Katurei Gulf, Mangrove Forest The Riveting

Expanse of tens of hectares of mangrove forests and lush greens will greet you upon entering Tiop Hamlet, Village Katurei, District of Southwest Siberut , Mentawai . Along the road it will be presented a view of the quiet bay houses interspersed with traditional Mentawai.

Hospitality smile residents add comfort to stay at home in the area, clear sea water as tempting to throw themselves into the bay. Especially when sitting in one of the houses while wet my throat by drinking coconut. A quiet area away any noise machines in the city as well as a breath of fresh air without any pollution from factories and motor vehicles. Hot, fierce, yet cool.

There are two routes to the area, it can pass through the canal waterway canal Monaci and landline P2D built through the program in 2013. Monaci canal was made a Catholic priest in Muara Siberut. 

According to community leaders Tiop, Jon Luke (59), the construction of the canal Monaci conducted in 1980 and 1991. Workers 30 school children living in a Catholic boarding.

"Without wearing heavy equipment, all -round manual, no machetes, hoes, etc. so that the length of the canal there are 1.5 kilometers," he said.

The canal is a shortcut to penetrate into Southwest Siberut. If there is no channel that could be a three -hour boat ride to the area Taileleu. 

"The width is only five feet, two feet inside, so that when the tide off the boat size will be caught," he added.

If lewal the canal , you will find the roots of the mangroves that have this kind of variety . His twisted mangrove roots you will see during the trip .

" There are about 30 minutes long road on the canal by boat, then go into a wide bay stretches , " he said.

However, if you travel overland, can pass through the canal side Monaci . Mentawai Islands regency government has built road access to the village and Sarausau Tiop and farming communities.Legal select road motorcycle riding, and get to the bay for 15 minutes. Measuring 1 meter road that passes through the hillside and swamp. Towards the village entrance, first treated to a mini waterfall , clear water empties into the bay. The waterfall also has a level, only five feet high, enough to wash my face.

After washing the face for a short break in the wooden bridge roofed, or if there is no shelter when it rains, you can sit on the bridge, the surrounding lush mangrove forests and wood. After trips to continue, you will be greeted Mentawai traditional home, a house on stilts. All the building materials of wood and roofs of sago leaves. Continue to enter into the residential area, you will see the vast expanse of the bay.

Residential area located on the edge of the bay. For photo enthusiasts, you can document the traditional housing with Katurei bay. Hotspot interest in timber port is in the afternoon because the township can be snapped along the bay , including children who were also bathing the sky will be red with the sinking sun. "There are two parts of this bay , when we go to the south, there will be a bay of the same size , so there's bays in the bay, it is only the front of it," said Francis Sababalat, Chairman of the Consultative Body (BPD ) Katurei.

The extent of approximately 20 kilometers, the outside only , yet again get into the second bay is like a calm lake. In addition, the bay also helps the local economy, such as marsh crabs are black . Weekly basis telapan adult hand sized crab is always sold out.

"Depending on the size if the size S, M, and L, start only  Rp.20.000 to Rp120.000, an average of 125 households in the village, 25 percent of workers as a crab hunter in mangrove swamps," said Francis.

Besides crab, mothers also often look for seashell that live in the mud by using canoes. White seashell that can be eaten raw, baked, or disup depending on taste.No less interesting, usually the mangroves at high tide, will often go in for grouper spawning, including the birds will be crowded when the late afternoon. Especially if you stay in that area, it would be great because it can lifted moments, including such traditional rituals that blends with nature.

"Unfortunately , there are companies sago bay Katurei section , approximately 400 square meters of damaged mangroves, seashell that exist in these areas is not eaten, contaminated wastewater companies . Regent also reportedly This area will be used as a traditional tourist village," he concluded . For lovers can test ketanggasan jet ski in the bay, with coral reefs nice treat .


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