Miracle At Seven Springs Mountain Slopes Lawu

The area under the foot of Mount Lawu besides having exceptional nature beauty, it also has an natural wonders, as well as its own uniqueness.

One of these seven springs are adjacent to each other but have different types of flavored water. Uniquely seven springs are located at the same location and each water source has a different mineral content.

Sapta Tirta Pablengan which means seven springs of Pablengan, located in the village Pablengan, District Matesih, Karanganyar has seven springs of different flavors. 

At these locations there is also a historical era that has royal Mangkunegaran six places used for bathing place and people know him as bathing princess.

Until now, this location is still visited by pilgrims, especially those who would do nyekar tradition to the tombs of kings and all who are in the ancestral petilasan Mangadeg area.

According torik, one of the residents Peblengan , bathing place was once used for bathing Mangkunagara relatives before a pilgrimage to the tomb of the king in Mangadeg.

"In the past it used Mangkunegaran baths to cleanse themselves before y pilgrimage to the tomb of his ancestors in Magadeg".

In addition to the women's quarters baths, there are seven natural water sources that emit water that contains minerals and different functions, and is a natural wonder that is not contained in the other regions.

The seven natural springs are the source of borax water used as materials for Stubborn or crackers. Warm water source, the water is warm like the sulfur water, so as to treat various skin diseases, itching, hives, or rheumatism.

Water Resources Kasekten which according to the story is believed to increase the power of the water and purify the body. Source of Living Water, the water used to wash the face in order to stay young, look beautiful appearance.

Dead Water Resources water always remains waxes and wanes. Dead Water Resources should not be used in any kind of activity the shower to wash my face and drinking. Because they contain toxic gases. The water is always calm, it feels fresh but should not be drinking or for bathing, because water is sometimes release CO2 gas with a thin smoke rising from the water like cigarette smoke. Often occur at night, especially during the dry season. Source water enema is efficacious for a laxative.

The latter source of soda water contains natural soda taste like the taste of coconut water . Believed to cure various diseases such as tuberculosis in, kidney, liver, sugar and natural soda taste like coconut water.

"But the most widely taken water is warm springs in the community believed able to cure various diseases, " explained torik further.

Usually visitors crowded around the holidays, and evenings at times Friday night , many are doing penance at this place.

To enter these attractions only wear rate of Rp. 3000 and visitors can take a bath and and water to take home for free.


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