Cendrawasih Bay National Park
Indonesia Tourism Awards (ITA) 2011
List of award recipients Indonesia Tourism Awards 2011.
Best Provincial Tourism Development:
Cities with the Best Service (for tourists):
Malang, East Java
Denpasar, Bali
Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi
Favorite Travel Destination City:
Raja Ampat, West Papua
Denpasar, Bali
Badung, Bali
Favorite Travel Destination:
Waisai beach, Raja Ampat, West Papua
Tanah Lot, Bali
Park East Java, East Java
Tourism Special Awards:
Sawahlunto, West Sumatra
Province of the Pacific Islands
Tourism Industry category:
Best Five Star Hotels: Hotel Mulia Senayan
Best Four Star Hotels: Santika Premiere Jakarta
Three Star Hotel of the Year: The Aroma's Kuta
Best Restaurant: Bandar Jakarta
Favorite Mall: Plaza Senayan
Favorite Mall Outer London: Paris van Java, Bandung
Favorite mall outside Java: Ska Mall
Favorite Full Service Flight:
Garuda Indonesia
Aviation Economic Services Tervaforit:
Sriwijaya Air
Favorite Travel Agents:
Panorama Tour
Favorite Taxi Fleet:
Favorite Spa:
Javana Spa
Favorite Golf Course:
Royale Jakarta
World Class taste Cashew Nuts in Wolowaru
In various villages along the way seems clear Cross-Flores is a part of tree crops and protector who grew up in the yard. Look on the ground not far from the tree, cashew fruit-studded as if no longer able to be utilized because it is so abundant.
Unique morphology of the island of Flores has made the rain just stopped for 2 months in a year. Perhaps precisely because the character of the soil so that the nuts are seeds from the fruit sticking jambunya feels more dry and crunchy. There is a savory taste like crackers who want to keep mashed in the mouth.
All that can be obtained be tasteful food after going through the process of cashew nut processing in Wolowaru, about 65 kilometers from the city of Ende. The village is probably no more popular than Moni separated by only a distance of about 30 kilometers to the hill climb. But in this village, cashews found a sojourn before being exported to various cities in Indonesia, even abroad.
The quality of cashew nuts from Wolowaru really do not have to be questioned again. This type of grouping tepilih peanuts are beans organic and non-organic. Processed cashew nuts that fall from the tree only. Seen that the selection process was aided by the raw materials of nature.
Certification bodies which come from Europe each year will know for sure where that falls from the tree and which are picked. Harvesting is definitely violating the selection process. All this is a rigorous process for the European market demands quality.
European societies such as Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, and France, as well as the United States, Japan, Singapore, and Australia, admitted that Flores cashew nuts is the best product, much better than Africa and India.
Prices of raw materials both organic cashews certainly higher than non-organic. One kilo of processed organic cashews that have been packaged seasoned and ready then the price is much higher in the market. As an illustration, per kilo packet of cashew nuts ready to eat could reach Rp 140,000.
A resident of East Java named Cahyo saw this opportunity and he pioneered the cashew nut processing business in Wolowaru. With cashew nuts accommodate from suppliers all over the island of Flores, particularly from cashew plantations in Ile Padung, Larantuka, Cahyo utilize land that is not too broad as the household industry. Cashew nuts are still bandaged harsh skin drying on cement floor pan where the motor park and store flower pots. From the edge of the road, this place is almost invisible because the fortified grocery shop and a restaurant named Warung East Java.
A windowless room in the back of the stalls packed bag of cashew nuts that are dry and ready to broken skin. Crammed with bags, table facing walls packed with nearly a dozen workers who work on each task. Among them there is a swinging lever-breaking skin cashews and other nuts that have been assigned to clean skinned.
The division process beans, sorting, and cleaning through several stages. From start to finish cleaning, as if making a very valuable small items. Plastic gloves and wear muzzles so that employees would not adakontaminasi in packaging. Fun, visitors can see all of these processes including the following taste test.
This process is long because it has been determined by inspection and certification body of Swiss specifically examine the cashew nut processing called the IMO (International Marketecotologi). Every year, this agency come and check out all the processes including basic materials and facilities.
In addition Wolowaru IMO certified, plantation in Ilepadung, Larantuka was certified since 2005. When the involvement of specialized agencies already exist in the treatment process so no need to doubt that Flores cashew nuts, especially in Wolowaru is processing food that is definitely high quality.
In fact, cashew nuts do contain some nutrients that are very useful components for the body. Cashew nut consumption helps increase endurance because there is a 33 percent rate the nutritional adequacy (RDA) of zinc element. In addition, cashews can reduce feelings of depression because there are amino acid tryptophan which can be overcome by grief, and increase the sensation of spirit. Cashew nuts also may protect aging skin and reduces risk of cavities.
Economically, this cashew nut processing businesses have absorbed a lot of manpower and a source of household income even regions. Inevitably, a local community development organizations participated assist this effort to improve the economy Flores society at large.
Chopsticks Borneo International Tournament Held

This international event, according to Chief Disbudpora Singkawang Indari Lies, followed by approximately 200 athletes from foreign countries, including Malaysia, the Netherlands and the United States.
Sports chopsticks itself a part of everyday society Borneo. In Central Kalimantan chopsticks even included as one of the local content lessons in schools. Since the first, chopsticks are used primarily by traditional Dayak tribe as a weapon for hunting and tembaknya distance can reach 200 meters. "Through this contest international chopsticks, chopsticks, we develop the sports media in addition to hunting," said Hasan Karman, Mayor Singkawang.
Regional Secretary Singkawang, Syech Bandar also explained, Singkawang selection as the venue does not necessarily. Achievement of a nationally organized several events, like Festival Singkawang few moments ago, is seen to factor consideration.
While the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Nirwandar, expressing that the event can also promote local tourism.
"Because this event was first addressed in Singkawang, we will do everything possible," said Lies.
There are several categories that will be contested the championship chopsticks individuals, teams, and children. Interestingly, during the race, participants are required to wear traditional clothes.
Not only that, the tournament chopsticks will also be enlivened by various cultural performing arts, music, folk market, to film screenings, all highlight the uniqueness of Borneo or Kalimantan.
Bandar Lampung City Sightseeing
Done with the affairs of the stomach and souvenirs I headed to one of Belfast City landmarks, namely the Elephant Monument Adipura. Located just down the road Radin Inten at a major crossroads in the city. The journey to this monument I see a statue of a bride and groom who wore traditional clothing typical of Lampung. Then I continued on toward the Gulf Betung. FYI, the city of Bandar Lampung was a composite of two cities, Cape Coral and Gulf Betung. Betung Gulf as its name is located closer to water than to Cape Coral.
I continued my journey and meet a large mosque. The mosque is named the Great Mosque of Al-Furqaan Bandar Lampung. I spend here before midday prayers. Finished praying, I moved on. My next goal is a monument which is a form of warning Krakatoa eruption of this mountain top. Monuments in located close to the Office of the Governor of Lampung. I use my mobile phone maps and facilities during this trip. I keep going to move my legs to reach it. Quite tired but definitely fun, hehe.
After about walking for 45 minutes finally met also with the Office of the Governor of Lampung. Many people who relax there. The young and old playing together playing with their children. I continued walking towards the Krakatau Monument that is located not far from here. About five minutes, I finally arrived at a park in the middle there is this Krakatau Monument. The atmosphere in the park is quite crowded by young anakn are running around. Menlihat completed this monument, I plan to rest for a while to kill time to wait for the bus Damri tonight. I ride public transportation to the Jalan Radin Inten.
Waiting time is approximately four hours. I decided to go to the bookstore. Leave my bag and read-read books in this bookstore. I think it's been a while I read, but still three hours more time to the pool Damri. I am out of the bookstore to carry out the prayers. Finished praying, I am looking for a nice place to eat. Quite a lot of time staring I do, finally at eight o'clock I took my bag at the bookstore and walked to the Station Cape Coral.

Jogja Java Carnival 2011 confirms Yogya As a City of Culture
Similarly, the Governor of Yogyakarta, Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, expressed as JJC opened in the plaza north of Yogyakarta. "The hope JJC can confirm the character of the city of Yogyakarta as a condition characterized by cultural values," said Sultan.
Sultan said the event was JJC add more cultural harmony and tolerance between communities. Multiculturalism was, he added, should continue to be upheld for the harmony for all parties.
He also added, in order to be more colorful and Yogya become livable cities, the arrangement must always involve the community.
Meanwhile, Mayor Herry Zudianto said also that the JJC into a creative arts event that demonstrated the potential of Yogyakarta culture to the world. 2000 both local and foreign artists involved in the JJC. "This is evidence of art and culture are universal to language and communication without borders," he said. In accordance with the theme this time is taken JJC, Magniworld (Magnificent World) or the wonders of the world.
(Read: Wonders of the World Present at Jogja Java Carnival)
Herry explained, packaging carnival this year did not exist in the previous administration. The presence of technology, the composition of shapes, colors, light fused together in an artistic manjadi interesting.
JJC is a carnival activity vehicle that had been held for the fourth time that each peak of Yogyakarta Anniversary celebration in October.
Royal Wedding Procession Preserving Culture Yogya
"The procession is very grand Panggih Kraton Yogyakarta and Yogyakarta to be evidence of cultural preservation," said Andi Malarangeng Menpora, after congratulating the bride.
Panggih procession was the procession of the bride and groom meeting, after two days they undergo traditional procession in two different places. The procession is a symbol of the meeting in a sacred bond of marriage for family life someday acquire the best way.
Wedding Procession Coordinator KRT Yudahadiningrat said, the procession begins with a consent granted by the groom at majesties Dalem Penepen Mosque at 7:15 o'clock. Accompanied by his younger brother Sultan HB X, the groom's procession through prayer and the legalization of marriage by Raden Kangjeng prince. Consent granted after this, the procession was held Panggih.
The procession begins with the convergence of the bride and groom from two different places. For the bride the daughter of Sekar Kedaton, while the groom from Ward Kesatrian. Furthermore bride throwing gantal or betel leaf. Then the bride and groom to wash the feet followed by a procession pondhongan. Pondhongan procession is done by the groom and GBPH Suryamentaram that lifts the bride.
The end of the ceremony Panggih marked with the passage of the bride and groom and their parents to the place to receive congratulations. Invited guests including ministers, ambassadors, and other officials seemed swept up in the thick atmosphere of traditional Javanese.
And in the evening, a reception will be held again in Ward Kepatihan Yogyakarta Yogyakarta serving typical dances such as dance and dance Lawung Bedoyo Ageng.
While on this afternoon, the bride and groom will undergo train carnival procession from the Square north to Ward Kepatihan. This carnival will be witnessed by the citizens of Yogyakarta while enlivened with 200 angkringan free.
TIME 2011 puts Lampung on the Tourism Map
Opening the 17th TIME and the Krakatau Festival at Bandar Lampung on Wednesday 12 October, Governor Sjahroedin said that he hoped TIME will serve as the momentum to boost tourist arrivals to Lampung, making tourism as the primary means in developing the province to benefit the people.” "I believe the event will serve as an eye-opener for the international community on what Lampung has to offer”, he said. TIME is the perfect platform to showcase this new destination’s potentials.
Director General for Tourism Marketing, Sapta Nirwandar agreed that Lampung has plenty of potentials, possessing icons like the Krakatau volcano, the Way Kambas elephant conservation park, the Tanjung Setia world-class surf, although many of its products, Sapta conceded, still need to be developed.
Major infrastructure development that will facilitate access to the province, Governor Sjahroedin said are the planned Sunda Straits bridge linking the islands of Java with Sumatra, as well as the extension of the Raden Inten airport at Bandar Lampung whose runway will be extended to 2500 metres, and further planned in future to be extended to 3,000 metres to become an international airport."
The 17th Tourism Indonesia Mart & Expo (TIME) 2011 was officially opened, held at the Korpri Field, Bandar Lampung on Wednesday evening October 12th, 2011. The official opening ceremony was attended by Marketing Director General of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Sapta Nirwandar, and the Governor of Lampung province, Sjachroedin ZP. The ceremony also marked the grand opening of the Festival Krakatau XXI which is jointly held from 12 to 16 October 2011.
The opening ceremony featured art and cultural presentations of Lampung. The Pan Ensemble Music Sumatera commenced the evening, followed by the contemporary gambus Lunik musical art. Lampung Orchestra Ekhamku presented an elegant sound- harmonization and the Sigeh Penguten gave the welcome dance that absorbed the audience into the beauty of Lampung traditional values, as did the Melinting dance, featuring the graceful movements of a couple of youths.
The 76 Buyers attending TIME 2011 included those from the U.S.A, Australia, Germany and the Netherlands. This year the event was also attended by buyers from new markets such as Slovenia, Slovakia, Greece, the Cezch Republic and Mexico. For this 17th edition, the organizing committee targeted an increase of 15-18% increase over total transactions last year, to reach around US$ 20 million.
TIME 2011 is organized by the Indonesia Tourism Society (Masyarakat Pariwisata Indonesia) and is supported by the entire tourism stakeholders of the country, including the Minsitry of Culture and Tourism, the Provincial Government of Lampung, the Asociation of Indonesia’s Travel Agent (ASITA) the Asociation of Indonesia’s Tour Guide, and the Asociation of Indonesia’s Hotels and Restaurants (PHRI).
Century Buddhist temple-10 Found in Sleman
Building area of the temple which has been found is a temple on the south side area of 13.23 x 17 meters, the temple in the middle of an area of 8.6 x 6.35 meters, and the temple on the north side area of 8.85 x 8.85 meters. To the north of the temple, while it is still in the research.
Chairman of the Preservation Hall Excavation and Archaeological Heritage (BP3) DIY, Revelation describes Astuti, excavation of temple has actually been done since 2006. But was stopped in 2010, and only continued again in July 2011.
Early excavations carried out since there are reports of a citizen who found the statue is a symbol Buddhisatwa Awalokiteshwara in the worship of Buddha.
The belief that the temple at the Buddhist temple Palgading is finally strengthened after the discovery of one of the stupa at the temple. Not only that, in the excavation of 2011 is also found punden terraces as well as fragments of pottery that looks are no longer intact.
"Until the end of September, we will continue to conduct excavations. There's more possibility of new discoveries," he added.
Harau Valley, "Yosemite" by Indonesia
This place is perfect for rock climbers. In fact, most climbers gave the name "Yosemite" was Indonesia because rock climbing is almost like it. Yosemite National Park is a national park in the United States is famous for its towering rock cliffs.
Location Harau Valley can be reached by car in about an hour from the city of Bukittinggi. Entering Harau Valley region has felt the cool air and amazing scenery.
From the road to the waterfall is visible stones challenging rock climbing rock climbing sports lovers. Rock cliffs with a unique shape.
The cliffs surrounding the valley is lush green with trees and rice fields that extend. There are seven waterfalls that flow in different places in the region.
From a distance many found homes shaped the distinctive Minangkabau roof custom home in West Sumatra. Fields and trees combined with a breathtaking scenery.
Expanse of fields flanked by high cliffs straight up about 150-200 meters. The new tourist mining times there must have amazed especially when the fields are yellow. Really beautiful to see.
Harau Valley as well as nature reserves and wildlife reserves. Here many found long-tailed monkeys and gambier plants producing region that could be used for potions menginang betel, raw materials lipstick, and fabric dyes.
Stream waterfall is quite heavy, cold, and clear. For the bath will feel fresh and the body will quickly freeze. In the rainy season water flows will be more swift decline.
Around the waterfall encountered florist ferns that resemble the head monkey monkeys and orchids. The price is much cheaper than Jakarta.
There are unique at this location, the sound of loud screams we will bounce when screaming at the zero point. There is a special area for the shouting that has been marked local tourism agency.
So, if tourists want to spend a sense of stress can shout loud. His voice will bounce with gaungan louder again.
Harau valley is also a destination for students stage cycling race Tour de Singkarak. So many foreign bicycle riders who have visited this beautiful place. Participants of the cycling is certainly invited to visit this valley.
Harau Valley there is also a swimming pool of the stream flowing waterfall on the rock wall. Water housed in a beautiful natural pool below the waterfall.
Tourists can enjoy bathing water directly from water sources. There is also a community-run homestay if you want to stay with a sport rock climbing.
Pemaje Lombok

Excerpted from the book by the work of Ir. H. Lalu Djelenga entitled "Keris in Lombok" about 340 pages / pemaje. Pemaje "It is a special tool to whittle carpenter. But lately, it stems from the rare kris, developed into part of the completeness of the customary dress of Lombok.".
One maker pemaje L. Hadi Rahman (40) said, pemaje not just a tool or a complement to traditional, but also acts as pemaje kris and kris have such prestige depends on the materials used to make these pemaje. besides pemaje substitute one rib symbolizes man to be taken to be bone air. so, which brings pemaje in Lombok are men with tucked way in front on the left. Another philosophical meaning that can be learned from pemaje is: pemaje use ooze (iron on the handle) derived from the brass, brass in Sasak language kuninge derived from the word meaning "watch yourself", meaning that brings pemaje pulled apart as a symbol of man, can also be used to look after ourselves, not to attack or kill. added L. Rahman Hadi.
A similar explanation obtained from RK. Shamsuddin (50) Eggplant Tawah, said Pemaje is a symbolic cultural unconscious can slowly replace the role of ceremonial dagger-indeed because of scarce and prices are very expensive dagger, he also said-as a male, was duly brought iron the disepilkan, bagged or made into knives and pemaje. iron core is carried or attached to a body or bodies. Pemaje in language comes from two words namely Pe like Mojo that if converted into Sasak language (Epean crew) in the Indonesian language to be "possessed by the Agency", the second last syllable of the phrase is actually a kepedekan Java language that is "Repat Ning Atomojo" which means "meeting of the agency" if interpreted to mean something meaningful meetings with agency-placed can be attached or just sealed it. There are many other philosophical meaning that can be learned from this little thing. old people we earlier created the objects and tools such as pemaje this is not just a tool. but that their offspring take-ibaratan lawyer and think about what is contained in the object, (RK. Shamsuddin)
in this modern-paced start pemaje hardly visible presence among the Sasak tribe people as a means of expression and for everyday purposes, because in terms of function pemaje began largely supplanted by the practical tools such as knives made in the store or manufacturer. Pemaje started switching function, a result of tool-craft that have a high aesthetic value, often have magical value and are considered sacred, because the methods and materials are not haphazard alias specific ways and rituals to complete. pemaje with these categories become more valuable and more expensive also very much in demand by collectors or lovers of art even by his own people who believe in the efficacy of these pemaje.
Three Pillar Mosque to be the symbol of religious harmony
"This mosque is the mosque's iconic antarwarga communion, particularly in the sub district of religious antarpemeluk winner. The mosque will not be able to stand without support from elements of the religious community," said the manager of the mosque. Jamaah own Jami'ul means "all the pilgrims."
Icon of religion of the people of communion not only appear later Lombok Jami'ul Jamaah. Common, other mosque building directly opposite the Temple. For example, in the Village Sesaot, District Narmada, West Lombok. Sesaot village consists of five orchard - three orchards populated Muslim and Hindu population of the two orchards.
Nashrudin Mamik Muhdi, Nurul Huda Mosque manager, explained one of the mosques built by Muslims and Hindus is Nurul Huda Mosque which is a large mosque Sesaot Village. "This mosque is the result of the community in the village of innate energy Sesaot. Many Hindus who participate in the development of this mosque. They donated wood, sand, and whatever they have for the development of this mosque, "show the public figure Sesaot Village.
Nurul Huda Mosque is dealt with in the neighborhood Pura Banjar (Hindu settlements) in the Village Sesaot. Despite, there has never been tumult among them. The young Muslims and Hindus mixed, both in sporting activities and everyday interactions. Mamik adding the religious tenets of people could happen because there is high awareness of the community of peaceful coexistence.
Enjoying the beauty of the swiss in Garut

Like Switzerland, located in Garut route back and forth across the southern pathway is also surrounded by mountains. There are five mountains that provide the beauty and uniqueness to everyone who came. All five are Mount Papandayan, Cikurai, Guntur, Haruman, and Talaga Bodas. The five plays soothing Garut. When not even the rain, temperatures in Garut reaching 13-20 degrees Celsius.
The foot of Mount Guntur in Jalan Raya Cipanas, District Tarogong Kaler, is one of the famous hot springs pass. Recorded dozens of hot water channel is formed naturally contains sulfur, a race to provide warmth for visitors who want to eliminate fatigue.
Access to the Cipanas fairly easy. Cipanas is about 60 kilometers from Bandung. From Bandung, Cipanas can be reached within two hours using a personal vehicle. While the public transportation, it takes at least 90 minutes with a fare of Rp 10,000 per person for economy buses and Rp 15,000 per person for the executive bus. Special buses, tourists should proceed approximately 8 miles from downtown Garut with the cost of Rp 2,000 per person.
For those who want to spend more time, a lot of star jasmine hotels 1 to 3 can be rented at prices varying from Rp 40,000 to Rp 3 million per night. Special five-star hotel, hot water facility Thunder Mountain can be enjoyed instantly in any room or the existing bungalow.
Satisfied enjoy the warmth of the volcanic activity of Mount Guntur, visitors can feel the sensation of another style of Switzerland is only about 5 km from Cipanas. Like the delights of Swiss chocolate, Garut also have a distinctive chocolate named chocodot. This product is the result of innovation company that combines the delicacy of the Tama area with lunkhead brown, typical food Garut. Chocodot delicacy has been tested since been named the best in Tutto Food International Food Exhibition in Milan, Italy, 8-11 May 2011.
Founder of Tama PD, Kiki Gumelar, said that while chocodot is the main menu, visitors can enjoy the other dishes, including chocolate rangginang (racok), brown shredded (Dogan), and pizza lunkhead (zadol). In fact, to welcome this year's Lebaran, has launched a new product called cokor. Cokor is a blend of chocolate with dates or are known by the name of the fruit of the prophet.
"We expect a mix of chocolate and dates can make the atmosphere more beautiful Lebaran," he said.
It is not difficult to find outlets that sell products chocodot. There are currently four branches in Garut Tama PD, namely Saung Waroeng Chocolate and Chocolate Diamond in the District Tarogong, Neo Chocolate Shop in Jalan Siliwangi, and Chocolate Shop in Jalan Cimanuk Raos. If you want to see the manufacturing process, visitors can come to d'Jieun Tjoklat in Tarogong and Gedoeng Chocolate Road Siliwangi.
However, if visitors want to feel lunkhead oldest recipe in Garut, Dodol Picnic at Jalan Pasundan Number 162 can be an alternative. Ato Hermanto, Director of PT Cipta Pratama Herlinah, Picnic Dodol producer, said the menu mainstay that continues to be maintained lunkhead authenticity is a traditional fruit flavors.
"We also offer trips directly to the manufacturing plant to see how lunkhead made," said Ato, a third generation maker Dodol this Picnic.
Export quality
One more thing that you should not miss is the existence of diverse products and clothing made from sheepskin arrowroot (ovies Aries). If sheep are taken fur Switzerland, arrowroot made sheepskin jackets, bags, shoes, and purses of export quality. The price also varies, from Rp 20,000 to Rp 3 million. Famous production center at Jalan Ahmad Yani, or known by Sukaregang center, about 8 km from Cipanas.
Owner outlets leather products in Sukaregang Salza, Tatang Suryana, leather products Index.php guarantee is the best in the manufacture of clothing made from sheepskin. Quality is maintained because the people who inherited the technique made leather tanning and manufacturing leather products since 100 years ago. Choice of products offered was more numerous and varied than in other areas.
However, if you want to get a cheaper price, it is advisable to explore the small alleys around Sukaregang. Many home sewers offer leather products at lower prices. According Dadus (27), home-based crafters in Gang Haji, Sukaregang, customers can discuss with artisans to find the desired product. This provides an advantage for consumers because it can adjust the order with its economic capabilities.
"We are also open to accept orders according to customer's body size. This would make the desired product fits in the body of consumers," he said.
Drums mostly played by the gamelan players professionals, who have long dive into Javanese culture. Most played drums in accordance pengendang instincts, so when played by one person then the premises of others will be different nuances.
To trace the ancient migration trail
From Padang Bindu, District Ogan Komering Ulu, South Sumatra Province, the last village that can be reached by vehicle, a group of scientists from the Centre for Research and Development National Archaeological walk karst hills.
They must go through a suspension bridge crossing the River Ogan, through dense forest and climb the steep hill to get to Goa Tiger, archaeological sites excavated since 2010. In the cave, the research team of 12 people trying to collect traces of ancient settlements from the time of 60000-10000 years ago, to the older, the ice age. "We are continually looking to fill the data gaps in Sumatra," said Rev. Saptomo, one of the researchers.
Compared to other parts of Indonesia, traces of ancient human settlements in Sumatra, including the youngest, on average, younger than 10,000 years ago. Researchers have found traces of settlements of modern humans (Homo sapiens) who live in Sumatra 60000-10000 years ago.
Between 60,000 and 10,000 years ago, the Earth is inhabited by humans from Homo sapiens species, aka "modern man". Before that time, Earth is populated by humans of the type Pythecantropus erectus or Homo erectus, which spanned his time between 1.5 million and 100,000 years ago.
Some traces of prehistoric settlements dating back some 10,000 years are found on the east coast of North Sumatra to Aceh, Nias, and Tianko length. The findings of the cave in the area of Padang Bindu, such as Princess Goa, Goa Silabe, Pandan Goa, and Goa roots, younger, 9000-2000 years ago, marks the beginning of modern human civilization.
"There is an unbroken line. In Sumatra, we find only 'modern humans and then', but have not found the 'early modern humans'. It's a big question mark among the researchers. Was at that time Sumatra uninhabited?" Wahyu said.
Goa Tigers attracted attention because of adjacent rivers. On the edge of the river, according to Revelation, found a number of objects in the paleolithic culture, such as gravel which is simple to get tajaman trimmed, hand-held axes.
River became a vital part of human prehistory. During the life of the oldest, are dependent on the availability of food from the surrounding environment. The next stage, namely the neolithic culture, humans began to cultivate environmental resources to meet the necessities of life.
In Goa tigers, researchers discovered the tomb area and the findings of metal and pottery. Found 35 adults and children who are single or buried together. Also found in the cave wall paintings that became the first findings. During this time, Metro is considered to have shaped the prehistoric cave paintings.
According to Revelation, the findings in Goa Tiger is a trace of modern humans who lived 4,000 years Austronesian ago. After transferring the findings and make a mold of findings, the investigators still digging to find the oldest settlements in the life of Homo erectus.
Important species
Homo erectus occupied important positions in human evolution because it is a direct predecessor of Homo sapiens (modern humans) at this time.
According to Harry Widianto of Ancient Man Site Preservation Hall Sangiran, in the process line of evolution, Homo erectus is known to have rapid cultural development.
These humans are the creators and users of stone tools reliably. They develop specific technologies, such as hand-held axes.
Homo erectus also have a toughness in adapting to nature. They are the first species to leave their ancestral places in Africa 1.8 million years ago. They are able to adapt to climate change in the world, ranging from cold climate in Europe until hot climates along the equator.
Homo erectus migrated via land bridges formed by the shrinking of sea water. This eliminates shrinkage South China Sea and Java Sea to the ocean floor into the valley. The valley was the path of migration of Homo erectus to Indonesia. "They're not through the island of Sumatra and Kalimantan, because at that time the two islands is a plateau," said Harry.
In Indonesia, Homo erectus is found only in Java. This is because Java is a 'dead end' for humans to migrate eastward.
To the east, Homo erectus was blocked by a trough between Bali and Lombok, which reaches 8,000 meters and still the oceans. While still in the highlands of Sumatra, a difficult climb. Today, researchers continue to search for traces to find the oldest human settlements.
Sianok Gorge
The beauty of Sianok can be seen from Panorama Park in Bukit Tinggi or you could also go into the gorge, which is a settlement and paddy field area. To enjoy the scenery from the Park, visitors could pay an entrance fee of Rp 3.000 per person. In addition to the gorges beauty, visitors can also visit a Japanese bunker located at the base of the gorge. Ngarai Sianok is the most beautiful place in West Sumatra, particularly during sunrise and sunset.
Some sea battle in the Nusantara
1003 King Dharmawangsa from Mataram to send the fleet to attack the Kingdom of Sriwijaya The purpose of this attack is to be able to grab the center of commerce in the Straits of Malacca from the hand of Sriwijaya. These efforts succeeded only very few years since the year 1016 because of the revolt killed Daharmawangsa
1023 King of India / Cola provides the first raid on a large scale raid into the Sriwijaya Sriwijaya kingdom is not successfully destroy the Sriwijaya
1030 King of India again raided the King of Sriwijaya Sriwijaya Sanggarwijaya Although caught, but the government has not collapsed. This is known because in 1178 Sriwijaya was sending envoys to China, despite the success of this government has been weakened.
1275 King Singasari-Kertanagara send an expedition to the Malay and coarse Forging friendships with the Malay government referred to the expedition PAMALAYU inhibit use bnagsa Mongol power
1284 conquer Bali, Singapore, Sunda, Bakulapura (West Kalimantan), and Desert (Maluku).
1293 Kubilai Khan Government Attacks by sea Singasari South CChina in the Java sea and sail in Tuban with the strength of 20,000 soldiers and supplies transported a 1000 voyage of the ship.
The entire western portion Archipelago 1339-1341 Continuous Also Attacked And Ditaklukan Majapahit Government Fleet
Start destroying Pasai Next Go Jambi and Palembang who also Menyerah
Then conquer Langkasuka, Kelantan, Kedah, Selangor, Tumasik (Singapore)
Further cut in half in Tanjungpura, bow Sambas, Banjarmasin, South, and Kutai Within 7 (seven) years after the Fajr OATH PALAPA, Sumatra, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and surrounding islands have become territory of the Majapahit
Majapahit fleet strength to be a strength of 40,000 soldiers dhsyat no unprecedented in Southeast Asia during the heyday of Majapahit Kingdom
Thus the western part of the archipelago was united under the full flag of the Majapahit
1343 Bali attack and successfully ditaklukan Majapahit Majapahit attack by the fleet under the command of Gajah Mada Mahapatih.
1343 Mahapatih Gajahmada assisted by Nala laksaman Majapahit navy led by the strength of 3000 soldiers to the eastern archipelago to conquer territory governments to be cool or trying to escape. Government, among others; Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Horror, Sulawesi, Dompo, throughout Eastern Archipelago have been consolidated, including the island of Irian, Sanggir Talaud, reached the southern Philippines island of Majapahit strength team, not all originate from the central government. However, almost two-thirds actually comes from Sumatra and the Malay kingdom fusion of some of the government in Java already acknowledged the authority of the Majapahit
1511 Portuguese conquer Malacca Portuguese Navy Fleet Conduct Attack of the Superintendent in Malacca and successfully conquer Malacca Regional Multiple Master
Armada 1512 Malaka Pati Unus meyerang Demak, authorities demak strengthen its fleet with the team from Jakarta around 5000 until 15,000 soldiers and 100 to 200 warships.
1519 Aceh successfully break the attack with the strength of seven Portuguese Portuguese war fleet revenge on Aceh successful sailors seized the crew along with commodities transported by the Portuguese ships and stranded wreck in the territorial waters of Aceh. According to tradition the whole crew and cargo is stranded wreck in the territorial waters of the Sultanate of Aceh belongs to the authority of local districts of the sultanate.
Around 1520 the Portuguese invaded Bintan besrta 350 150 Portuguese soldiers who were equipped with arms merchants of war, succeeded in beating Sultan Mahmud
Aceh committed to the 1520 expansion Expansion Dayo done Aceh-east towards the direction of widening the coastal waters of Sumatra.
Bintan 1521 Portuguese invaded and beaten down around 600 Portuguese soldiers who transported 18 warships successfully defeated by the forces of Sultan Mahmud. This team has previously been successfully assemble the strength of the sea by the pirates to become a strong navy and respected Portuguese
1521 the Portuguese set up blockades in Tidore Portuguese coached Tidore and combined with the Portuguese team facing war against Ternate
1522 Portuguese establish Fortress in Ambon, Ternate, and Sunda Kelapa (Jakarta) Portuguese train their teams in local districts with the knowledge of war to be prepared to use extra force in the face of the enemy
1526 Demak conquer and dominate the government Sunda Sunda Kelapa port Fatahillah grab the lead Fleet Demak Sunda Kelapa port, and renaming the Jayakarta in order to operate the Port of pepper and pepper trade
1527 Sultan Trenggono king of Demak III, immediately attacked the order Fatahillah to seize the West Java Banten, Sunda Kelapa then successful in the storm on 22 June
1527. Further attacks done to conquer Cirebon This is an effort to stop the nation from Portuguese to instill power in West Java
Portuguese fleet could be destroyed in the Gulf of Jakarta during the mendekari bay waters fleet
Trade pepper and pepper can be handled.
Fatahillah, he became Duke of New South Wales.
1537 attack Malacca and Johor Aceh Aceh strength estimated at around 3000 teams and 500 people killed in the battlefield.
1539 Deli conquer Aceh or Aceh Aru navy convoy consisted of 160 ships and 600 merchant who came from Turkey, India, and Abyssinia who already have experience in war
Malaka invaded Aceh in 1547 and around 4000 the team hit back in Aceh were killed and 300 cannon was damaged.
1550-1551 Demak with Johor, Perak, Pahang, and Bruas attack the Portuguese with only 5,000 troops and 200 ships, demak allies attack the Portuguese ships for 3 months 800 soldiers killed in the demak
1558 Aceh attack to encircle Malaka Malaka attack lasted for a whole month and 15,000 combined team of 400 troops and 300 navy of Turkey
1564 Deli regained control of Aceh Aceh took power at the Deli
1566 Portuguese fortify (plant) at Timorese It is intended to be able to handle sandalwood trade
Malaka invaded Aceh in 1568 but beaten down around 15000-20000 fleet fleet of the Turkish team, India, and Java is transported by 300 ships and 100 traditional boats to attack Malacca. But the Armada is beaten back, marked with about 400 soldiers Ironically because Malaka reinforced by reinforcements Portuguese teams
Aceh 1570-1575 Malaka invaded three times, but again hit back fleet consists of approximately 7,000 troops in Aceh in the 100 ships and back hit back with 700 soldiers killed in battle
Aceh again attacked Malacca in 1577, but hit back Armament neither the Portuguese cannon on the ship or on land to be a bulwark of defense that has proven effective in breaking attacks that attacked Aceh team around 150 traditional boats. Other hand, the Portuguese simply deploy 13 ships cannons.
1585 block Johor waters but hit back to Malacca Johor While the team is getting help from the team but the fleet of gun-Portuguese Egg was too irresistible grace to the end, the attack again paralyzed
1587 Portuguese attack back to Bintan and Johor Johor successfully survive with the help of allies team, the team of Java, Jakarta, Trengganau, Indragiri, and Kempar. However, from the 8000 team, the biggest loss was in the navy Portugia Johor since 2000 the Allies successfully beat Johor and seize 2500 weapons of war.
1626 Mataram under Sultan Agung send troops to attack Batavia fleets and governments along the coast north of Batavia Java offenses to failure because terkurasnya supply. In addition, the failure was due to the concentration terpecahnya team on the attack and return to earth hanguskan government in the north shore of Java.
Banten 1627 Batavia with 500 soldiers attacked the Dutch team is equipped with large cannon successfully crippling attacks Banten teams.
1629 Mataram attacks Batavia Despite returning Sultan Agung was established barn, granary, but the Dutch successfully find and burn Lumbung existence. This weakened the forces of Mataram. Further attacks from the Nam still has not worked because the Dutch team to add strength,
1811 British Fleet under the command of the Dutch fleet attacked Lord Minto United Kingdom has weapons of war on land and sea more easily complete until the team successfully defeated the Dutch in Batavia and Batavia finally fell to the British
Bogor Botanical Gardens
Bogor Botanical Gardens boasts over 400 species of palm trees, 5,000 trees gathered from around the tropical world, and an orchid house containing 3,000 varieties. Records show that the Bogor Botanical Gardens harbours 3,504 plant species, 1,273 genus in 199 families.
The Gardens are said to have been initiated by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who, between 1811-1816, became Governor General of the East Indies during the interim reign of the British over the archipelago. With the help of botanists from London’s famed Kew Gardens, Raffles first laid out a small garden. However, the Gardens were officially established by the Dutch in 1817 under the directorship of CGC Reinwardt. A memorial to Raffles’ wife still stands in the Gardens.
The Bogor Gardens today function as an ex situ conservation site, a research center for taxonomy and plant utilization. In horticulture the Gardens study adaptation, planting and propagation of plants and develop the science of plant growing.
Bandung Culinary Guide
Sundanese (the people living in West Java are called Sundanese) has tempting refreshments. Sundanese food tends to be bland yet tasty unless you add sambal dadak (chili and other ingredients grinded together) to your food. If you're looking for more spicy taste, just add this sambal dadak with nasi timbel (steamed rice formed into a roll inside a banana leaf) and other specialties. This mouthwatering treat is too good to be missed! Usually sour vegetables soup (sayur asam) is accompanied by nasi timbel.
Sundanese people eat vegetables a lot. Sometimes they even eat raw vegetables (called lalap or lalapan) like cucumbers, tomatoes, coriander leaves, eggplants, cabbages, lettuces, and so on. Lalapan is usually accompanied by sambal dadak.
Probably one of the most well known dish, timbel, consists of nasi timbel, lalapan, sambal dadak, a piece of chicken (fried or roasted Sundanese style), fried beancurd, fried tempeh, a slice of jambal (salted fish). If you want to, you can add gepuk (slices of beef, mixed in traditional herbs, then fried), pepes (main ingredients such as fish, chicken, mushroom, etc. mixed with crushed and blended herbs, folded into a banana leaf, then steamed until they're ready to eat), sauteed greens, and others. Nasi timbel is a favorite among locals and visitors. Batagor baso tahu goreng (literally means, fried meatballs & beancurd) is one of the most well-sought specialty. Made from blended fish and beancurd, with a special peanut sauce, batagor's popularity remains constant.
People with sweet tooth might fancy pisang molen, an Indonesian traditional pastry filled with banana and cheese. For a variation, try brownies kukus (steamed brownies). Es cendol, made of blended/grinded rice, palm sugar, and coconut milk, is delightful on a hot day. While for a colder day, you might want a taste of bandrek or bajigur.
Bandung also offers various milk products most notably, yoghurt. Basically there are two kinds of yoghurt in Bandung the thin one, and the thick one (French style).
Hot snacks ala Bandung are widely sold throughout the city. Among them are gehu-toge tahu- (beancurd with beansprouts and vegetables filling), pisang goreng (fried banana), cireng-aci goreng- (fried tapioca), and many more. You might be interested in trying other snacks such as, nangka goreng (fried jackfruit), peuyeum goreng (fermented cassava, fried), nanas goreng (fried pineapple), and so on. Ketan bakar (roasted sticky rice) and jagung bakar/rebus (roasted/boiled corns) are also recommended.
Nasi goreng (fried rice), although not originally from Bandung, is always the locals' favorite. The ingredients vary, according to people's preference. Sometimes the rice is mixed with seafood (usually shrimps, pieces of cuttlefish, pieces of crab's flesh), chicken and vegetables, mutton and vegetables, salted fish, and so on.
Cakue, a dish made of flour dough then fried, is also worth a try.
Bandung also has other kinds of restaurants, like Padangese (food from West Sumatra, very spicy in taste), Javanese (sweeter in taste), Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Western, Indian, and so on.
Tang Dynasty Ancient Vases Found in Plaosan
This urn was found 34 meters from the temple by a project worker named Siswanto when making irrigation channels in the east. Looking at the color and shading, Chief of the Plaosan Winarto mention urn is a relic of the Tang Dynasty. "We're still going to examine these ancient jars. While this jar we've saved," said Winarto. Estimated temporary, urns used as a container of water.
The discovery of an ancient urn is considered Winarto not remarkable discovery. "Complex Plaosan contain many ancient objects, but unfortunately have not found it because it was covered with houses," he said.
Baliem Valley : Home of the Dani's
Baliem valley is 72 km. long, and 15 km to 31 km wide in places. It is cut by the Baliem river, which has its source in the northern Trikora mountain, cascading into the Grand Valley, to meander down and further rushing south dropping 1,500 meters to become a large muddy river that slowly empties into the Arafura Sea.
The first outsider to discover the valley was American Richard Archbold, who, on 23 June 1938 from his seaplane, suddenly sighted this awesome valley dotted with neat terraced green fields of sweet potatoes, set among craggy mountain peaks. This is Indonesia’s own Shangri-La.
Only recently emerged from the Stone Age, the Dani are known as the “gentle warriors”. With their simple tools of stone and bone, they nonetheless, managed to sculpt green fields that hug the hills, where they grow root crops, and raise pigs. They have also built outposts and lookout towers to defend their valley from hostile tribes.
Because of the fertile soil and their agricultural skills, the Dani together with the sub-tribes of the Yali and the Lani, are, therefore, the most populous in Papua, living scattered in small communities near their gardens among the steep mountain slopes. Today, they also cultivate bananas, taro and yams, ginger, tobacco and cucumbers.
The men's and women's huts (locally called the honai) have thick thatched roofs, which keep the huts cool during the day and warm during the cold nights
Avocado leaves for antihypertensive
Azizahwati Wednesday (15 / 6), presented the Final Report of Research Grant, University of Indonesia (UI) in 2010 at UI, Depok, West Java. He researched pengapsulan avocado leaf extract (Persea americana Mill) with a team from the Department of Pharmacology Faculty of Medicine, UI, ie H Purwaningsih Erni, Endang Hanani, and Sutriyo. They obtained the UI research grants in 2010 amounted to Rp 164.8 million.
According to the Head of Sub-Directorate of Research and Industry Incubator Yasman UI, UI research grant from the Community Fund Programme taken from the operational costs of education (BOP) submitted by each student enrolled. Year 2010 is available grants for 199 research activities.
Categories of activities include initial research, graduate, seeded, and multidisciplinary. Large fund of Rp 40 million (preliminary research) to Rp 175 million (multidisciplinary research). "The principal investigator is required from the UI," said Yasman.
Yasman acknowledged, research is done largely to satisfy the curiosity of the professors or researchers, so the percentage of research results that can be applied to society and industry is still relatively small. However, the team Azizahwati prove they are fairly applied research to provide an alternative packaging and herbal medicinal products.
Antihiperlipidemia Azizahwati say, other than as antihypertensives, avocado leaf capsules has been demonstrated as antihiperlipidemia. Hyperlipidemia is a condition caused by fat content or cholesterol is too high in the blood.
For patients with hypertension, obesity is a hallmark of them. Pump power of heart and circulatory blood volume in obese patients with hypertension will be higher compared with patients who have normal weight.
For those who have hyperlipidemia, dietary fat a major cause. That coupled with a sedentary lifestyle to trigger hyperlipidemia.
Hyperlipidemia is one of the triggers of a heart attack, namely when cholesterol in the blood that precipitate as plaques in blood vessel walls to collapse and clog the blood vessels. Hypertension and hyperlipidemia highest cause of death today.
Azizahwati said the research would dikapsulkan avocado leaves are used as herbal medicinal products phytopharmaca par.
Phytopharmaca be prescribed as medicines made from synthetic chemicals. Process towards phytopharmaca must pass clinical trials in humans.
Azizahwati research is still at the preclinical stage, which is tested in mice (mice). Research results showed that ethanol extract of avocado leaves have antihiperlipidemia effect.
Mice were divided into three groups and given the extract of avocado leaves with each dose of 10 milligrams per kilogram of body weight (mg / kg), 20 mg / kg, and 40 mg / kg. Groups of mice were tested with avocado leaf extract dose of 40 mg / kg gave the best results.
Ethanol extract of avocado leaves are also known to function as an antihypertensive dose of 40 mg / kg. Ability to reduce arterial blood pressure an average of male and female mice at 58 mmHg and 54.5 mmHg.
To be suffering from hyperlipidemia, induced murine yolk or other animal fats into the body. The condition of mice obtained by hypertension induce salt.
Dryers are used for avocado leaves is Avicel PH 101 with a ratio of 1:0,75 and the addition of Aerosil 8.3 percent.
Use of Avicel PH 102 is mentioned as the best formula for having a mass density (bulk density) and flow rate are greatest. The result contains a compressibility index, water content, and destroyed the small time.
Preparation of avocado leaf extract is done by maceration with 70 percent alcohol. Maceration is soaking to remove the active compound in powdered avocado leaves. A total of 300 grams of powder avocado leaves macerated with alcohol 70 percent, until it reaches a yield of 29 percent.
Capsules avocado leaves become standardized herbal medicines are yet to be developed into phytopharmaca. Azizahwati still require further research to human clinical trials.
For ordinary people, avocado leaves can not imagine giving the benefit of lowering blood pressure and high fat content. Hypertension and high cholesterol is a threat of disease that many people whack.
Research Azizahwati managed to open the eyes of all levels of society. The wealth of nature around us is quite significant in providing health benefits.
Cave Regions Sentonorejo Sleman Ready So Attractions

These three sites include caves Japanese relics once used to secure the place of Adi Sucipto airport from sekarangan allies, Candi Abang built with red brick, and Cave Sentonorejo relic of Old Mataram Kingdom. These sites become cultural heritage official government DIY Province since 2008.
Camat Berbah Sleman, Drs. Krido Suprayitno, SE, MSi, explained the purpose of the third opening of this site as a tourist is to preserve the values of historical, archaeological rescue assets, and preserve the environment. Especially for environmental tourism, local government rescue package the concept of the environment in two ways to preserve forests and the conservation area of 20 hectares of primary catchment area for the anticipation of damage due to eruption of Merapi.
Drs. Krido Suprayitno added that the government still will explore cultural sites that may still be undiscovered. It would not add to the cultural sites that originate from outside the region in order to maintain the authenticity of cultural heritage.
Special anymore, the local government has created a ballet of nature that illustrates the importance of preserving nature and culture. Ballet will be offered to visitors in order to make their way home from the region could be a cadre of environmental rescue in the area. Later, this ballet will be an icon District Berbah serious attention to environmental issues.
This tourist region officially launched in 2012. Even so, residents are allowed to visit
Acts of lawless Children on the Beach Elegant
Her mother is old and faithfully waited for the child's home was forced to swallow bitter truth. On behalf of the prestige, the boy did not recognize his own mother. Sad and disappointed, the mother also condemned the rebellious son. The ship carrying the child and his wife hit by the storm. Becomes a real curse. The boy turned to stone.
Malin Kundang folklore of Minang realm is so popular in Indonesia. The story was not only known by the Minang people. But also any children of various races is so familiar figure Malin Kundang. A story with the local wisdom that teaches the importance of filial piety to parents of a child.
Stone allegedly touted as Malin Kundang you can find at Sweet Water Beach, Padang, West Sumatra. To reach this location, you have to travel overland for about 30 minutes through a winding road and uphill.
At Sweet Water Beach, you'll see a stone shaped like a middle man face down. This stone is touted as Malin Kundang. Some other stones that littered the surrounding debris believed to be carrying shipwreck Malin Kundang. At high tide, the waves would wash the rocks. That said, the waves crashing the rocks that produce a sound like wailing. Like a sad melancholy regret Malin Kundang.
Sweet Water Beach famous not just because the story of Malin Kundang. Panorama sunset at the beach is pretty incredible. In sunny weather, the orange ball touches the horizon the sun slowly go down. In addition, consistent waves always appear, making the Sweet Water Beach a favorite place to surf. Moreover, the waves are not too high so it is suitable for beginners.
Dark brown sand tend to any other uniqueness. The beach is so broad and flat. Walking on the beach is like walking on the terrain. Width of about two hundred yards at a time when the water receded. About five hundred yards from the stone Malin Kundang to the west, there is Banana Island. No humans who inhabit the small islands.
Actually do not deserve to call as an island. Because, Banana Island and Sweet Water Beach are connected together. In times of low tide, you can walk to Banana Island. Well, in at high tide, the small area was separate from the Sweet Water Beach so it was like an island. Wild monkeys that inhabit the island yet docile. Hold a picnic while eating guava grow in the island becomes exciting activities.
"But be careful if the tide, will not be home. Because water is so high," Doan who works as a driver as well as guides from Padang warned.
Picnics, surfing, swimming, to camping. Various activities can dilakukanj by tourists when visiting Sweet Water Beach. Therefore, this beach is also a favorite of the tourists when visiting the city of Padang. But still the main attraction for domestic tourists is the story of the prodigal son who has inherited down through the bedtime stories every Indonesian children.

Sangiran, Complex Fossil "Eternal"
Kidang (roe) Cave High-Tech
It appears from the working techniques of tool making and variation of types of tools. From the findings of existing dwelling caves in Java generally only have a simple reply workmanship techniques, in the form of a crescent-shaped drawstring. "However, the findings of the Cave deer showed a much more complicated techniques and produce tools and jewelry are more varied," said Asikin Nurani Indah, an archaeologist involved in the study. He also confirmed that the technology is fairly high for the equipment are made of shells and bones.
In addition to tech tools that are higher than the other cave, Cave dwellers deer, thought to have lived more than 10 thousand years ago, is also known to have treated the corpses in the ritual, as sowing mussel-shell clams, red limestone, and the grave which is always facing southeast.
Cave Dwellers roe also recognize the grave with the provision he found fragments of animal bones near human bones.
The discovery of the Cave deer shows that the cave in the village of Tinapan, kecapatam Todanan, Blora was a cave inhabited by intensively for a long time in the prehistoric period. "Activity in the Cave of deer include the manufacture of everyday appliances from shells, bones, and some tools from stone red Rija," wrote Beautiful Asikin Arkeologijawa.com Conscience on the website.
Lambangan Pauno, Banggai City Tour Favorites
Besides the beauty of its white sand beaches and the charming panorama alan, a location not too far from the city, only around 10 kilometers to make this location frequented by tourists and local people who want to vacation.
Sightseeing is a coastal swim often used as a location for visitors, including in the Village area Kendek Sub Banggai Banggai Islands, this beach has a length of approximately 200 meters with a clean white sand.
Rocks, steep cliffs and trees and palm trees ketapan was as a guardrail on the left end of the beach is right, which increasingly makes the atmosphere more beautiful beaches, the surf beach seemed endless while chasing menghempas when the tide.
One uniqueness of this beach is in a particular season of sea water eroding sand-sand beach and left behind only the black rocks. While in other seasons rocks were covered again by a white sand beach at low tide is like a large field sloping stretches.
Tour de Singkarak 2011 Officially Opens
Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Dirjen Pemasaran Kembudpar, Sapta Nirwandar menuturkan TdS merupakan gabungan pariwisata dan olahraga. Sehingga, lanjutnya, setiap atlet akan mendapatkan sesuatu yang unika. Menurutnya, setiap atlet disuguhkan aneka budaya, kuliner, sampai alam Sumbar.
"Sekarang Tour de Singkarak telah mendapatkan sambutan hangat dalam dan luar negeri. Tour de Singkarak sudah masuk dalam kalender Union Cycliste Internationale. Tour de Singkarak sudah masuk kalender internasional," katanya.
Sementara itu, Etape I melombakan jarak total 61 km dalam 5 putaran dan melibatkan seluruh peserta Tour de Singkarak 2011 dari 13 tim internasional dari 17 negara dan 11 tim nasional. Etape I akan bermula di Taman Budaya di Jalan Samudera, melintasi Jl. Hayam Wuruk, Jl. Diponegoro, Jl. Damar, Jl. Sudirman, Jl. Veteran dan kembali ke Taman Budaya sebagai titik akhir lomba. Ferinanto dari United Bike Kencana, Malang, keluar sebagai pemenang pertama etape ini. Pemenang kedua Chan Jae Jang dari Trengganu Pro-Asia Cycling Team, Malaysia. Sedangkan pemenang ketiga adalah Projo Waseso dari United Bike Kencana, Malang.
Selain Menbudpar, bertindak selaku pembuka TdS adalah Gubernur Sumatera Barat Irwan Prayitno, Dirjen Pemasaran Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata RI Sapta Nirwandar, Ketua PB ISSI Phanny Tanjung. Turut hadir pula Wakil Gubernur Sumatera Barat Muslim Kasim, Walikota Padang Fauzi Bahar, tokoh masyarakat Minang Azwar Anas dan Kapolda Sumatera Barat Brigjen Pol Wahyu Indra Pramugari.
TdS berlangsung 6-12 Juni 2011 di 12 kabupaten dan kota di Sumatera Barat. Peserta yang berpartisipasi berjumlah 13 tim internasional dan 11 tim nasional. Total negara yang ikut serta adalah 17 negara. TdS 2011 akan melombakan 7 etape dengan jarak total 739,3 km.
Kabupaten dan kota yang terlibat antara lain Pemkot Padang, Kota Pariaman, Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, Kabupaten Agam, Kota Bukittinggi, Kota Sawahlunto, Kabupaten Solok, Kota Solok, Kota Payakumbuh, Kota Padang Panjang, Kabupaten Tanah Datar, dan Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota.
TdS merupakan ajang internasional lomba balap sepeda tahunan yang sudah berlangsung tiga kali. Ajang ini sudah menjadi agenda resmi tahunan Organisasi Balap Sepeda Dunia (Union Cycliste Internationale) bekerja sama dengan Pengurus Besar Ikatan Sport Sepeda Indonesia (PB ISSI), pemerintah daerah, dan Kementrian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata. Untuk mengetahui informasi mengenai lomba balap sepeda ini follow twitter TdS di @tourdesingkarak.
Golok Betok Tribe Betawi Heritage

As an heirloom weapons, the existence of an early phase Dagger Betok origins of weapons in the history of the archipelago. In fact, before the typical weapon of West Java, there cleaver, machete Betok existing concept first. However, because the Kingdom of Padjadjaran begged the professor to be made as soon as a weapon named cleaver, making Machete Betok be delayed.
If seen from the shape Dagger Betok not much different with machete machete general. Only this machete terihat fat and a little shorter / bantet. Dagger is made of black steel with black wooden handle, too. It may also be shaped like a fish betok.