Cendrawasih Bay in Papua

Indonesia is not only the beauty of the sea Raja Ampat ! In Papua, there is still beauty of the sea is not less interesting to the Raja Ampat.

Raja Ampat is located in the province of West Papua. But the island is not the only one who save the natural beauty under the sea at the western end of Indonesia. In Papua, there is Cendrawasih Bay National Park are no less beautiful than Raja Ampat. 

The National Park stretches from the eastern peninsula Kwatisore to Rumberpon Island with a long coastline of 500 kilometers. This makes it the largest marine national park in Indonesia, with a total area of ​​approximately 1.453 million hectares.

Cendrawasih Bay area which is used as a national park since 1993 is known to be rich in fish. At least 209 species of fish live , such as butterflyfish, angelfish, damselfish, parrotfish, rabbitfish, and anemonefish. It also becomes a breeding area of ​​four species of sea turtles, the hawksbill, green turtle, olive ridley turtles and leatherback turtles.

Occasionally, when sailing on the Cendrawasih Bay you will see a mermaid or dugong and dolphins jumping. If lucky, often seen great blue whale and shark in the water surface. The whale shark, the largest shark species in the world are also often seen in the waters Kwatisore, this Nabire. 

The whale shark is a species of water that is only found in the waters of Papua, Philippines, Australia, and South Africa. These sharks migrate to feed and breed. Typically, these sharks in Australia only seen in summer but in fact almost always Cendrawasih Bay there, quoted from the booklet of Marine Tourism Ministry of Forestry. 

The existence of a whale shark makes a great tourism opportunity for Cendrawasih Bay. These sharks are often seen swimming around the fishing boats. If you want to call them, you just throw the fish into the sea castle, then the sharks would welcome him to the surface of the water. Many travelers also are snorkeling or diving to see the whale sharks at close range under the sea.

Unfortunately, in the Cendrawasih Bay National Park is not yet available tourism facilities such as Dive Center, inn or resort. Travelers who want to stay can use the cottage belonging to National Parks in District Rumberpon or in people's homes.

To go to Cendrawasih Bay Marine National Park, you can use the plane to fly to Manokwari or Nabire. From that location, proceed along the 95 mile trip by boat motors. 

Katurei Gulf, Mangrove Forest The Riveting

Expanse of tens of hectares of mangrove forests and lush greens will greet you upon entering Tiop Hamlet, Village Katurei, District of Southwest Siberut , Mentawai . Along the road it will be presented a view of the quiet bay houses interspersed with traditional Mentawai.

Hospitality smile residents add comfort to stay at home in the area, clear sea water as tempting to throw themselves into the bay. Especially when sitting in one of the houses while wet my throat by drinking coconut. A quiet area away any noise machines in the city as well as a breath of fresh air without any pollution from factories and motor vehicles. Hot, fierce, yet cool.

There are two routes to the area, it can pass through the canal waterway canal Monaci and landline P2D built through the program in 2013. Monaci canal was made a Catholic priest in Muara Siberut. 

According to community leaders Tiop, Jon Luke (59), the construction of the canal Monaci conducted in 1980 and 1991. Workers 30 school children living in a Catholic boarding.

"Without wearing heavy equipment, all -round manual, no machetes, hoes, etc. so that the length of the canal there are 1.5 kilometers," he said.

The canal is a shortcut to penetrate into Southwest Siberut. If there is no channel that could be a three -hour boat ride to the area Taileleu. 

"The width is only five feet, two feet inside, so that when the tide off the boat size will be caught," he added.

If lewal the canal , you will find the roots of the mangroves that have this kind of variety . His twisted mangrove roots you will see during the trip .

" There are about 30 minutes long road on the canal by boat, then go into a wide bay stretches , " he said.

However, if you travel overland, can pass through the canal side Monaci . Mentawai Islands regency government has built road access to the village and Sarausau Tiop and farming communities.Legal select road motorcycle riding, and get to the bay for 15 minutes. Measuring 1 meter road that passes through the hillside and swamp. Towards the village entrance, first treated to a mini waterfall , clear water empties into the bay. The waterfall also has a level, only five feet high, enough to wash my face.

After washing the face for a short break in the wooden bridge roofed, or if there is no shelter when it rains, you can sit on the bridge, the surrounding lush mangrove forests and wood. After trips to continue, you will be greeted Mentawai traditional home, a house on stilts. All the building materials of wood and roofs of sago leaves. Continue to enter into the residential area, you will see the vast expanse of the bay.

Residential area located on the edge of the bay. For photo enthusiasts, you can document the traditional housing with Katurei bay. Hotspot interest in timber port is in the afternoon because the township can be snapped along the bay , including children who were also bathing the sky will be red with the sinking sun. "There are two parts of this bay , when we go to the south, there will be a bay of the same size , so there's bays in the bay, it is only the front of it," said Francis Sababalat, Chairman of the Consultative Body (BPD ) Katurei.

The extent of approximately 20 kilometers, the outside only , yet again get into the second bay is like a calm lake. In addition, the bay also helps the local economy, such as marsh crabs are black . Weekly basis telapan adult hand sized crab is always sold out.

"Depending on the size if the size S, M, and L, start only  Rp.20.000 to Rp120.000, an average of 125 households in the village, 25 percent of workers as a crab hunter in mangrove swamps," said Francis.

Besides crab, mothers also often look for seashell that live in the mud by using canoes. White seashell that can be eaten raw, baked, or disup depending on taste.No less interesting, usually the mangroves at high tide, will often go in for grouper spawning, including the birds will be crowded when the late afternoon. Especially if you stay in that area, it would be great because it can lifted moments, including such traditional rituals that blends with nature.

"Unfortunately , there are companies sago bay Katurei section , approximately 400 square meters of damaged mangroves, seashell that exist in these areas is not eaten, contaminated wastewater companies . Regent also reportedly This area will be used as a traditional tourist village," he concluded . For lovers can test ketanggasan jet ski in the bay, with coral reefs nice treat .

Miracle At Seven Springs Mountain Slopes Lawu

The area under the foot of Mount Lawu besides having exceptional nature beauty, it also has an natural wonders, as well as its own uniqueness.

One of these seven springs are adjacent to each other but have different types of flavored water. Uniquely seven springs are located at the same location and each water source has a different mineral content.

Sapta Tirta Pablengan which means seven springs of Pablengan, located in the village Pablengan, District Matesih, Karanganyar has seven springs of different flavors. 

At these locations there is also a historical era that has royal Mangkunegaran six places used for bathing place and people know him as bathing princess.

Until now, this location is still visited by pilgrims, especially those who would do nyekar tradition to the tombs of kings and all who are in the ancestral petilasan Mangadeg area.

According torik, one of the residents Peblengan , bathing place was once used for bathing Mangkunagara relatives before a pilgrimage to the tomb of the king in Mangadeg.

"In the past it used Mangkunegaran baths to cleanse themselves before y pilgrimage to the tomb of his ancestors in Magadeg".

In addition to the women's quarters baths, there are seven natural water sources that emit water that contains minerals and different functions, and is a natural wonder that is not contained in the other regions.

The seven natural springs are the source of borax water used as materials for Stubborn or crackers. Warm water source, the water is warm like the sulfur water, so as to treat various skin diseases, itching, hives, or rheumatism.

Water Resources Kasekten which according to the story is believed to increase the power of the water and purify the body. Source of Living Water, the water used to wash the face in order to stay young, look beautiful appearance.

Dead Water Resources water always remains waxes and wanes. Dead Water Resources should not be used in any kind of activity the shower to wash my face and drinking. Because they contain toxic gases. The water is always calm, it feels fresh but should not be drinking or for bathing, because water is sometimes release CO2 gas with a thin smoke rising from the water like cigarette smoke. Often occur at night, especially during the dry season. Source water enema is efficacious for a laxative.

The latter source of soda water contains natural soda taste like the taste of coconut water . Believed to cure various diseases such as tuberculosis in, kidney, liver, sugar and natural soda taste like coconut water.

"But the most widely taken water is warm springs in the community believed able to cure various diseases, " explained torik further.

Usually visitors crowded around the holidays, and evenings at times Friday night , many are doing penance at this place.

To enter these attractions only wear rate of Rp. 3000 and visitors can take a bath and and water to take home for free.

Tickets Java Jazz 2014 from The Media Hotel & Towers

The Media Hotel & Towers offers interesting to enliven jazz music performances in Indonesia this year. Available stay package with two tickets for the audience of Java Jazz Festival 2014.

Java Jazz Festival 2014 will be held on February 28 to March 3, 2014 in Kemayoran JIExpo. Largest jazz festival in Indonesia will be enlivened by many famous jazz musicians of the world, both from abroad and within the country.

To enliven the annual festival, The Media Hotel & Towers is located only 10 minutes from the Kemayoran JIExpo back offers Concet Package, a package stay and two admission tickets for Java Jazz Festival 2014. Preferred package bundling with this ticket has been done since 2011 and got a good response for jazz fans, especially those from outside Jakarta, such as Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Bali, Singapore and even Malaysia. 

Concert Package starting price Rp1.500.000, this -net/kamar/malam includes two admission tickets for Java Jazz Festival 2014, breakfast for two people as well as shuttle service to the hotel JIExpo Kemayoran on schedule. This package is available at the date of the stay period 28 February to 3 March 2014.

Disclaimer :Changes in schedules , prices , and sustainability of travel outside the editorial responsibility 

Traditional Food Hunt in Old Market Palu

The old market is the first market in Palu. This market has been established since Hammer was entered in the district of Donggala. Now Hammer into an area of the City of Palu. Here there are still many traditional snacks Palu.

Do not be surprised if we will see in Palu food similar to food from Makassar. This is because in addition to their close proximity, the people of Central Sulawesi is since ancient times have fraternal relations circuitry people in South Sulawesi.

In the old market we can find burasa which stands for " rice taste". Burasa made ​​from rice mixed with coconut milk and seasoned salt circuitry then wrapped in banana leaves. Burasa done boiling for 4 hours in order to be durable. Usually this burasa can hold 3-7 days.

In the old market burasa sold for Rp 3,000/wrap. In the pack there are 3 kepeng burasa. Burasa merchants in the old market supply chilli tomato sauce as well as the duo's sole choice to eat burasa.

Elsewhere there is also a selling burasa a larger size. It contains 7 kepeng Burasa in each wrapper. Besides eaten with sambal, burasa also often eaten with curry, meatball noodle soup too. 

Besides burasa here we can see the traditional baker. There broncong cake cooked on firewood in pukis cookie cutters . This broncong cake batter is a mixture made ​​of flour, coconut, sugar and yeast as a developer. This cake is sold at Rp 500/pcs. Broncong cake vendor is located on the edge of the road near the entrance to the old market . Middle-aged mothers began cooking cakes broncongnya in the cart from 7 am until 11 or 12 pm.

Which is not less delicious cake Paranggi is also called brown sugar cake. This cake is a cake like semicircular apem if in Java . The materials used to make the cake Paranggi is flour, brown sugar , oil and baking soda. Dominant cakes with sweet taste is cooked in an oven in a manner so that it can last for up to 1 week.

Source :  astrijalanjalan.blogspot.com


Culinary Mie Goreng Jawa one of the specialties of Yogyakarta. From the information I received, Javanese fried noodles come from the Piyaman, Wonosari, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. That bit of information I received from one of the traders five feet Javanese fried noodles in the Cibubur, East Jakarta. 

The Javanese fried noodles in cooking and at the top of a stove (stove made ​​of clay) with embers from charcoal. For the marinade is very simple, and easy to be in a stall or tardisional market and supermarket. This is what caused me to love the culinary Javanese fried noodles. 

Javanese fried noodles when cooked on the stove furnace will produce a distinctive aroma and flavor and more delicious, when cooked compared with using ordinary stove. That's my personal opinion. The aroma is very different. Moreover deliciousness. You can also enjoy culinary Javanese fried noodles.

Charm and wisdom City Thousand Rivers

BANJARMASIN was once the heart of the capital of South Kalimantan. The city is integral to the existence of a river or canal labyrinth similar so called City of a Thousand Rivers.

From ancient times until now, Banjarmasin is an important port city in Borneo. Although not as widespread geographically, Banjarmasin is a city preoccupied with the pulse of business and urban traffic. However, the city has its own charm that makes it interesting, eg Borneo portrait urban culture, both on land and waters .

Situated on a delta near the junction of the Barito River and Martapura, Banjarmasin with its neighboring city, Banjarbaru, became the center of the ninth largest metropolitan city in Indonesia called Banjar Bakula. Both form a region which includes the District of Banjar, Barito Kuala, and Tanah Laut district, as reported from Indonesia. Travel, Friday ( 01/24/2014 ).

Banjarmasin has many rivers and fast-flowing wide and powerful that plays a major role in the life and lifestyle of the community as well as forming itself Banjarmasin. The most interesting part of the city where the market is buoyant. To this day, every morning the farmers and traders transporting their wares on wooden boats crowded the river to trade with each other. This is one of the places witnessed phenomenal portraits of people's lives on the outskirts of the river in Banjarmasin. The rivers are also used as the main venue for boat races and other celebrations or festivals.

Most popular floating market is located in Muara Kuin on the Barito River, precisely Kuin River estuary. Since the dawn early morning around 04.00 pm, the buoyant market will begin crowded boats loaded with cash crops such as bananas, shrimp, fish, sweet potatoes, spinach, coconut, spices, chili, rambutan, and all commodities that can be traded. Because perhau - wave rocked the boat keeps the river, the traders must have the ability to row a boat agile. Above the boats rocked this wave, traders and buyers to exchange goods or trade up ended at 09.00 pm.

Banjarmasin community has a unique way to build their homes in order to harmonize with nature. There are at least 12 types of traditional houses and some still stands majestically today. In the village palace can still be seen the remains of the old palace which was destroyed Banjarmasin Dutch colonial government. There is also a Suriansyah Sultan Mosque known as the first mosque in South Kalimantan. There is also a royal tomb in the mosque complex.

Another interesting tourist destination is the Museum Waja Until Ka Putting that holds several collections of historical struggle of the people in the struggle against Dutch colonialism. This museum is a traditional house of Banjar tribe and adopt the style of High ridge, which is one of the 12 types of traditional buildings and the most representative.

Dayak tribe in the on Rural Mountain Meratus

DISTRICT isolated in South Kalimantan is known by the name Loksado . This is a district in the South Hulu Sungai be home Dayak tribe, sustainable living with its majestic natural landscapes .

Towards this place, you'll explore the heart of the mountains Meratus approximately 2.5 hours from Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan capital city. Next, be prepared adrift in the panoramic beauty of tropical forests and waterfalls dotted string streams that cut through dense forests.

Meratus own mountain area is home to indigenous Dayak Meratus living in traditional houses or known by the name of Hall. Hall is a traditional home Grandfathers quarter, consisting of ten columns measuring 3 to 4 meters which can accommodate up to 10 families. Currently, there are at least 43 stations can be found in the countryside embilan Loksado and the most famous is Hambawang Sour House, Custom House Malaris, Machete Bean Station, and Central Haratai.

Even after many Dayak tribes who moved to live in a modern house, these stations are used for a variety of activities especially customary ritual beliefs. Just like many of the Dayak, Dayak Meratus belief hereditary, namely Kaharingan, which means " life ". This belief system convinced the Supreme Deity concept that emphasizes the harmony between man and nature and between man and God.

Dayak tribe Meratus Ganal induction ritual practice performed on a large scale. There are three stages in this ritual . First , induction Basambu ( behuma / retail ) after planting paddy or about February. Second, induction Bawanang Halin done to celebrate the harvest season in June. Last is the induction Bawan Banih Hanlin closure activity that is harvest season in September. Ganal induction rituals can be found in some villages, such as Haratai Village, Village Estuary Tours, Village Lahung, and more.

Dayak Cultural same quarter pulled the grandeur of nature itself Meratus Mountains . View a lush landscape dotted waterfall networks, namely: Haratai waterfall, waterfall Ari Rapids Hanai, Lightning Falls Fire, Menjagan Rampah Falls, waterfall baths Anggang, and waterfalls Tinggiran Hayam.

In the mountains there are also Meratus Tanuhi Hot Springs where you can enjoy fresh hot water directly from nature. Tropical forest itself has amazing flora of them bag Semar ( Nepenthes distillatoria ) and Meratus orchid ( Dendrobium hepaticum ).

One of the beauties of Loksado that can not be missed is Amandit River that flows through the heart of the forest Meratus Mountains.  The river has clear water and fresh is decorated rocks, streams and traditional bridge. To complement all this beauty, bamboo raft and search along the river flow will give a brief sensation of its own, as reported from IndonesiaTravel.