Dayak tribe in the on Rural Mountain Meratus

DISTRICT isolated in South Kalimantan is known by the name Loksado . This is a district in the South Hulu Sungai be home Dayak tribe, sustainable living with its majestic natural landscapes .

Towards this place, you'll explore the heart of the mountains Meratus approximately 2.5 hours from Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan capital city. Next, be prepared adrift in the panoramic beauty of tropical forests and waterfalls dotted string streams that cut through dense forests.

Meratus own mountain area is home to indigenous Dayak Meratus living in traditional houses or known by the name of Hall. Hall is a traditional home Grandfathers quarter, consisting of ten columns measuring 3 to 4 meters which can accommodate up to 10 families. Currently, there are at least 43 stations can be found in the countryside embilan Loksado and the most famous is Hambawang Sour House, Custom House Malaris, Machete Bean Station, and Central Haratai.

Even after many Dayak tribes who moved to live in a modern house, these stations are used for a variety of activities especially customary ritual beliefs. Just like many of the Dayak, Dayak Meratus belief hereditary, namely Kaharingan, which means " life ". This belief system convinced the Supreme Deity concept that emphasizes the harmony between man and nature and between man and God.

Dayak tribe Meratus Ganal induction ritual practice performed on a large scale. There are three stages in this ritual . First , induction Basambu ( behuma / retail ) after planting paddy or about February. Second, induction Bawanang Halin done to celebrate the harvest season in June. Last is the induction Bawan Banih Hanlin closure activity that is harvest season in September. Ganal induction rituals can be found in some villages, such as Haratai Village, Village Estuary Tours, Village Lahung, and more.

Dayak Cultural same quarter pulled the grandeur of nature itself Meratus Mountains . View a lush landscape dotted waterfall networks, namely: Haratai waterfall, waterfall Ari Rapids Hanai, Lightning Falls Fire, Menjagan Rampah Falls, waterfall baths Anggang, and waterfalls Tinggiran Hayam.

In the mountains there are also Meratus Tanuhi Hot Springs where you can enjoy fresh hot water directly from nature. Tropical forest itself has amazing flora of them bag Semar ( Nepenthes distillatoria ) and Meratus orchid ( Dendrobium hepaticum ).

One of the beauties of Loksado that can not be missed is Amandit River that flows through the heart of the forest Meratus Mountains.  The river has clear water and fresh is decorated rocks, streams and traditional bridge. To complement all this beauty, bamboo raft and search along the river flow will give a brief sensation of its own, as reported from IndonesiaTravel.


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