fruits, and rubber. Loksado himself known as a cinnamon-producing areas in South Kalimantan. Community activities as harvesting cinnamon and rubber are also quite attractive if it can be seen.

Once separated from the Amandit, passengers will enter the area Loksado, which still holds some other interesting wealth. In Tanuhi, for example, there are hot springs that can be enjoyed all the time. In the mountains with elevations of about 800 feet above sea level, there are also a number of waterfalls though not too high. For example, Haratai, Riam Hanai, Rampah Menjangan, and Rapid Fire.

Can be sold

Syriac, Head of Tourism and Culture Hulu South River, said the region also has the potential cultural Loksado form of the Dayak community.

In this area, there are 43 halls adat (traditional house), the largest Stempel Malaris. "Here, tourists can see Aruh (traditional ceremony) if it happens to be right time, such as during harvest," he said.

Aliansyah (30), a resident, said, if there are tourists who are interested in riding a bamboo raft, they can rent out to residents. The rent is Rp 250,000 for one-way.

Interestingly, bamboo raft down the river to be hired for downstream, will not be taken back to the pit. The bamboo will be sold to residents in the downstream. Bamboo is used for bamboo fences and cages chicken. "The selling price of bamboo Rp 20,000-Rp 25,000," added Aliansyah. Tourists visit the region's crowded in August until the end of the year.

Currently, the package is recognized bamboo raft on the rise. Tourism services is mostly no longer managed by the society as a sideline. Most professionally managed.

The rise of a bamboo raft tour packages followed by the growth of other facilities for tourists. Facilities that include lodging facilities for tourists. Currently, there are only three hotels. Sure, it's not enough.

Another problem, the problem of road infrastructure and bridges to Loksado also still need to be addressed. Conditions Tanuhi bridge, for example, is also still a concern. Similarly, for passenger transport vehicles are still minimal.

As a tourist destination, Loksado course development is also expected to bring progress and prosperity of its inhabitants. However, did it all happen?

Indeed, not all the Dayak Loksado enjoy welfare. If anything, it has a handful of people. Of course, not to complain as local community leaders, Sartono Peter, "People just be spectators."


Pink Beach, The Pink in East Lombok

Not as popular tourist attraction Terawangan Gili (North Lombok), or Kute Beach (Central Lombok), Pink Beach has not been known. This beach is located in the hamlet Temeak, Serewe Village, District Jerowaru, East Lombok, or 82 kilometers south-east of the city of Mataram.

Local people call it beach barracks, although the name is increasingly buried by the name Pink Beach. Called pink because white sand mixed with fragments of red coral. When exposed to seawater, and afternoon or morning sun, sand grains subtly changes color to pink. Reportedly, in the world there are seven beaches pink sand as in the Bahamas, a dangkan in Indonesia there are also on the island of Komodo.

The name of the barracks because the surrounding area, such as Tanjung Ringgit-face with the ocean Indonesia, or 1 kilometer southeast Pink Beach-be headquarters of the Japanese army in World War II.

The existence of Tanjung Ringgit cannon at about 1 kilometer from the beach Pink's, or a cave with the passage through the stomach along the hill about 50 meters opposite the Pink Beach, is evidence that reinforces that about the region as Dai Nippon army barracks. This means that in addition to trips to the beach Pink witnessed coastal scenery that "look different" and conduct historical tours.  

Pink Beach in East Lombok is next door to some of the beaches on either side, such as the Coastal and Beach Temeak colong are also white sand. They are separated by a cliff so to visit two beaches is quite a walk and climb the hill. However, some coastal areas that just have "controlled" the owners of capital.

From the cliff, tourists usually see sea scenery, sea water color degradation, plus scattered clouds were drifting, making the atmosphere was very romantic deserted beaches.

Flat landscape suitable for camping. Clear seawater invited desire to shower. "In fact it was not lawful to Pink Beach if you do not shower," said Iswan Rahmadi, Head of Public Relations Government of East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province, promotion.

Tread beaches were pretty wide with the length of the east end to the west about 500 meters. When basking in the soft sand like sleeping on a soft mattress. Provided the weather is sunny, you can see Mount Rinjani to the north coast.

Facilities are limited

Because facilities and public transport is not available to the Pink Beach should rent a car or motorbike from Mataram. Pink Beach Mataram-trips taken 2.5 hours. Accommodation facilities was still minimal, although if you want to stay there a few investors managed bungalow, located approximately 4 kilometers from the beach, with rates 185 U.S. dollars per night.

Better to also bring their own lunch as there is no shop. If you just want to drink, there are local residents providing mineral water drinks, or coffee sachets, and instant noodles.

Head of Tourism Department of East Lombok, Gufran said East Lombok regency budgeted funds for the provision of facilities, road improvements to facilitate access for tourists who travel to Pink Beach.

Lack of transport is supported also by the poor road along the 14 km from the main road to the beach. Asphalt roads peeling, exposing the "authenticity": dirt roads, potholes, bumpy, with some climbs. Road through the protected forest area Sekaroh is dusty when dry. When the rainy season, the earthy clay in some places into "mush", like monster who crushed the vehicle so that the wheels "going nowhere".

However, all tired of the trip will be paid by the exotic phenomenon that winsome Pink Beach. Let me believe, please see for yourself.


Beautiful Waterfall at the foot of Mount Bromo

The beauty of the panorama from the summit of Mount Bromo Java or grandeur highest peak, Mount Semeru, must have been familiar to you. Not just at the top of the mountain, natural beauty you can see at the foot of the mountain.

When the opportunity to visit Mount Bromo, do not forget to stop by the Niagara Falls Madakaripura. The waterfall is located in the National Park Bromo-Tengger-Semeru and offers beautiful scenery and mempesona.Lokasi Madakaripura Falls is not too far from Mount Bromo, precisely near the village of Wean, Lombang District. The distance is approximately 3 hours drive from the capital city of East Java Surabaya.

Waterfalls Madakaripura believed to be the prime minister Gajah Mada last meditation of the Majapahit kingdom is famous for its Palapanya Oath, quoted from Indonesia.Travel, Sunday (01/20/2013). Towering waterfalls waterfall is called immortal because it never stops shedding similar delicate curtain of water pouring rain for people who can pass underneath.

What a spectacular waterfall is hidden at the end of a deep valley in the foothills of the Tengger Mountains. To get to this waterfall, you need to walk about 20 minutes to cross the river and rocky road before arriving at the entrance.

Although quite a lot, treats beautiful green scenery along the way is its own entertainment that can treat fatigue. Patih large statue of Majapahit, Gajah Mada in meditation posture will greet each visitor before they proceeded further into the center of the waterfall.

The path will you go through to get to the waterfall is going to end in a valley shaped like a tube where the water falls 200 meters altitude looked dashing looming. Waterfalls Madakaripura even dubbed as the highest waterfall in Java and the second highest waterfall in Indonesia after Sigura-gura Falls near Lake Toba, North Sumatra.

Surrounded by unusually high walls, debit Madakaripura Waterfall falling into a tube similar to the natural space seem mystically but amaze anyone who sees it. In the "space" altitude of 200 meters, which highlight the charm of sunshine damp green moss in the rocky wall with a roar of water is a spectacle of beauty that can not be found anywhere else.

As a historically significant place, sacred, and a dazzling natural conditions, Madakaripura is one destination worth a visit when you come to East Java.


In 2013, Indonesia Focus in 5 Travel Destinations

Indonesia through the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) has started an initiative with a focus on 16 key markets, 16 destinations and tourism products, and seven segments of special interest from now until 2014. Of these, five have been allocated to the prioritized development in 2013, the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru, Komodo, Wakatobi, Toraja, and Sanur.

"Indonesia is very fortunate to have Bali, we believe that this one is a tourist destination already has a strong appeal. We want to develop and promote products and other destinations in Indonesia other than Bali," said Director General of Tourism Marketing Kemenparekraf, Esthy Reko Astuty, while attending the Media Workshop in the middle of Indonesia's participation in the event Vakantiebeurs 2013 in Utrecht, Netherlands.

Vakantiebeurs is the largest tourism promotion exhibition in the Netherlands which runs from 8 to 13 January 2013. Indonesia's participation in a booth (booth) Indonesia coordinated by Kemenparekraf is supported also by the participation of Garuda Indonesia. In 2013 it became the sixth year of Indonesia's participation in the event this Vakantiebeurs.

Developed destinations will be promoted more serious in the various tourism promotion exhibition and sales missions (missions sales). Meanwhile, the government will also prepare an invitation to visit Indonesia for tourism and media consultants. The ministry will strengthen its marketing efforts through various media and social media.
In order to maximize the movement of tourists from one destination to another destination, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has committed to develop 16 locations nationwide strategic tourism (new destinations than Bali) until 2014 and promoted seven special interest tours. Strategic places and special interest is very important in improving the quantity and quality of foreign tourists coming to Indonesia. 

Seven segments of special interest also previously been identified: culture and history, nature and ecotourism; recreational sports such as diving, surfing, sailing, trekking, hiking and golf; cruises; culinary and shopping, health and fitness, and Meetings / Conventions (MICE) .

"As of November 2012, tourism in Indonesia enjoy 5.09 percent growth over the same period in 2011. Tourists from Europe, particularly from Britain and the Netherlands are the main target for the Indonesian market.," Said Esthy.
