Charm and wisdom City Thousand Rivers

BANJARMASIN was once the heart of the capital of South Kalimantan. The city is integral to the existence of a river or canal labyrinth similar so called City of a Thousand Rivers.

From ancient times until now, Banjarmasin is an important port city in Borneo. Although not as widespread geographically, Banjarmasin is a city preoccupied with the pulse of business and urban traffic. However, the city has its own charm that makes it interesting, eg Borneo portrait urban culture, both on land and waters .

Situated on a delta near the junction of the Barito River and Martapura, Banjarmasin with its neighboring city, Banjarbaru, became the center of the ninth largest metropolitan city in Indonesia called Banjar Bakula. Both form a region which includes the District of Banjar, Barito Kuala, and Tanah Laut district, as reported from Indonesia. Travel, Friday ( 01/24/2014 ).

Banjarmasin has many rivers and fast-flowing wide and powerful that plays a major role in the life and lifestyle of the community as well as forming itself Banjarmasin. The most interesting part of the city where the market is buoyant. To this day, every morning the farmers and traders transporting their wares on wooden boats crowded the river to trade with each other. This is one of the places witnessed phenomenal portraits of people's lives on the outskirts of the river in Banjarmasin. The rivers are also used as the main venue for boat races and other celebrations or festivals.

Most popular floating market is located in Muara Kuin on the Barito River, precisely Kuin River estuary. Since the dawn early morning around 04.00 pm, the buoyant market will begin crowded boats loaded with cash crops such as bananas, shrimp, fish, sweet potatoes, spinach, coconut, spices, chili, rambutan, and all commodities that can be traded. Because perhau - wave rocked the boat keeps the river, the traders must have the ability to row a boat agile. Above the boats rocked this wave, traders and buyers to exchange goods or trade up ended at 09.00 pm.

Banjarmasin community has a unique way to build their homes in order to harmonize with nature. There are at least 12 types of traditional houses and some still stands majestically today. In the village palace can still be seen the remains of the old palace which was destroyed Banjarmasin Dutch colonial government. There is also a Suriansyah Sultan Mosque known as the first mosque in South Kalimantan. There is also a royal tomb in the mosque complex.

Another interesting tourist destination is the Museum Waja Until Ka Putting that holds several collections of historical struggle of the people in the struggle against Dutch colonialism. This museum is a traditional house of Banjar tribe and adopt the style of High ridge, which is one of the 12 types of traditional buildings and the most representative.


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