Here's 30 icons Traditional Culinary Indonesia

Anyone recognize that culinary in Indonesia are manifold, ranging from various rice blend, which becomes mandatory food of Indonesia, various cakes, vegetables and side dishes, to beverages.

With so many types of cuisine, the culinary industry to be one of the growing industries today, along with the development of tourism in the country.

"Establishment of a sub culinary creative industry can be proud abroad. In this case, food becomes a special interest," said Director General of the Ministry of Tourism Destination Development and Creative Economy, Firmansyah Rachim, at Dharmawangsa Hotel, Jakarta, Friday (14 / 12/2012).

A large variety of culinary Indonesia made it difficult to define which ones including Indonesian food. Because it is necessary to establish traditional foods can be an icon, representing the culinary Indonesia in national and international events.

According to Firman, there are 70 types of traditional Indonesian culinary icons candidate, who then pursed into 30 traditional Indonesian culinary icon. Culinary consists of culinary heritage, tradition and excellence, ranging from appetizers, to desserts.

The foundation of election 30 Indonesian traditional culinary icon, said Firman, based on several criteria. First, the raw material should be easy to obtain, both at home and abroad, the two culinary has been recognized by the public, and no professional actors such culinary practitioners.

Thirty traditional Indonesian culinary icon, selected by the Working Group made the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, composed of practitioners and culinary experts, the Grilled Chicken Seasoning Rujak Yogyakarta, Gado-gado Jakarta, Nasi Goreng Kampung, Serabi Bandung, Sarikayo Minangkabau, Ice Dawet Ayu Banjarnegara, Jogjakarta Urap Vegetables, Vegetable Jackfruit Kapau, Lunpia Semarang, Jogjakarta Nagasari, Kue Lumpur Jakarta, Soto Ayam Lamongan, Rawon Surabaya, Jakarta pickles, Sate Ayam Madura.

Next Sate Maranggi Purwakarta, Klappertaart Manado, Surabaya Egg Tofu, Sate Lilit Bali, Rendang Padang, Beans Scrambled Solo, Patin Pindang Palembang, Padang Cob Padeh Acid, Rice Liwet Solo, Ice Beer Pletok Jakarta, Bandung Yam Kolak Pisang, Fried Chicken Bandung galangal, Laksa Bogor, Turmeric Solo Acid and Rice Tumpeng. All of the 30 culinary icons is set as a traditional Indonesian culinary icon at home and abroad.

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Mari Elka Pangestu expect from the 30 traditional Indonesian culinary icon, will be presented in the form menu, ranging from appetizers to drinks eating.

"The selection of traditional culinary is not stopping at 30. We start from the 30's then we implementations, culinary why we chose it, the story is behind the culinary. Later each destination should have an icon and culinary excellence. Since part of culinary tourism , "said Mari.

 "Establishment of 30 traditional Indonesian culinary icon, is expected to be a food that must be cooked on any national or international event at the State Palace," said Firman.

Witnessing the beauty of Toraja Batutumongga

Batutumongga may be one of nature tourism destination choice while you visit Tana Toraja in South Sulawesi. Batutumonga located on the slopes of Mount Sesean which is the highest mountain in Toraja. The mountain is crowned as the best place to witness the beauty of Tana Toraja including height Rantepao city panorama.

Being in Batutumongga, you can breathe in the fresh mountain air while enjoying the natural panorama that stretches underneath. The stones are scattered graves and traditional houses and fields that extend into the spectacular scenery of the Batutumongga stare.
In the distance, seemed also spans Rantepao Town, the capital of North Toraja district is also the entrance to the area is a fertile and prosperous. Rantepao is approximately 20 km or about 1-1.5 hours drive drive. When Batutumongga morning mist and a bunch of white clouds that wrapped the sky Tana Toraja will present the impression as if you are in the land of clouds.
All the charm of the sights you can enjoy while sipping a warm Toraja coffee or a light meal snack in the coffee shop who seemed to know exactly from the point where the most beautiful scenery can be looked at.

Some homestays are also available in Batutumongga, ready to welcome those who want to spend the night in a beautiful natural mountain stillness and calm. Crickets will probably be the only song that you hear at night in Batutumongga.

Being among the hills, the road can not be said to be smooth Batutumongga. Climbing and winding paths is a challenge that must be faced before you can enjoy the natural beauty of the heights of Mount Sesean Rantepao.
Along the way, the beautiful tropical scenery scenic will soothe your eyes. Arriving at Batutumongga, landscapes such as green rice fields landscape can be enjoyed in March and April. If do not want to miss a paddy field with rice begins to turn yellow then came to Batutumongga in July or August.

Enjoy the spectacular beauty that is at coffee shops located in Batutumongga. Some coffee shops have a strategic point to make you grateful and lucky to be able to enjoy the exotic tropical nature of the Toraja.

Batutumongga located about 2 km or a 30 minute walk from Lokomata. In Lokomata, in addition to witness the traditional life of rural people Toraja, the graves in the giant stones were also seen at some point in the road.

Giant rocks are perforated to keep the body relative is even located on the motorway, presenting different views of the same stone tombs in the cliffs Londa and Lemo.

Still in the area of ​​Mount Sesean, you can also visit Bori. Rante (term for burial place) is the mainstay attractions and major in Bori. In Rante, there is a stone megalith menhir or numbering approximately 102 with varying sizes; 24 menhirs are large, 24 medium and 54 other relatively small menhir.
The existence of menhir stone at this location is to honor community leaders who died. But not just anyone can be made or referred Simbuang menhir stones. Simbuang stones are made only for those who meet Sapurandanan Rapasan level, which is the state where the buffalo were cut at the funeral of at least 24 individuals.

The tradition of making stone Simbuang has practiced since hundreds of years ago. Based on the record, the first time being used as Bori ceremonies in 1657. When it was reportedly around 100 buffaloes were sacrificed and the two stones erected Simbuang funeral Ne'Ramba '.

 In 1807, about 200 buffaloes were sacrificed and 5 Simbuang stones erected at the funeral Tonapa Ne'Padda '. Menhir largest and highest in the region supposedly founded in 1935 at the funeral Lai Datu (Ne 'Kase'). Menhir established in Bori last recorded in 1962 at the funeral Sa'pang (Ne'Lai).

To go Batutumongga, there are two ways of transportation options. First, minibus or a minibus ride can be found in the Market Bolu. Second, rent a car that will take you to the location.
Path way to Batutumongga fairly easy with no contour shape and winding uphill road. However, views on the worth fighting the uphill journey approximately 1-1.5 hours drive.

Indonesia Travel

Marrow Rice Recipes (Nasi Sumsum)


     600 grams of white rice
     10 pieces of beef marrow, steamed
     2 teaspoons of salt
     1/4 teaspoon chicken bouillon powder
     2 tablespoons oil for sauteing
     banana leaves for wrapping
     1 piece of cucumber to complement


     6 grains of red onion
     3 garlic slung
     4 pieces of curly red chili
     1/2 teaspoon pepper

Material peanut sauce:

     75 grams fried peanuts
     3 pieces of curly red chili
     6 pieces of green chili
     1 1/2 teaspoon salt
     1 tablespoon granulated sugar
     1 piece of lime
     300 ml hot water

How to make:
  • Heat the oil. Saute the spices until fragrant. Add the rice and salt and chicken stock powder. Cook until done. Lift. 
  • Take a banana leaf. Ben's rice. Put the shanks. Close rice. Wrap. prick with a stick.
  •  Burn until fragrant. 
  • Serve with peanut sauce and complement.

Relax in Bali Mangrove Forest

Bali travelers who often would have lost count of how many times he saw the Ngurah Rai Airport. Of course, frequent travelers to Bali are familiar with the views of the mangrove trees or mangroves on the edge of Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai.This main road connects the dots between the tourist center of Kuta, Legian, Nusa Dua, Jimbaran and Uluwatu to. Inevitably, both surely pass the mangrove trees. The question is how many times the travelers explore the mangrove trees that?"Many times, because I am often to Bali," said Laras, Jakarta residents who regularly travel to Bali.Every year he went to take a trip to Bali more than once. However, when asked whether he had ever been to Bali Mangrove, Laras claimed to have been.In fact, relatively close to the entrance. From Ngurah Rai Airport, just point the car towards Sanur, precisely in the Mangrove Information Center. Here there are signposts to the Mangrove Center. His position on the right path if from the Ngurah Rai Airport.

Mangrove forest which is also called the Mangrove Information Center is as if hidden from the density of the south of Bali, especially the Ngurah Rai Airport. In the midst of the noise, as if the green oasis.Indeed, not many domestic tourists who come to this place. However, local residents ordinary pleasure in this region, just relax amid lush trees. From the parking lot, you can begin your journey by climbing the wooden bridge along more than two miles.Unfortunately, in some aspects, the wooden bridge had been damaged, a hole here and there. Increasingly get into, the more damaged condition. Therefore, the need to be careful. Do not make this obstacle, because after a long journey climbing the wooden streets, all of a sudden you're in the middle of the ocean.Wooden bridge climbing trip so relaxed as thick mangroves on the right side the left. In the center, around a few meters from the entrance, there is a view of the wooden tower. Get on over to see the entire mangrove forest.

An area of ​​nearly two thousand acres is a place of education for school children in Bali. In this area, providing training package plant mangrove seedlings. The bride and groom are also used to make this place as the location for pre wedding.Unfortunately, the water in the region have started snoring. First, at some point there is a traditional fishing boats or boats are fishing. Currently there are still the djoekoengs it, though not as much as a few years ago.Its location is very close to the Ngurah Rai, is not a reason for you to stop by for a moment. Spend some time prior to the Ngurah Rai to return to your home area. Of Simpang Siur just less than two hundred meters to the entrance of Mangrove Information Center.

Travel Leopard Sharks, Favorites in Probolinggo

Traveled to see a herd of leopard sharks can be mengasikkan activity. Copper in Tanjung Probolinggo lately many visitors who want to go see a herd of leopard sharks up close.

Motor boats anchored bermuatkan this guy at Tanjung Copper, District Mayangan Probolinggo. They came just to want to see the emergence of a herd of leopard sharks.

Flocks of leopard sharks appeared since three days ago in the waters around probolinggo and an especial concern for the citizens of the city. They want to see this leopard sharks out of curiosity to see the carnivorous animals up close. At first, they were afraid to approach the fish measuring up to four meters. But after being approached they were interested and wanted to see again.

Local fishermen think these fish are predatory fish that is not because the food of this fish is plankton.

but if you want to see a flock of these leopard sharks, not in the hot weather. These sharks usually appears on a cloudy day. Shoal of fish each year appearing in the North Sea or the waters Probolinggo in January and February.

But this year, leopard sharks show up early, ie in mid-December. Curious to see leopard sharks closer? You can visit the waters Probolinggo or rather in a radius of four kilometers from the Port of Tanjung Copper lips.


West Sumatra, the paradise of Sport Tourism

West Sumatra has very beautiful scenery. Natural beauty is not wasted by local authorities, even maximized as a sports tourism destination.

Being in West Sumatra, you will be invited to exercise. Almost all districts in the province presents a challenging sport touring.

"We have a Day Festival, Tour de Antokan and Tour de Maninjau, who developed the sport of cycling. Biking in West Sumatra you can while watching the scene Maninjau or beautiful Lake Batur," said Irwan Prayitno, Governor of West Sumatra in the National Seminar on Sport Tourism, Wisma Antara, Jakarta, recently.

In addition, in Agam District and Langkisau also sports tourism is not less interesting, namely paragliding. Similarly, in Solok and Sijunjung, where there is a lazy river rafting.

"If in Mentawai, it's even been known as a world surfing destination. There ASEAN Surfing Contest in the islands," said Irwan.

The provincial capital of West Sumatra did not miss. "In Padang routine every year there is the Dragon Boat International Matches. Fact now not only in Padang there dragon boats, but also in other cities," he said.

West Sumatra is most developed tourism, in terms of any kind. "Our vision is to prioritize cultural province, hence why we are serious about developing tourism," he said.


Yogyakarta Cultural Destinations ala Royal Ambarrukmo

Formerly known as Ambarrukmo Palace Hotel, now reborn into Royal Ambarrukmo. New jargon cultured package Yogyakarta also a mainstay towing tourists. What is it?

"Ambarrukmo reborn. Ambarrukmo is not only a hotel, but a destination," the statement L Sudarsana, General Manager of Royal Ambarrukmo, in a media conference on Sunday (11/25/2012) evening.

The press conference was held ahead of the first anniversary of the Royal Ambarrukmo after reborn.

"The exterior is retained, so that together with the palace. While the interior modernized without compromising some cultural heritage, such as mosaics, statues, paintings, and so on," added Sudarsana.

Having previously opened with some limitations, Royal Ambarrukmo begin to fully utilize all of its facilities, to attract tourists to visit, stay, and even makes the hotel as a destination in itself.

"In our hall there are always cultural events every day from macapat (singing Javanese gamelan), Patehan (ala tea drinking tradition Sultan Palace), jemparingan Mataraman (traditional archery, and dance," added Sudarsana.

"We also have included cultural activities into our package. Fact, jemparingan Mataraman separate drawing attention of foreign tourists. They are interested in learning traditional archery," he continued.

Maintaining and memperkental Yogyakarta is the cultural threads Royal Ambarrukmo this time. That's flagship PT Grahawisata Santika, who is believed to be the manager by the owner Ambarrukmo, lane X and PT Putra Indah Travel Mataram.

 "I hope the management of Royal Ambarrukmo now able to restore the glory of this hotel in the international arena," the Sultan said in his speech at the first anniversary celebration reception hotel on Sunday night.

 For starters, Sudarsana also stated, several international events have been held in the Royal Ambarrukmo. Coincidentally, it also began Sunday ASEAN-India rally that took the start of the Royal Ambarrukmo. Event itself will last 24 days.

In addition a number of officials from ASEAN countries and Europe have also come to visit and stay at the hotel which was built in 1957.

"We will also build a new ballroom, to accommodate international exhibitions to be held in Yogyakarta," said Sudarsana.

"Santika still do not have a five-star hotel, the Royal Ambarrukmo hopes to be the first," said Guido Andriano, GM Corporate Sales and Marketing Santika.

According Sudarsana again, it was done to fulfill the mission of making Royal Ambarrukmo be a leading and foremost. The nuances of the Indonesian Hotel, Yogyakarta cultured.


Enjoy Coolness Wafsarak

Torrid hitting skin. But the determination to get to the North Biak, West Papua, making the body is still growing. The beauty of Biak was no doubt. Group of islands located in Paradise Bay makes Biak has a natural beauty under the sea is not less beautiful with his brother Raja Ampat. Call it Padaido island cluster that offers the beauty of coral reef biodiversity in it.

Biak position directly opposite the Pacific Ocean. So that during World War II, Biak is one area that witnessed just how fierce air and sea battles between the Japanese and the Allies.

No wonder now at least Biak has a historical tourist destination of which is the point dive bomber crash site owned Catalina allies and cave hideouts Binsari 3000 Japanese troops bombed by the Allies.

But this time, the liver can not wait to get up in the village of Amoi, a village located in North Biak. Along the way, the eyes are pampered with beautiful green hills on the left side and the blue sea on the right side. Because access to the village is indeed passed Amoi shore.

Amoi village is one of the villages close to the beach. The sand is white with navy blue featuring landscapes that make eyes at him at home. However, once again this body should be turned and headed for the entrance to the tourist area of ​​Niagara Wafsarak.

The sound of water roaring welcome and make the heart can not wait to see the waterfalls are just a few dozen meters away from the beach.

Log into it to make you forget that behind you there is a white sandy beach with blue sea. You will be fascinated with shade trees and waterfalls items carried by the wind and touch your face.

Wafsarak waterfall is not too high, just 9 yards, but the green color of the water that makes the atmosphere in the region feels right. Times the white rocks combined dark green foliage, with pastel green waterfall guaranteed to make you linger in this place.

Just below the waterfall there is a pool of nature, there is no harm in jumping and feel the coolness of the Falls. Even if you want a bit of adrenaline, you crawl up from the right side of the waterfall and jump down.

Do not be afraid to be a concern to many people. Because Wafsarak waterfall can be said away from the crowds. This condition makes beautiful waterfall Wafsarak kept clean and away from trash.

Blazing sun was covered with clouds, rain soon. The body was then left after a sip of coolness and beauty of one of the masterpieces on earth Papua.


Rounding Day Trail Acculturation

In this city, well-preserved traces of different religions. Also traces of Peranakan and colonial era that gave the feel of a thick history. Semarang provide a vivid example of the beauty of tolerance, acculturation, and traditions.

Entering the complex, bright red color dominates almost every corner. The boisterous lion dances and rousing welcome at the gate. The dragon writhed, approached the audience with acrobatic style, led to the court of Temple Building Stone Sam Poo Kong vast and magnificent.

Rows of statues of gods with colorful lights lined up behind a large statue of Admiral Cheng Ho who was raised a hand. Temples were built in the 14th century is indeed very closely related to the history of the arrival of Cheng Ho to Indonesia. He who was sailing in the northern coastal areas of Java affected by the storm and dropped anchor in Semarang, in the Simongan.

Zheng He commanded that the Muslims built a mosque there. However, because the building is typical of Chinese architecture with the dominant red color, people of Chinese descent in the neighborhood think of it as a temple. It continues today. Sam Poo Kong temple is now once petilasan attracted many pilgrims, including a stone cave under the main building.

However, traces of Islamic nuance still be found here, which is a large drum placed in the main room. Not far away there is a tomb of Zheng He's ships helmsman who also converted to Islam.

For Confucians, Cheng Ho was a god, nor his assistants. Almost all the sculptures here are the personification of the characters around the Cheng Ho, from the wheel to cook interpreter. Petilasannya were named according to their respective functions. As Kyai Djangkar, the former anchor is taking care of Cheng Ho. Also Kyai and Nyi Tumpeng which cooks Cheng Ho.

"The statues were made as a thank you for the people here to Cheng Ho," said Vera Damayanti, travel guide group The Enchanting Beauty Indoriental Journey of Sari Ayu Martha Tilaar, who retrace the places that inspired the color on the product Sari Ayu cosmetics.


Semarang is rich in historic buildings because of the cohesiveness of the community in respect and maintain all traces of acculturation that occurs through the past. There are more than 100 buildings were declared a historic building or cultural heritage in the city.

Humanist Prof Ir Eko Budihardjo suggests, acculturation coast of Java is very strong because it is basically a very open coastal communities to absorb outside influences. He distinguished character of the country gung (eg Yogyakarta and Solo) pantura community character. If public servants tend to be gung aristocratic, closed, homogeneous, and is difficult to receive the effect, otherwise the coast tends to democratic, open, heterogeneous, and receptive to influence.

"So people Semarang's easy if you want to preserve something. You have nicknames, such as mace sewu, Blenduk, are wrong, "said Eko who spoke at the launch night Sari Ayu color trends 2013 in Semarang, Thursday (06/12/2012) night, with chairwoman Martha Tilaar Group Wulan Tilaar Maharani and Deputy Marketing Director Kilala Tilaar. The event was also enlivened by potehi wayang (puppet China) with the story of Sie Jin Kwie.

Acculturation also looks striking in Pagoda Avalokitesvara, which consists of seven buildings with a high level of about 45 meters, which is a reflection that a hermit would achieve perfection in the seventh grade. Its uniqueness, besides glorifying the Buddha, this temple is also great emphasis Kwan Im Goddess or Goddess of Mercy, a number of statues facing the four directions of the compass.

"Sie Kwan Im Po Sat", this phrase emblazoned on the front of the statue of Goddess Kwan Im is placed right in front of a statue of Buddha. "It means the world to observe and listen, bodhi satva. This sentence is a picture of Goddess Kwan Im loving-kindness can be widely realized, "said Edi, a guide on Temple Buddhagaya Watugong.

In one corner of the park surrounding the pagoda there is a giant statue of Buddha in a sleeping position with his head rested. His face was smiling. The statue that looks like it is also found in Thailand, and visited by millions of people every year. In the middle of the main courtyard, a statue of Buddha was also put under the bodhi tree brought Narada Mahathera in 1955.

Dutch "small"

Absorption of foreign influence in the architecture building in Semarang not only from China, but also the Netherlands. So much to the point that the city is also nicknamed "Little Netherlands". Icon is a 90 percent Blenduk church building and its contents are original, also Lawang Sewu (thousand doors) that its main building is almost completely restored and will soon be used as a craft center.

Sewu Lawang face the colonial era to the center of the railway administration is no longer scary. The main building is now resplendent in white paint wiped clean. Some wood panel walls dominate the work spaces are shiny. Also hundreds of wooden door painted dark brown that was left open, creating a charming symmetrical rows.

From the balcony on the second floor, we could see most of the city of Semarang with its center in Simpang Lima. In between all that, "pearl" Lawang Sewu stained glass panels still towers over the main staircase downstairs, the shape is still perfectly intact. During the day, the sun will break through the glass entrance grille, reflecting the bias of different colors.

Here also is provided "underground tour" down the hallway water under the building with water height calf. First, the place is often used as the location of events "fighting guts" on television because supposedly full of spirits. Now, the buildings erected in 1904 it became the new magnet Semarang !.


700 Local Languages ​​in Indonesia Endangered!

Preservation of local languages ​​in Indonesia is in distress! How not, 700 languages ​​in Indonesia threatened with extinction, even 169 languages ​​of which only have less than 500 speakers.

Indonesia is generally divided into two groups of language family, namely Austronesian and non-Austronesian. Language which belong to the family of non-Austronesian numerous in eastern Indonesia. Based on the research conducted, it is unknown if the family of languages ​​is the most alarming condition.

As many as 169 languages ​​are from eastern Indonesia even have speakers who number fewer than 500 people. Various things suspected to be factors causing the extinction of a language. UNESCO itself issued nine factors that could cause the extinction of a language.

"Ethnic language may be extinct in the absence of successors who use such language, as well as a language lost to 'compete' with other languages ​​or because they keep a very traditional," said RMT Multamia Lauder, a linguist at the University of Indonesia when met LIPI, Jakarta, recently.

Currently, he added, many parents do not teach their children to the local language so that no new generation to preserve it. Connection with an indigenous tribe, for example, occurs in Multamia language, the vocabulary documentation can only be learned by the descendants of the king.

"Yes, how can be preserved only if access is limited. So, when the royal family was exhausted, the language would be extinct, "he added.

"I think maybe we should approach and understanding of how language is important, language is not just a property of the king. In fact, if this language can be preserved, Indonesia will increasingly rich culture and diverse, "said Endang Turmudi, Head of the Research Center for Social and Cultural LIPI, on the same occasion.

It also makes the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) conducted a study of six languages ​​in the three provinces. The study was conducted as an initial effort to preserve the language in the area. Language study focused LIPI, among Gamkonora in West Halmahera, Kao and Capping in North Halmahera, Oirata Kisar Island, and Kui and Kafoa Alor Southwest.

"There are a lot of ethnic minority languages ​​in eastern Indonesia are threatened with extinction, it would require a comprehensive effort to preserve the language, one through family always taught her native language and learning in schools," he added.Even this study attempted to collect vocabulary of any language is almost extinct.

Then, the plan, the vocabulary will be incorporated in a dictionary to be a form of documentation in the future. This long process will last until 2014, in which the vocabulary collected will continue to grow.

In 2014, due to be launched dictionary contains six languages. In the event, even this research report expressed the desire and hope of making a museum as a place to store the language and learn the language documentation.
